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Procotols vs. Treaties: according to the United Nations ref. guide

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  • Procotols vs. Treaties: according to the United Nations ref. guide

    Definition of key terms used in the UN Treaty Collection sp

    What are Protocols:

    The term "protocol" is used for agreements less formal than those
    entitled "treaty" or "convention". The term could be used to cover the
    following kinds of instruments:

    (a) A Protocol of Signature is an instrument subsidiary to a treaty,
    and drawn up by the same parties. Such a Protocol deals with ancillary
    matters such as the interpretation of particular clauses of the
    treaty, those formal clauses not inserted in the treaty, or the
    regulation of technical matters. Ratification of the treaty will
    normally ipso facto involve ratification of such a Protocol.

    (b) An Optional Protocol to a Treaty is an instrument that establishes
    additional rights and obligations to a treaty. It is usually adopted
    on the same day, but is of independent character and subject to
    independent ratification. Such protocols enable certain parties of the
    treaty to establish among themselves a framework of obligations which
    reach further than the general treaty and to which not all parties of
    the general treaty consent, creating a "two-tier system". The Optional
    Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
    of 1966 is a well-known example.

    (c) A Protocol based on a Framework Treaty is an instrument with
    specific substantive obligations that implements the general
    objectives of a previous framework or umbrella convention. Such
    protocols ensure a more simplified and accelerated treaty-making
    process and have been used particularly in the field of international
    environmental law. An example is the 1987 Montreal Protocol on
    Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer adopted on the basis of Arts.2
    and 8 of the 1985 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone

    (d) A Protocol to amend is an instrument that contains provisions that
    amend one or various former treaties, such as the Protocol of 1946
    amending the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols on Narcotic Drugs.

    (e) A Protocol as a supplementary treaty is an instrument which
    contains supplementary provisions to a previous treaty, e.g. the 1967
    Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees to the 1951 Convention
    relating to the Status of Refugees.

    (f) A Proces-Verbal is an instrument that contains a record of certain
    understandings arrived at by the contracting parties.

    What are Treaties:

    The term "treaty" can be used as a common generic term or as a
    particular term which indicates an instrument with certain

    (a) Treaty as a generic term: The term "treaty" has regularly been
    used as a generic term embracing all instruments binding at
    international law concluded between international entities, regardless
    of their formal designation. Both the 1969 Vienna Convention and the
    1986 Vienna Convention confirm this generic use of the term
    "treaty". The 1969 Vienna Convention defines a treaty as "an
    international agreement concluded between States in written form and
    governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument
    or in two or more related instruments and whatever its particular
    designation". The 1986 Vienna Convention extends the definition of
    treaties to include international agreements involving international
    organizations as parties. In order to speak of a "treaty" in the
    generic sense, an instrument has to meet various criteria. First of
    all, it has to be a binding instrument, which means that the
    contracting parties intended to create legal rights and
    duties. Secondly, the instrument must be concluded by states or
    international organizations with treaty-making power. Thirdly, it has
    to be governed by international law. Finally the engagement has to be
    in writing. Even before the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of
    Treaties, the word "treaty" in its generic sense had been generally
    reserved for engagements concluded in written form.

    (b) Treaty as a specific term: There are no consistent rules when
    state practice employs the terms "treaty" as a title for an
    international instrument. Usually the term "treaty" is reserved for
    matters of some gravity that require more solemn agreements. Their
    signatures are usually sealed and they normally require
    ratification. Typical examples of international instruments designated
    as "treaties" are Peace Treaties, Border Treaties, Delimitation
    Treaties, Extradition Treaties and Treaties of Friendship, Commerce
    and Cooperation. The use of the term "treaty" for international
    instruments has considerably declined in the last decades in favor of
    other terms.