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Iran May Seek Compensation For World War II Damages

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  • Iran May Seek Compensation For World War II Damages


    22.12.2009 15:20 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Iran's president says he will soon write to the UN
    Secretary-General asking for his country to be compensated for World
    War II damages.

    "We will seek compensation for World War II damages. I have assigned
    a team to calculate the costs," Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said at a Friday
    press conference in the Danish capital.

    "I will write a letter to the UN Secretary-General [Ban Ki-moon]
    asking for Iran to be compensated for the damages," he added, pointing
    out that such a move was necessary to ensure that justice was served.

    Ahmadinejad told the reporters the countries that won the Second
    World War had inflicted a lot of damage on Iran by invading the
    country and using its resources.

    The president added that while the former Soviet Union, the United
    States and Britain received compensation after the conflict, Iran had
    been given nothing to make up for the suffering its people had endured.

    "During this period, the Iranian people were subjected to a great
    deal of pressure and the country suffered a great deal of damages
    but Iran was not paid any compensation," Ahmadinejad explained.

    At the start of World War II, Iran declared its neutrality, but the
    country was soon invaded by both Britain and the Soviet Union on
    August 26, 1941 in Operation Countenance.

    Iran's refusal to give into Allied demands and expel all German
    nationals from the country was the excuse they needed to occupy the
    country. Within months of the invasion Iran became known as "The
    Bridge of Victory" to the Allies.

    When invading the Soviet Union in 1941, the Allies urgently needed
    to transport war materiel across Iran to the Soviet Union.

    The effects of the war, however, were very catastrophic for Iran. Food
    and other essential items were scarce and severe inflation imposed
    great hardship on the lower and middle classes as the needs of foreign
    troops were prioritized.

    "Not only was Iran deprived of any compensation for World War II,
    but 10 years later, the Americans even went as far as arranging a coup
    to reverse a popular uprising that had led to the nationalization of
    oil," said Ahmadinejad.

    In 1953, Washington orchestrated a coup against the popular and
    democratically-elected Iranian prime minister of the time, Mohammad
    Mosaddeq, whose efforts led to the nationalization of the country's
    oil industry.

    Almost half a century later, former US Secretary of State Madeleine
    Albright acknowledged the pivotal role that the US played in the coup,
    coming closer than any other American diplomat to apologizing for
    the intervention.

    "The Eisenhower administration believed its actions were justified
    for strategic reasons... But the coup was clearly a setback for
    Iran's political development. And it is easy to see now why many
    Iranians continue to resent this intervention by America," she said
    in March 2000.

    Ahmadinejad, who had traveled to Copenhagen to take part in the Climate
    Change Summit, returned to Iran on Saturday morning, PRESS TV reported.