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Serzh Sargsyan: Coming Year A Year Of Hard Work

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  • Serzh Sargsyan: Coming Year A Year Of Hard Work

    Dec 22 2009

    The past year has been a hard one with numerous problems for the
    Armenian economy, RA President Serzh Sargsyan stated at his meeting
    with Armenian businessmen.

    According to him, each businessman had to deal with the crisis-caused
    unfavorable conditions, consider the human factor and realize their
    social responsibility to employees and their families. "I know the
    decision you made did not meet the classical rules of business.

    Decisions were often made in the interests of your employees, not
    for business development, the aim being to avoid staff reduction to
    the highest extent possible," the Armenian leader said.

    President Sargsyan pointed out that cooperation with the Government
    prevented the worst, namely, social shocks. "Looking back on the past
    year and dwelling on the behavior of each of the businessmen present
    here, one can state with confidence that a business class is being
    formed in Armenia aimed at creating a weighty business style rather
    than at getting instantaneous gains. This class is the fundament
    of every economy. Some might think that challenges like these would
    reduce business activity. Yes, we registered an economic decline, but
    not a decline in our search of new ways," Serzh Sargsyan said. The
    Armenian President said that the latest macroeconomic indices allow
    of forecasts of economic prospects.

    The Armenian President stressed that Armenian businessmen have always
    been "keen-witted," and the economic crisis proved to be a test for
    their "keen wit." The Armenian Government repeatedly stated that
    the importers acquainted with the world market should try working as
    exporters and producers. Specific results have been registered this
    year, the Armenian President said. He also pointed out certain progress
    in the banking system's assistance to small and medium businesses.

    Serzh Sargsyan pointed out the need for further cooperation with
    the Armenian Government next year. "All of us are well aware that
    the coming year is a year of hard work. The coming year must become
    a year of revival," the President said. He expressed hope that the
    Government will contribute to this process.

    The Armenian leader wished businessmen success and said that the
    success of each of them is success of the entire economy.