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Armenia's Consul General Comes Face-To-Face With American-Armenians

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  • Armenia's Consul General Comes Face-To-Face With American-Armenians


    Dec 23rd, 2009

    The Semantics of the Turkish-Armenian Protocols Discussed in the Valley

    Armenia's Consul General to LA, Grigor Hovannisyan speaks at a panel
    discussion on the protocols. December 18, 2009

    SHERMAN OAKS, CA- In the florescent-lit Merdinian School Auditorium
    stood the diplomat from Armenia - a seasoned employee of the
    the Republic of Armenia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He stood
    face-to-face with a crowd of some 200 inquisitive Diasporans.

    The diplomat in the spotlight on Thursday, December 17, was the
    Republic of Armenia's Consul General to Los Angeles, the Honorable
    Grigor Hovhannisyan - scholar, political tactician, seasoned strategic
    communicator, Fletcher Graduate, and former United Nations employee
    in foreign lands like Lebanon, Israel, and the African Congo.

    Standing under the shadows of photographs of Armenian heroes and
    cultural icons, Hovhannisyan was asked to explain his employer's
    position as he was scrutinized and criticized by those gathered.

    As if in an interrogation room, the young diplomat's tall figure cast
    shadows on the faces of those gathered in Sherman Oaks. His job was
    to defend his government's contemptuous intention to push forward
    with the ratification of fence-mending agreements with Turkey -
    agreements that jeopardize the legal claims of the Armenian people
    to their historic homeland occupied by Turkey after its annihilation
    of the territories indigenous Armenian population.

    Clearly, the audience knew this man was not the government of Armenia,
    but only the messenger of Armenia's Foreign Ministry. Though they
    knew to differentiate between the message and messenger, the febrile
    crowd - including members of the Armenian Youth Federation- was there
    to see how Armenia would explain itself and how it would explain the
    proposed Armenia-Turkey Protocols.

    Asking the questions were both young and old, US-natives, and
    emigrants from the Homeland, all interested in the real answers,
    the justifications, and the explanation of why Armenia was lurking
    in the dangerous waters of irrational diplomacy. The Consul General
    said he would try to explain the Protocols from the point-of-view of
    his government.


    The meeting of the minds and attempt at dialogue was organized by the
    ARPA Institute, which promotes cooperation and understanding between
    the United States and Republic of Armenia through analysis, research,
    and outreach in education, economics, policy, health, and technology.

    The 15 members of ARPA's Board of Directors had reached out to the
    Consul General and leading experts on the Protocols to ask them to
    shed some light on these complex set of bylaws that are set to rule
    dialogue between Armenia and Turkey and normalize relations between
    the two nations.

    The panel organized by ARPA was moderated by Dr. Richard Hovannisian,
    UCLA Professor Emeritus of Modern Armenian History. Joining Prof.

    Hovannisian and Consul General Hovhannisyan were Dr. Razmig Shirinian,
    a political science professor at College of the Canyons and the
    University of Laverne, and Dr. Joseph Kechichian, a former UCLA
    lecturer and RAND Corporation analyst, and current CEO of the Middle
    East Policy Council.

    Words exchanged during the town hall meeting were pregnant with reasons
    and camouflage as this was the first time an official representative of
    the Republic of Armenia had come face-to-face with the public-at-large
    to defend the beleaguered documents.


    The Consul General spoke briefly about the history of the protocols,
    their relevance to Armenia's short-term and long-term future, as well
    as the "rift" or estrangement between the Diaspora and the Armenian

    "We have to understand that the protocols came as a total surprise
    not only to the Diaspora, but to everyone, including Armenians in
    Armenia," said Consul General Hovhannisyan. "Negotiations of that type
    and caliber do normally take place in an atmosphere of utmost secrecy.

    Only very few people are involved in those things."

    Some attending the meeting said the Consul General was both defensive
    and anxious throughout the night. This was the first meeting in
    Southern California between a representative of Armenia and the public
    after the much-publicized visit by President Serge Sarkisian before
    the protocols were signed by Armenia and Turkey under the watchful
    eyes of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

    Vache Thomassian from the AYF asks Hovannisyan to explain the lack
    of dialogue between the Armenian Government and its people.

    "I was in Yerevan in a meeting with the diplomatic corps when the
    Foreign Minister revealed the protocols," said the Consul General,
    explaining how he had come to find out about the document. "When I
    got back to Los Angeles, I did not have enough of a background on
    these negotiations and the issues on the table."

    Hovhannisyan told those gathered that the Republic's first
    administration had kept dialogue with Turkey a secret. He said it
    wasn't until the current administration that the public was informed
    about the diplomatic dialogue. He said revelation of the document was
    an 'eye opening' experience to him and his colleagues, and they had not
    been prepared to address questions by friends and local Armenians about
    the Kars Treaty and the recognition of Armenia's and Turkey's borders.

    "I was unprepared, which is no credit to our diplomatic service,"
    said the Consul General very frankly. "But this is how it works,
    especially when we're talking about top secret negotiations."

    The Consul General reiterated what Pres. Sarkisian has stated
    repeatedly and offered no new justifications or explanations about
    the protocols. Hovhannisyan also reiterated the President's claims
    that the Protocols were indeed initiated by Armenian and included
    many conditions that the Armenian government put on the table.

    Speaking about the process since the revelation of the Protocols,
    the Consul General said public policy must be debated openly in a
    civil society, and no one can argue against the dialogues taking
    place throughout the Diaspora.

    "The Diaspora is part of global Armenian civil society," said
    Hovhannisyan. "We should think of ways on how to make that happen."


    Many of those attending the town hall meeting at the Merdinian
    School asked about why the plans for the Protocols and the so-called
    "Roadmap" to normalize ties between Armenian and Turkey were unveil
    on April 22nd.

    "It was really unfortunate that the Roadmap coincided with the
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide," answered the Consul General. He
    also said the Armenian government is organizing an inter-ministerial
    committee that will organize a large international, global event
    dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Genocide.

    Hovhannisyan also negated fear that the validity of the Armenian
    Genocide would be questions as part of the proposed Historical
    Commission. He said the commission was not designed to debate the
    vitality of the Armenian Genocide but to settle the consequences and
    property claims. He also reiterated that the Protocols are in no way
    related to the resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh's status, contradicting
    comments being made by many Turkish and Azeri officials.

    Levon Abrahamian of the AYF asked the Consul General why is the
    Republic of Armenia continuing the ratification process of a dangerous
    agreement when the Protocols would prohibit Yerevan from securing
    Karabakh's self-determination.

    Hovannisyan passed the question on to Dr. Kechichian, who affirmed
    to those attending that the Protocols, as they are written, will bar
    Armenia from "interfering" in the affairs of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic, which is considered by Turkey as the territory of Azerbaijan.

    "These are legal terms," said the Dr. Kechichian. "All bilateral
    agreements are international agreements in one way or another,
    so let's leave it to the experts who know the difference between
    international and bilateral agreements."

    Hovhannisyan was also asked to speak about economic benefits of the
    Protocols. He said that Turkey would not benefit as much as Armenia
    economically, because of Armenia's market is small and has a lot of
    room to grow and prosper.

    He justified the protocols for "more predictable and better" trade
    routes, and Turkey becoming an easier access way to Europe for both
    importing and exporting Armenian products to Europe.

    "Unfortunately the economy is not run by Nobel laureates in Economics,
    but by the politicians," said the Consul General. "Economic theory
    says for a country like ours, open borders and zero tariffs is the
    way to go."

    Dr. Shirinian chimed in about the Consul's statement on economic
    benefits and explained that Turkey is a powerful, dynamic economy
    with a powerful private sector.

    "Turkey's private sector will collide with the centralized oligarchic
    economy in Armenia, and that will be damaging to Armenia," said Dr.

    Shirinian. "Turks are intelligent about this. They are smart about
    this. I think, eventually, they will empower the oligarchs and
    oligarchic economy in Armenia, because that will diminish and further
    weaken the private sector in Armenia, which is almost non-existent."

    Professor Richard Hovannisian said the opposite may be true in
    Armenia's case, noting information he learned from an Indian student
    in an undergraduate seminar at UCLA.

    "His thesis was - and I don't know if I agree with it-but its an
    interesting one," said Dr. Hovannisian. "His view is that opening
    the borders is a good thing, because it will destroy the oligarchs
    and may destroy the Armenian economy in part. But, it will force
    the Armenians to become competitive and to create kinds of exports,
    intellectual export, because Armenia will never compete in crude
    production and other kinds of production. But it can compete in
    intellectual production."

    Dr. Hovannisian's student explained his theory by using India's
    example, where India stopped protective tarrifs and went into the
    high-tech industry, which brought India out of an economic doldrums.

    "I don't know if that comparison can be made for Armenia or not,"
    said Dr. Hovannisian. "Again, my Indian student says the following:
    'Don't worry so much about the Protocols. When and if you have the
    strength, you can tear up any protocol.'"


    Too little, too late, was the message from many who attended the ARPA
    town hall and heard Hovhannisyan.

    "Much of the frustration and confusion about the Protocols could have
    been avoided if there was dialogue between the Armenian government and
    the Diasporan public before the actual drafting of the Protocols,"
    said Arek Santikian, Chairman of the AYF. "Even though the Consul
    General finally did show up to speak to the community, it is too
    little too late at this stage of this very emotional issue."

    Santikian and other members of the AYF said the Consul General became
    overtly defensive when he was questioned about the fate of the Republic
    of Nagorno-Karabakh when and if the Protocols are ratified.

    "The Consul General immediately said he would grab a gun and fight to
    protect Karabakh," recalled Santikian. "Whether or not that statement
    is true doesn't matter, because the question asked was 'why is Armenian
    moving toward ratification of the Protocols when Turkey is insisting
    that resolution of the Kharabakh conflict is tied to the passing of
    the Protocols.' Unfortunately, this question, along with many more,
    the Consul General did not answered."

    Santikian said he was also appalled when he heard the Dr. Kechichian
    repeatedly tell those gathered that the Diaspora needs to "leave it
    to the experts" and to "relax, and calm down." These statements were
    made according to Santikian several times when panelists brought up the
    fact that the Protocols had made Diasporans very tense and emotional.

    "Dr. Kechichian is correct in stating that decisions should not
    be made during high emotions," said Santikian, "but he is wrong
    to tell the community to 'leave it to the experts' or to 'relax,
    and calm down.' The Protocols have become a very emotional topic
    and will continue to be. The topic of the Protocols has turned into
    this decade's 'Karabakh' and removing emotions from its discussion
    is not realistic."

    Santikian said Dr. Kechichian's comments about emotion were no doubt
    out of line and disrespectful to the community that came out to hear
    what the diplomat and dignified experts in academia had to say about
    the Protocols.

    "We welcome the fact the that the Consul General finally decided
    speak to the public about something as important as the protocols,"
    reiterated AYF Chairman Santikian. "But we are still very much
    concerned over his refusal to actually answer any of the community's
    questions or to address their concerns directly."

    Santikian says the Consul General left the audience unconvinced of his
    government's purported altruistic intentions for signing the protocols.

    "Mr. Hovhannisyan seemed very uneasy and contemptuous throughout the
    event and was very much on the defensive with his answers," Santikian
    explained. "I would have liked to see him actually answer the questions
    that came from the youth rather than working his way around them."


    Lecturer Dr. Razmig Shirinian, who holds a PhD from the University
    of Southern California, spoke clearly against the Protocols, saying
    that they would harm Armenia. Dr. Shirinian offered those gathered at
    the Merdinian School a theoretical explanation as to the geopolitical
    effects of the Protocols. He explained Turkey's powerful role within
    the entire region and how Turkey is using its role to its advantage
    to push its overall agenda with the Protocols.

    The College of the Canyons and University of La Verne professor also
    shed light on Armenia's lack of political maturity. Dr. Shirinian
    pointed out that Armenia's approach to the Protocols as
    chrono-political, meaning seeing the documents through the lens of
    the nation's past.

    "Turkish geopolitics forgets about the past and stays with the
    present," explained Dr. Shirinian. "This is what essentially what
    Turkey is pushing for. Turkish political norms involves three aspects
    that Turkey has employed since 1988. Notice the date, ex1988, the
    beginning of the Karabakh Liberation Movement."

    The three aspects of Turkey's political norm, according to Dr.

    Shirinian, are for Turkey to have zero problems with others nations,
    to normalize relations with others in the region, and to have security
    relations with neighbors. These aspects were designed to ensure that
    Turkey maintains its powerful role in international politics.

    Dr. Shirinian said Armenia needs to have "think-tanks" much like
    Turkey has. He said organizations like this can greatly help Armenia
    with strategic planning when it comes to economic, political, and
    social issues within the country.

    Also speaking was political analyst Dr. Joseph Kechichian, who said it
    was too late for Armenian to turn around and pull out of the proposed
    Protocols. He said ending the process would hurt Armenia in the end.

    The former UCLA lecturer also spoke of the need to define the Armenian
    Diaspora's role within the Armenian Nation, both presently and in the
    future. He stated that the Armenian government should have consulted
    the Armenian Diaspora before drafting the Protocols. Had the Diaspora
    been consulted, said Dr. Kechichian, there would not have been room
    of misunderstandings and consultations would have shown the world
    the unity within the Armenian nation.

    Dr. Kechichian also talked about the international laws as they pertain
    to the Protocols. He clarified the difference between "treaties" and
    "protocols" by saying that the Armenian government can pull back from
    the Protocols whenever it wants, as long as the Republic of Armenia
    does not sign a treaty. Dr. Kechichian explained that a treaty binds
    each signatory country under international law, and that signatories
    must abide by them or face severe consequences.

    "These Protocols will lead to treaties down the line," said Dr.

    Kechichian. "My warning is whether or not this [Armenian] government
    or a future government, 50 years down the line, will continue on
    these bilateral agreements, these agreements will become international
    treaties, because every single bilateral treaty by definition becomes
    an international agreement. We must be able to make sure that if the
    government of Armenia signs any particular treaty, it is aware of
    the consequences of any or all preconditions."

    Asked when the government is going to ratify the Protocols, Consul
    General Hovhannisyan said Armenia's Constitutional Court is currently
    checking the Protocols' validity.

    "Our president has made a statement recently that has instructed our
    Ministry of Justice to propose a legislative package that would go to
    our Parliament in case Turkey is procrastinating," said Hovhannisyan.

    "The Armenian Government would use use legal leverage as to counter
    Turkey's procrastination."