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Azerbaijan Has Neither Political Nor Economic Resources To Unleash W

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  • Azerbaijan Has Neither Political Nor Economic Resources To Unleash W


    2009-12-23 21:54:00

    ArmInfo's exclusive interview with Yevgenia Voyko, the leading expert
    in foreign policy, the Russian Center for Political Conjuncture

    Ms. Voyko, what is your assessment of the passing year? Was it
    successful from the viewpoint of the Karabakh peace process? Can
    we hope for breakthrough in that process considering activation of
    meetings at the top level in 2009?

    I'd characterize the situation in the conflict region as stagnating.

    Apparently, all the participants in the negotiation process have a
    similar approach i.e. the scenario "leave everything as it is" would be
    the optimal one today. First of all, settling the territorial conflict
    between Azerbaijan and Armenia in a diplomatic way was not a success,
    apparently, since any decision a priori will meet the interests of
    one party and infringe the interests of the other.

    Second, this discredits the West for its inability to stop the .

    Third, one should highlight the efforts by the OSCE MG, the activity
    of which brings quite invisible results. The Minsk Group offers
    taking the renewed Madrid Principles as a basis. These principles
    envisage liberation of the Armenian territories and free expression
    of will as regards the Nagorno Karabakh status, which is unacceptable
    for Yerevan and cannot be a subject for discussion. However, the
    negotiation efforts and the shuttle diplomacy of the Group do not
    take into account the internal political and social conditions in
    Armenia and Azerbaijan, namely, the permanent tension and conflict
    which cannot be liquidated with one peaceful agreement.

    As for the breakthrough, we are not likely to reach it in the Nagorny
    Karabakh conflict settlement in the mid-term outlook, taking into
    account the intended delay of ratification of the Armenian-Turkish
    Protocols by the Turkish party. Linking the ratification of the
    protocols with settlement of the Karabakh conflict and insisting on
    the territorial compromises in favor of Azerbaijan, Ankara is trying
    to keep aloof from the Armenian genocide issue. Practically it means
    that Turkey is expressing not so much its position but the position
    of the "brotherly" Azerbaijan, the economical relations with which
    are progressing, whereas closing of the border to Armenia gave Ankara
    no privileges or losses in the trade and economic sense. At present
    Erdogan's leading party has found itself also because of the domestic
    political circumstances. Therefore, to make compromises to Armenia
    (i.e. to ratify the Protocols without mentioning the Karabakh conflict)
    would mean to face serious electoral risks. For this reason, Turkey
    will probably ratify the Protocols only in case of the territorial
    compromises in favor of Azerbaijan. Thus, it turns out that the
    initiative has been directly or indirectly given to Armenia, and it
    remains for the leadership of Armenia to make practical steps.

    Immediately before the Munich meeting of the two leaders, Ilham Aliyev
    reiterated that Azerbaijan is ready to settle the conflict by force.

    Do you think that the military actions in the region may be resumed?

    Would Azerbaijan risk unleashing a new war despite the big dangers
    it may face in case of the new aggression against the NKR?

    I watch Ilham Aliyev's statements on possible resumption of military
    actions only in the context of nervousness of the Azerbaijani
    leadership because of the serious change in distribution of political
    forces in the South Caucasus. Naturally, the initiated rapprochement
    of Armenia and Turkey causes negative and quite harsh reaction
    of the Azerbaijani leadership, which is scared of split in the
    so-called Pan-Turkish informal bloc. It is no secret that for Turkey
    normalization of relations with Armenia is a part of the tactical plan
    on neutralization of the activity of Armenian leadership in the matter
    of consolidation of the pool of the countries which have recognized the
    Armenian genocide. The economical expediency in opening of the border
    has practically no part for Turkey. For this reason, just aspiration
    of Ankara to reduce for itself the sharpness of the ethnic problem
    on the international agenda is the key moment for Turkey.

    Azerbaijan perceives such a step by Turkey and not-regional players
    (for instance, the USA) as a serious concession. This made Ilham
    Aliyev to voice such an emotional statement. Nevertheless, at present
    Azerbaijan has neither the political resources nor the economic ones
    to unleash military actions in Karabakh. First, Azerbaijan will not
    enlist wide international support like it happened in Georgia in
    August 2008. Then, despite Tbilisi's efforts, the West rendered no
    large-scale assistance, which seriously damaged both the reputation
    and the geopolitical weight of Georgia in the world. Azerbaijan will
    have to rely on the international aid at least because the military
    potential and the fighting spirit of the Armenians considerably
    exceeds the Azerbaijanis. It is noteworthy that Armenia has a right
    to rely on the military assistance of its partners under the CSTO.

    Second, resumption of the military actions will damage Azerbaijan's
    reputation as an energy regional power and will make the projects
    implemented there with the support of the USA and the EU less
    attractive. Maintenance and development of its energy positions in the
    Eurasian region is a tangible restriction for Ilham Aliyev's sharp
    maneuvers. In addition, military actions will lead to recognition
    of the NKR by Armenia, which will deprive Azerbaijan of all the
    opportunities to settle the problem in a diplomatic way.

    How can Armenian-Turkish normalization affect the Karabakh peace

    The removal of Turkey's claims for Nagorny Karabakh on paper doesn't
    absolutely hold from making these claims in public rhetoric. The
    Armenian-Turkish rapprochement changes Ankara's position on the
    issue of a number of the NKR territories that "should be returned to
    Azerbaijan" as the Turkish leadership thinks. Such presentation of the
    problem automatically rules out any progress as it implies a demand
    of one party's territorial concession to the other. I do not rule out
    that the emphasis on this component in Turkish rhetoric will be only
    intensified in the course of time as it is important for Ankara to
    demonstrate to Baku that it holds no secret negotiations behind its
    strategic ally. Such an approach would become a safety net for Erdogan
    in case the opposition in the Turkish parliament becomes more active.

    Do you share the opinion that opening of the Armenian-Turkish border
    may weaken Russia's positions in the South Caucasus?

    Yes, I do a little bit. Russia's positions in the South Caucasus
    greatly depend on its friendly relations with Armenia. I do not think
    that the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement will weaken Armenian-Russian
    friendship. Armenia will hardly change the vector of its foreign
    policy but having just two open borders - to Georgia and Iran -
    Yerevan is interested in enlarging its economic ties with external
    players. Armenia has no common border with Russia and is forced to
    develop ties with its neighbors. And Russia can do nothing about it.

    The signing of the protocols between Armenia and NATO member Turkey
    was due mostly to the active mediation of the US Administration,
    which seeks to solve the problem of Iran's nuclear dossier, to enhance
    its role in regional processes and to enlarge the number of loyal
    countries. By fostering the Armenian-Turkish reconciliation, the
    United States seeks not so much to force Russia out of the region as
    to solve the problem of Iran's nuclear dossier. Washington's long-term
    goal is to create a circle of friendly states around Iran.

    Will Russia strive to come closer with Azerbaijan to maintain its
    influence in the region against the background of the Armenia-Turkish
    reconciliation and considering the big gas contract having been
    recently signed by Russia and Azerbaijan?

    Russia has been intensifying the Azerbaijani vector of its foreign
    policy for a long time already and the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement
    did not have a decisive role in this process. Today, Azerbaijan's
    energy policy has two directions: Europe and Russia. With Europe
    Azerbaijan has just verbal agreements and promises while Russia is
    offering specific terms and is ready to buy Azerbaijani gas at the
    market price. Azerbaijan has not yet decided on its participation
    in Nabucco project. I do not share the opinion that Baku has shifted
    its foreign political orientation towards Russia. The key reason why
    Russia and Azerbaijan are intensifying their relations is the energy
    while political issues are just the background.

    What are the goals of the USA, EU and Russia in the Armenian-Turkish
    normalization? Do their interests really coincide?

    The key factor for the USA is consolidation of the pool of possible
    allies along the perimeter of Iran. The Russian-American opposition
    in the fight for influence in the post-Soviet area in general and the
    South Caucasus in particular plays its own part in the Armenian-Turkish
    process. Armenia is traditionally considered to be a pro-Russian
    state in the South Caucasus, and to break this trend is one of the
    tasks of US Administration. However, if enhancing of US positions
    in Afghanistan is carried out directly, the mediator mechanisms,
    in this case Turkey, are attracted in the Caucasus.

    The EU countries in the waterway of the American foreign policy
    (specifically, the Great Britain, partially FRG and Eastern Europe)
    pursue the same goal as the USA. However, they may pursue just
    humanitarian goals, which is characteristic to European political
    elites. Brussels unlike Washington has no evident "own" interest,
    except reduction of tension and the conflict component in the region
    to ensure stability of future supply of energy resources to the EU.

    Russia has no direct interest in the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement
    either. The political and economic ties between Moscow and Yerevan
    were developing and keep on developing without that factor. On the
    other hand, the procedure of signing the Protocols looked like the
    meeting of "senior-junior" partners Russia-Armenia and USA-Turkey.

    Observation of this secret balance of forces required Russia's
    involvement. In addition, it is important for the Russian leadership
    to demonstrate its weight and influence on regional processes and not
    to stay aside of the geopolitical decisions of its counteragents. It
    is interesting that soon after the Protocols were signed in Zurich,
    Turkey approved the South Stream gas pipeline to be laid across
    its territorial waters. Apparently it was a gesture of good will to
    the Russian partners by Turkey in response to Moscow's mediation in
    normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations.

    While in the USA Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan again linked the
    Armenian-Turkish and the Karabakh processes and sharply criticized
    the OSCE MG. Who, do you think, that message was addressed to,
    first of all? Can such a statement slow the Armenian-Turkish process
    considering the official Yerevan's stance on normalization of the
    relations without preconditions?

    The statement by the Turkish prime minister was addressed to the
    leadership of Azerbaijan, first of all. It is important for Erdogan
    to maintain the existing relations with the counteragent for the
    so-called "Pan-Turkish" bloc. Turkey is trying to lead and to preserve
    sustainability of energy contracts with Baku. Ankara and Baku have
    been debating for the price of Azerbaijani gas supplied to Turkey
    (not in favor of Azerbaijan).

    Since the activity of the pro-Kurdish party was banned, the position
    of the ruling Turkish Party of Justice and Development and the prime
    minister may be seriously shattered. Erdogan's public curtsey to Ilham
    Aliyev in the USA was a signal that normalization of relations with
    Armenia is postponed. The Armenian leadership is well aware of that
    as well. Actually, the Armenian party is expected to respond.

    I'd like to brief also on the position of the USA. An aspiration to
    simultaneously preserve Azerbaijan on the orbit of its influence
    and attach dynamics of development of relations with Armenia is a
    serious problem of the American foreign political strategy in the
    South Caucasus. A bright example of that is the recent allocation of
    $8 million by US Congress to Nagorno Karabakh that caused indignation
    of the Azerbaijani authorities. However, the financial assistance was
    hardly provided just to orient Yerevan to the direction which White
    House needs. Apparently, the matter concerns allocation of funds for
    development of the infrastructure potential of the NKR, some other
    humanitarian projects, however, there remains zealous attitude of
    Azerbaijan to such American game: first, active cooperation of the USA
    during signing of the Armenian-Turkish Protocols, now - financial aid
    to the NKR, and afterwards - blackmail of the Turks by the possibility
    of recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

    Such an ambiguous stance risks to discredit the idea of American
    mediation in the South Caucasus region, that already leads to energy
    rapprochement of Turkey and Russia, for example, that is undesirable
    for the USA. The aspiration of Washington to use the Armenian Genocide
    issue as a tool for promotion of its interests in the South Caucasus
    testifies in favor of this stance. Barack Obama's words saying it will
    be difficult for him to hinder recognition of the Armenian Genocide
    in the Congress in case Turkey refuses to ratify the Protocols, are
    of double meaning. It means that in case of ratification of these
    documents by the Turkish Parliament, Obama may avoid the procedure
    of the Genocide recognition in the Congress.

    By Aram Araratyan, ArmInfo.December 18 2009
    From: Baghdasarian