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AMMAN: Prince El Hassan Congratulates Christians in Jordan

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  • AMMAN: Prince El Hassan Congratulates Christians in Jordan

    Jordanian News Agency, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
    December 26, 2009 Saturday 7:50 PM EST

    Prince El Hassan Congratulates Christians in Jordan on the Occasion of

    Amman, Dec. 26 (Petra) -- HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal, on Saturday
    congratulated Christians in Jordan on the occasion of Christmas.

    During his meeting today at the Armenian Orthodox Church with heads of
    churches and representatives of Christian denominations in the
    Kingdom, HRH called for drawing hope through emphasizing common
    religious and human ethics, morals and values; stressing the need to
    have a common position towards religious freedom and the valuable
    meanings which reflect the impact of religion on culture.

    "Let's talk about the enclosure of thought, love and generosity. Let's
    talk about communication in terms of knowledge and love for millions
    of people" the prince said.

    Prince El Hassan pointed out that this region of the world is invited,
    in 2012, to participate in a very important dialogue under the General
    Assembly of the United Nations on the global commons; hoping that
    Arabs become more influential in the introduction of religion and
    culture, and mutual influence between them, into the definition of the
    Millennium Development Goals in its second phase which begins in 2015.

    Prince El Hassan said that we are called upon today to think about the
    future of life, not only in terms of survival; calling for a
    faith-based approach which activates intellectual generosity and the
    social role of various religious and intellectual institutions.

    "We have to revive the enlightment of wisdom and love which started,
    historically, in the Arab region" HRH stressed.

    //Petra// A.SH