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BAKU: Cuba calls on immediate return of Azerbaijan's territories

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  • BAKU: Cuba calls on immediate return of Azerbaijan's territories

    Trend, Azerbaijan
    Dec 26 2009

    Cuba calls on immediate return of Azerbaijan's territories occupied by
    Armenia: ambassador Marcelo Caballero Torres (INTERVIEW)

    Cuba's Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Azerbaijan
    Marcelo Caballero Torres spoke in an interview with Trend News on the
    eve of Liberation Day and the anniversary of the victory of the
    revolution - January 1.

    Azerbaijan, Baku, Dec. 25 / Trend News S. Agayeva /

    Q.: How can you characterize the relations between the two countries.
    What is the potential of their development?

    A.: Cuba is not the only Latin American country represented in
    Azerbaijan. The Brasilian Embassy in Baku has been recently set up. It
    is a sign of developingrelations between Azerbaijan and Latin America.

    How can the relations between our countries be characterized? Since
    the establishment of diplomatic relationsApril 10, 1992, our friendly
    relations become stronger.

    Even in the most difficult 1990 Azerbaijan did not vote against Cuba.
    In 1993, Azerbaijan was the only CIS country, which has supported Cuba
    in the matter of the blockade.

    In September 2006, the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov
    paid an official visit to Cuba. That time a decision was made to
    increase the level of diplomatic representations between our
    countries. In April 2007, the Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan
    to the UN Agshin Mehdiyev has been concurrently accredited as
    ambassador to Cuba. In October 2007, Azerbaijan has appointed
    temporary charge d'affaires in Havana. Cuba established its Embassy in
    Baku. It should be noted that time they became the first diplomatic
    representations for both countries in corresponding regions -
    Azerbaijan's one in Latin America and the Caribbean and Cuba's one in
    the Southern Caucasus. From that moment, the Azerbaijani-Cuban
    relations began to fully develop. The example are the meetings held
    between the governmental delegations and signing of the agreements and
    the projects on cooperation.

    Q.: At what level are the economic ties between the two countries,
    especially the volume of turnover? What spheres have a wide potential
    to expand cooperation?

    A.: With regard to economic relations, there is dissatisfaction with
    the level of these relations from both sides. They are insufficient.
    They do not correspond to the potential of both countries and discord
    with the level of political relations. Turnover between us is poor.
    Much work should be done in this direction. A working mechanism of the
    inter-governmental joint commission on cooperation between the two
    countries has been acting since 2007 to correct this problem. So far,
    we have already held two sessions. We have signed three important
    agreements on cooperation in the fields of culture, tourism and
    sports. Over 10 agreements on cooperation in such fields as energy,
    health, communication and agriculture are under signing.

    Cuba is interested in equipment and machinery produced in Azerbaijan.
    At present, about 70 percent of the equipment used by Cuba in oil
    industry, have been made in Azerbaijan. We are also interested in food
    and agricultural products. Other possible areas of cooperation include
    communication, health, Cuban medicines.

    With regard to the spheres of mutual interest, their number is
    sufficient. The most prospective spheres in our economic relations are
    tourism, oil and gas and information sectors, pharmacology and health
    care, education, sports and other areas. I reiterate that one should
    actively introduce and bring together facilities producing goods and
    services. In this regard, participation in various fairs and economic
    forums can play an invaluable role.

    The third session of the Joint Commission will be held in Havana in
    early March 2010. During the session a new impetus will be given to
    the important economic and trade relations. Days of Azerbaijan's
    Culture in Cuba will be also held within this activity. This fact is
    an example of good bilateral relations between our countries.

    Regarding with modern Azerbaijan-Cuba relations, one can say with
    confidence that they develop successfully. Both countries have
    achieved much for the last years. Cuba knows well about success
    achieved by Azerbaijan in social-economic development, as well as a
    significant role and authority of the country in the foreign policy.
    >From its side, Cuba is a traditionally important country of the
    region. It has great authority among the countries of the so-called
    'third world'. A level of political cooperation between our countries
    is high. Regular meetings and consultations between the foreign
    ministries of both countries are being held. Our countries
    successfully cooperate within different international organizations.
    Azerbaijan supports Cuba's position voting for the resolution
    condemning the U.S embargo towards Cuba. It is seriously affected,
    especially, on ordinary Cuban people.

    Q.: There are two critical topics for our countries, including
    occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia and the U.S embargo towards
    Cuba. Is Havana satisfied with a cooperation level of both countries
    on the international arena to solve these problems?

    A.: We will be glad when two these problems you have mentioned are
    solved. At present, a concrete situation is the following: Cuba
    supports and recognizes Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. It calls
    on immediate return of territories occupied by Armenia and rapid
    solving the Karabakh conflict peacefully within territorial integrity
    of Azerbaijan. Meanwhile, Azerbaijan strictly adheres to its position
    towards economic and financial blockade. The U.S administration has
    been conducting it against our country more than 50 years.

    Q.: Cuban medicine has got the world recognition. What are the plans
    for the development of cooperation with Azerbaijan in this field?

    A.: In 2008, two Cuban medical delegations visited Baku to study the
    market and consider services and products of biotechnology from Cuba.
    Previously, an intensive exchange of information on health systems of
    both countries has been already held. Are there specific results?
    Unfortunately, there are not any results at this moment.

    Q.: January 1 is Liberation Day and the anniversary of the victory of
    the Revolution. Please, tell us about this important date.

    A.: Liberation Day - the anniversary of the victory of the revolution
    of 1959 is celebrated in Cuba on the first of January.

    There are some historical facts:

    March 10, 1952. Early morning commander-in-chief of Batista's Army
    gave a note to the Cuban President Prio Socarras: "This is the end for
    you! I am the government!". It was the beginning of his reign, which
    was marked by a ruthless dictatorship.

    The dictator immediately began to act decisively. He ceased effect of
    the constitution, disbanded the Congress, broke off diplomatic
    relations with the Soviet Union, canceled the presidential elections
    planned for June that year. According to all forecasts, the opposition
    was to win.

    July 26, 1953. The majority of Cubans did not support actions of
    Batista, especially the radically-minded youth. The leader was a
    twenty-five-year-old lawyer, Fidel Castro. In his struggle against the
    dictatorial regime, he was unbending.

    A preparation for the first assault was made about a year. On July 25,
    1953 about 165 patriots in an attempt to seize weapons stormed the
    Moncada military barracks. But forces were unequal.

    The governmental troops exceeded them 15 times. They managed to
    capture many of them. Many participants of the assault were killed.
    Fidel Castro was imprisoned for 15 years, his brother Raul - for 13

    May 12, 1955 - prisoner No 4914, Fidel Castro, leaving the prison,
    told journalists of the newspapers, radio and television: "We will not
    give a single part of our honor for the freedom give to us."

    November 25, 1956. Released rebels settled in Mexico, where they began
    to prepare a new rebellion. "The Movement July 26" was created. Rebels
    bought a relatively small pleasure craft yacht "Granma". On November
    25, 1956 at 2 a.m. this too crowded boat moved from the Mexican port
    of Tuxpan to the shores of Cuba. There were 82 men on board (Ernesto
    Che Guevara was among them, later he became a famous Argentine
    doctor), 90 guns, 3 machine guns and 2 anti-guns.

    Only 22 revolutionaries reached the designated place, including Fidel
    Castro and Che Guevara.

    1957-1959. Castro's popularity was increasing quickly. The local
    population has rendered much aid to the surviving detachment by giving
    them food and informing about the movement of the governmental troops
    in the mountains, giving guides to patriots.

    The fight of insurgents was gradually turned into a struggle of people
    against the military-police regime. "The movement July 26" has become
    a national patriotic organization.

    On December 31, 1959 the dictator organized a New Year reception.
    "They clinked glasses.Batista was theatrical to the last minute. He
    closed the New Year ceremony in his usual manner saying: "Hi! Hello!",
    a witness recalled.

    On the night of January 1, Batista run. A whole line of cars headed
    for the heavily guarded military airfield. There were four aircrafts
    waiting for the dictator and his entourage.

    Speaking at a meeting, Fidel Castro said the triumph of the revolution
    does not mean an immediate solution of all Cuba's problems, as well as
    "what each of us will have now and in future life will be just a
    cakewalk for us. "We only won the right to begin on January 1!, leader
    of the revolution said.