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Yerevan Press Club Weekly Newsletter - 02/05/2009

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  • Yerevan Press Club Weekly Newsletter - 02/05/2009


    JANUARY 30 - FEBRUARY 5, 2009







    On January 31 on "Yerkir Media" TV company another "Press Club" show was
    aired. The cycle is produced under Yerevan Press Club project, supported by
    the Human Rights and Governance Grants Program of Open Society Institute.
    The guests of the TV program host, YPC President Boris Navasardian were the
    head of the Court and Legal Reforms Department of the RA Ministry of Justice
    Arthur Hovhannisian, the head of Civil Society Institute Arman Danielian and
    writer Sergey Galoyan. The discussion subject was the reform of the
    penitentiary system of Armenia.

    The next "Press Club" show will be aired on "Yerkir Media" on Saturday,
    February 7, at 17.40.


    The agenda of the first four-day session of the RA National Assembly
    included the package of amendments to the RA Laws "On Television and Radio",
    "Statutes of the RA National Assembly", "Statutes of the RA National
    Commission on Television and Radio", "On State Duty". Yet the documents
    submitted to the consideration of the parliament, similarly to the previous
    versions of this legislative package, did not address any of such key issues
    of the broadcast sphere as ensuring plurality of the regulatory body,
    transparency of broadcast licensing competitions, distinct criteria for the
    decision-making of the National Commission on Television and Radio in
    licensing process, development of the mechanisms of the regulation of the
    activities of Public TV and Radio Company, the digitalization of
    broadcasting in the context of Armenia's commitments to the Council of
    Europe. It is the need to solve these issues that the journalistic
    associations of the country and international experts have been insisting on
    for many years already. Moreover, the renewed package displays a number of
    other shortcomings as well.

    On February 3 Yerevan Press Club, "Internews" Media Support NGO, the
    Committee to protect Freedom of Expression and the Media Diversity Institute
    Armenia released the following statement:

    "Discussion of the updated package of amendments to broadcast legislation is
    on the agenda of the regular session of National Assembly of Armenia. The
    quality of that document has exceeded our worst expectations: the number of
    lexical, logical and legal lapses has made it useless to subject it to
    detailed analysis especially since our organizations, for the last years,
    have been consistently and constructively responding to all the legislative
    initiatives in the area of the mass media, comprehensively assessing all the
    official legislative drafts and promoting their own suggestions. In
    particular, in December, 2008 Yerevan Press Club and Internews submitted
    their detailed comments on the previous version of that legislative package
    to the relevant parliamentary commission. Virtually, none of our crucial
    remarks were taken into consideration. Instead, new provisions appeared in
    the draft amendments to the RA Law "On Television and Radio", a part of them
    deserving to be called nothing more than "nonsense".

    In November, 2008 representatives of our organizations were invited to
    become members of the working group on media legislation at the Standing
    Commission of NA on Science, Education, Youth issues and Sport. The first
    meeting of the group took place on November 20. On December 19, 2008 the
    National Assembly organized hearings on some aspects of broadcast media
    regulation. However, those undertakings, apparently, were of no benefit. As
    for the new version of the legislative package, NA did not even find it
    necessary to present it to the working group. In that case, why the group
    was formed for at all? Once again, we have to state that various civilized
    forms of legislative process have an exclusively "decorative" function here.
    In such a situation, and taking into consideration the quality of the
    document that was proposed for discussion at the parliamentary session,
    further serious work at that document would mean expressing disrespect to
    our own professional dignity.

    Not going into the details, indicative of the drafters' incompetence and
    negligence, we will take the liberty of pointing at the main methodological
    mistakes (or deliberate tricks?) that have appeared in the updated package,
    in addition to the already-existing ones. To begin with, it is a matter of
    crude substitution of concepts. Since the first day of the adoption of the
    Law "On Television and Radio" in 2000, local experts and representatives of
    international organizations have been talking about the need for legislative
    guarantees of social-political diversity at the Council of Public Television
    and Radio Company. Instead, the drafters suggest professional diversity
    (expert in journalism, expert in broadcasting or telecommunications,
    business or finance manager, etc.) Secondly, the drafters have invented an
    oath for the members of the Council, as well as the National Commission on
    Television and Radio, without devising any real guarantees for the
    independence of those bodies, the necessity of which is being constantly
    talked about. The demand to take an oath of devotion to civil society,
    freedom of information and other lofty principles, in the absence of
    reliable mechanisms contributing to independence, pluralism and
    accountability to the society, only increases the concentration of hypocrisy
    that is already a big problem in our public life. Once again, the two
    above-mentioned crucial shortcomings of the legislative package are but a
    small part of unacceptable provisions and absurdities contained in it.

    In its Resolution 1643 (2009), Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe
    calls upon the authorities of Armenia "to fully implement the forthcoming
    recommendations of the Council of Europe experts" in regard to the
    independence of the media regulatory bodies in the country. We don't know
    about the contents of the latest recommendations of CE experts, although the
    members of the above-mentioned working group, probably, should have been
    notified of them (otherwise, how can they help the specialized commission?)
    However, there is no doubt about the fact that PACE Resolutions 1609 (2008)
    and 1620 (2008), as well as the numerous appeals of the OSCE Representative
    on Freedom of the Media concerning broadcast legislation, have not been
    adequately reflected in the draft laws proposed for discussion.

    Besides, the provision of Resolution 1643 on canceling all tenders for
    broadcasting frequencies until July 20, 2010 has been totally ignored. PACE
    emphasized that "the technical requirements for the introduction of digital
    broadcasting should not be used by the authorities to unduly delay the
    holding of an open, fair and transparent tender for broadcasting licenses,
    as demanded by the Assembly." Meanwhile, the related amendment to the Law
    "On Television and Radio", adopted on September 10, 2008 in defiance of all
    the democratic and procedural norms, underwent no changes by the package

    Unfortunately, everything happening around broadcast legislation indicates
    that NA deputies simply have not realized the necessity of learning a lesson
    from the situation when the delegation of Armenian parliamentarians faced
    the real threat of losing the right to vote at PACE. Reassuring themselves
    and people around them with exorcisms about gradualness of reforms,
    including in the area of freedom of speech, as well as the impossibility of
    approaching European standards in a brief period of time, they continue to
    discredit the very concept of reforms in the sphere of information, harming
    the reputation of the country and the prospects of its democratic

    Here are some facts to back up our statement. The first version of the
    legislative package that gave rise to this statement emerged in June, 2008.
    Since then, the apparent shortcomings in the draft laws not only have not
    been removed but have been supplemented with new, more glaring lapses. Not
    to mention that drastic improvement of broadcast legislation has been on the
    agenda for more than eight years. Is it what we call gradual reforms?

    Under the circumstances we have no choice but to urge the deputies of the
    National Assembly to quickly forget the package proposed for discussion for
    the current four-day session, return to one of its previous versions and
    work at the fundamental revision of the document, taking into account the
    numerous remarks and suggestions of the working group members, as well as
    the recommendations of international organizations and their experts", - the
    statement of four journalistic organizations says.

    Discussion on the package of amendments to the broadcast law was postponed
    to the next four-day session of the National Assembly.


    Since February 2, the start of the spring session of the RA National
    Assembly, restrictions have been introduced on TV camera movement in the
    parliament session hall. As YPC was told at the parliament, this was done in
    accordance with the instructions from the recently appointed Chief of Staff
    of RA National Assembly Gegham Gharibjanian. Now the cameramen are allowed
    to make shootings freely during 30 minutes from the start of the sessions,
    after which the work of the TV cameras is allowed only from certain spots in
    the back end of the session hall. The restriction does not apply to the
    sessions devoted to the statements by the deputies as well as question and
    answer sessions with the Government. Restrictions of TV camera movement are
    common in the international practice, yet the use of such measures must be
    strictly defined in the accreditation procedure or the NA Regulations.
    Otherwise they may be seen as voluntary restrictions of the media freedom.


    Presentation of the book "Armenia-Azerbaijan 2005-2008: opinions of
    importance" took place on February 5 in Yerevan. The book is published by
    "Region" Research Center of the "Investigative Journalists" NGO. It contains
    a collection of analytical articles and interviews with politicians,
    journalists, experts, artists from Armenia and Azerbaijan on the impact of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on the society in both countries. The attitude
    of international organizations towards the conflict and its connection with
    geopolitical processes is also examined. The articles and interviews were
    prepared by the "Region" Research Center and its partner in Azerbaijan -
    Institute of Peace and Democracy under the joint project "Breaking the
    stereotypes and forming a united information space" supported by the British
    organization Conciliation Resources. The materials contained in the book
    have been published in "Azg", "168 Zham" (Armenia) and "Novoye Vremya"
    (Azerbaijan) newspapers and also being posted on some internet sites. The
    book is bilingual, containing Armenian and Russian versions of included

    When reprinting or using the information above, reference to the Yerevan
    Press Club is required.

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    [email protected]

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    Editor of YPC Newsletter - Elina POGHOSBEKIAN

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    Yerevan Press Club
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