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armenianow - 02/06/2009

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  • armenianow - 02/06/2009

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    *************************** **************************************************
    February 6, 2009,

    1. Weathering the Storm: In November authorities say "no
    problem"; in January "Help!"

    2. Weathering the Storm: Unemployment grows, plants close -
    Armenia "catches up" to the rest of the world

    3. Weathering the Storm: Unemployment, professional stagnation as
    global crisis bites Armenia

    4. Weathering the Storm: Armenia takes steps to survive economic hits

    5. Weathering the Storm: A commentary on Armenia and the Global
    Economic Crisis

    6. Cash Conflict: Anger over cash machines turns PMs attention to
    working conditions

    7. Trade reform: Small-business merchants say cash machine law
    will destroy them

    8. NKR Domestic Shakeup: Changes in government, disagreements in Parliament

    9. Spring of Discontent: Fate of Bjni affects hundreds in
    Charentsavan and nearby

    10. Thirsting for a Mate: Tradition and faith meet on St. Sarkis Day

    ********************************************* *******************************

    Gayane Abrahamyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Armenian authorities, who approved the State's largest-ever budget of
    $3 billion and as recently as November vowed that Armenia was immune
    from the world economic crisis are now desperately seeking

    Russian Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin, on February 5 announced
    that Russia will allot $500 million to Armenia (out of the $1 billion
    Armenia expected to get), while a few days before he announced in
    front of his country's Government that "the incomes of the Russian
    State Budget will be reduced by 40 percent due to the current economic

    Despite its own economic down turn, Russia sees the value in propping
    up Armenia. Many here consider the loan a political step, believing
    that Armenia will have to make serious concessions later (just as
    previous loans to Armenia by Russia have been paid off by Russia now
    owning almost all Armenian resources).

    On January 22 RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, in order to dispel
    doubts, assured that "receiving the 'stabilization loan' is just an
    economic issue, and it does not have a political context."

    In Armenia's economic circles rumors contend that Russia demanded that
    Armenia enter a "Ruble zone" (meaning that the dram would stop
    circulation and Armenia would use Russian ruble currency) for
    assigning the loan, and that only Russian companies were to be engaged
    in transactions resulting from the loan.

    Gagik Minasyan, Chairman of the Permanent Commission on Financial-loan
    and Budget Issues at the National Assembly, says the following about
    the prospective of the elimination of the Armenian Dram which
    celebrated its 15-th anniversary last year, and a statue was erected
    for it:

    "It is not something new; this issue has been under discussions yet in
    1990's. But never say never."

    Former NA deputy, doctor of economics Tatul Manaseryan, analyzing the
    current international economic development, foresees that sooner or
    later it is possible.

    "Sooner or later all regions must worry about the problem of creating
    stable economic development in their territory. It presupposes
    creation of a joint currency, which is the guarantee for stable
    economy," says Manaseryan.

    Economists are not as concerned about entering a Ruble zone, but
    rather about the optimal usage of the loans.

    It is mainly mentioned that authorities plan to use loans for covering
    the budget deficit, as well as for completing the reserve funds of the
    country and preventing a fall in the Armenian dram.

    "It was clear from the very beginning that the new budget, which is
    about $700 million more as compared with the budget of last year, will
    not give be sufficient for fighting the crisis, but rather it is
    already crisis-created. And they attacked the business sphere, which
    is hardly surviving, in order to complete the budget," Head of
    'PolitEconomy' Economic Analysis Center, economist Andranik Tevanyan
    told ArmeniaNow.

    The valuation of the Armenian dram is more dangerous for the economy
    of the country. Experts believe that currently the Armenian dram keeps
    its position artificially, that is to say, the previous 'floating
    rate' policy of the Central Bank currently became a 'fixed rate.'

    "Currently the rate is kept at 305 drams to the dollar as an 'idea
    fix,' whereas, due to the market situation, it was supposed to be at
    least 400-420 to the dollar. There is even information that the
    exchange points are forced not to change the rate in any case," says
    Tevanyan adding that "the implementation of correct currency policy
    would enable business to help itself."

    According to the economist, the imported transfers to Armenia were
    reduced by 40 % in 2008 (one bank official says 30 percent - see
    "Armenia takes steps to survive economic hits"), and the maintenance
    of the Armenian dram exchange rate is done at the expense of reserve
    funds funds, which 'is a dangerous and risky policy.'

    "Due to my information, $140 million from Armenia's foreign currency
    reserve funds was thrown into the market, meaning that Armenia is
    putting at stake all the money it posses. This is the reason why now
    they are asking for a loan -- to complete that reserve funds; and if
    the loan is not assigned, there will be an abrupt fall of the Armenian
    dram," says Tevanyan.

    Deputy Gagik Minasyan holds a different opinion, saying that the
    policy of dram valuation allows the government to control inflation.

    This week the radical oppositional 'Armenian National Congress' also
    touched upon the issue of the world economic crisis, stating that "the
    planned continuation of the Armenian dram valuation policy, which is
    carried out by rude interference into the activity of trade banks,
    even by making pressure on exchange points with the help of policemen,
    may become even a more dangerous precondition for the economy's

    The statement made by the Congress says that "only last year 20
    percent from Armenia's foreign currency reserves were thrown into the
    market. Consequently the international reserve funds of Armenia
    decreased up to the non-favourable level, after which the solvency of
    the country is put at stake. The same policy, yet with wider volumes,
    continues this year; only during the first twenty days of January an
    additional $100 million is sold from the same reserve funds."

    Experts say the dram-dollar war will probably end when the business of
    importing is liberalized, and a process is created due to the demands
    of the market.

    "It is not excluded that the authorities carry out the dram valuation
    policy, being forced to do so. Probably they are compelled by
    oligarchs who control the import market, because the import of
    products is double beneficial if the dollar is less expensive," says
    Bagrat Asatryan, who was the president of the Central Bank in
    1994-1998. He stresses that it is because of the monopolies that, in
    spite of the world market tendencies, currently no price falls are
    noticed in Armenia.

    **************************************** ************************************

    Gayane Abrahamyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter
    On assignment for Eurasianet (

    Along with Armenia's lingering political crisis, authorities here also
    face the complex issue of overcoming the accelerating economic crisis
    and of stopping the growth of unemployment.

    The mining industry has been hit first, and hardest. Copper, gold,
    molybdenum, zinc and lead are Armenian exports with the strongest ties
    to world markets, where prices have tanked in recent months.

    Already, some 2,000 jobs have been lost since November in southern
    Armenia. Nationwide, that number has climbed as high as 5,000 since
    October, said one government source who asked not to be named. Those
    cuts will hit a labor market with limited buoyancy; Armenia's official
    2008 unemployment rate was 6.3 percent. But the number is misleading,
    as it only represents the number who have applied for unemployment.
    Some non-governmental organizations put the number as high as 27

    The Canadian Dino Gold Mining Company, the largest job provider in
    Kapan, a town with a population of 40,000 some 350 kilometers south of
    Yerevan, has been suspended due to the drop in the prices for
    nonferrous metals on international markets, for three months now.

    The plant and the adjacent production lines provided jobs to 1,526
    people with 60 percent of them being sent to forced outage since
    November 1 and another 280 dismissed due to the closure of the mine
    exploration project.

    "The situation is tough if we take into account the 725 people in
    forced redundancy who used to provide families of five in average.
    This means at least 3,600 people have appeared in hard social
    condition in the town," said Ruben Petrosyan, head of the Kapan
    regional center of employment.

    The employers of the enterprise held a strike for a few days in early
    November, when the management of the plant announced the job cuts.

    The strike was stopped only after negotiations with the members of the
    government, when the ministers of energy and natural resources, labor
    and social issues as well as economy arrived in Kapan and the
    neighboring industrial towns of Agarak and Qajaran. Agreements were
    signed with the companies to postpone the job cuts to February 18, but
    send workers to forced outage and pay two thirds of the wages.

    "Nobody can predict what will happen after February 18. It depends on
    the economic situation in the world," said Dino Gold Mining Company
    Director Robert Falleta. "[There] can be job cuts, even the factory
    may be closed."

    Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan underlined during the government
    session on November 13: "The problem is serious as the province of
    Syunik relies on the plants."

    "The number of employees in the three largest enterprises is about
    6,000, amounting to 10,000 with the satellite enterprises. We will
    have a serious problem in the province, because the work of about
    10,000 people from the 25,000 registered employees in the region is
    tied up with the operation of these three largest enterprises," said
    the PM promising to keep the problem 'within the focus of attention'.

    But the mood in the small town of miners do not inspire hope.The town
    was 40 percent destroyed during the war over Karabkah in the early

    "This economic crisis, it has once again thrown us into despair! We
    lived with an expectation of shells to fall on our house then (during
    the war), and now we expect job cuts," said Siranush Grigoryan, a
    mother of five, whose husband has been out of work for three months.
    "We are very scarce of money; we hardly manage to get bread for
    children. We took a loan from the bank to buy a TV set and a washing
    machine a year ago, but can't pay it back now and the bank say it'll
    sue us."

    The Grigorians are not alone in Kapan; the closure of the plant has
    hit both the employees and also middle and small entrepreneurs.

    The financial department of the Syunik province administration said
    the plant provided the town with about $500,000 annually, and the
    majority of the shoppers in the town were employees of the enterprise.

    A manager at one of the home appliance stores said sells have dropped
    by about 50 percent in three months.

    "No plant, no consumers. Since October, when people were laid off, we
    almost haven't had customers and those who have bought things with
    loans are unable to pay them back," a shop manager said, adding that
    the shop has also been started on a loan and it equally suffers and
    faces a perspective of closure as well, if there is no trade.

    Job cuts were also made at the copper and molybdenum plant in the town
    of Agarak (population 4900) in December, when 450 people lost jobs.

    "Today more than the half of the working population in Agarak is
    jobless and the government has to be seriously concerned with this,"
    Arkadi Sargsyan, the chairman of the Agarak plant trade said,
    underlining the further situation is still unclear: "Negotiations are
    held with the government; maybe we will get an offer. Nothing is clear

    Nerses Yeritsyan, Minister of Economy of Armenia asserted the results
    of the negotiations will be satisfactory.

    "We have overcome the first wave of the crisis, the government works
    according to the ongoing situation; we analyze world markets every
    day. I can't tell anything at the moment, but I am confident the
    situation will improve," the minister said.

    And while the government searches for ways to improve the situation in
    the southern province of Syunik, a wave of job cuts covered the north
    of the country. Two plants have closed in Gyumri since December and
    800 employees of a chemical plant lost their jobs in Vanadzor. Also in
    Vanadzor a welding equipment factory shut down, dismissing all 350

    Armenian Copper Program Company running the copper and molybdenum
    production for the last five years in Alaverdi, some 190 km north of
    Yerevan, used to provide about 70 percent of jobs there.

    Andranik Ghambaryan, head of the department for general issues of the
    company said 640 of the 1,044 employees have remained in the plant.
    The planned suspension of contracts with them due in February has been
    postponed till April 1.

    "This problem depends neither on the state, nor the management of the
    company, but I can say one thing - Alaverdi will not survive without
    the plant. We have neither land to go into agriculture, nor means,"
    mayor of Alaverdi Artur Nalbandyan says.

    ******************************************* *********************************

    By Karine Ionesyan
    Special to ArmeniaNow

    Hayk Poghosyan lost his job a month ago. He worked on a construction
    site as an engineer. Now, he says joking, his job is to look after
    his five year-old and four-year old daughters.

    It was a good job; better than most in Armenia, paying 190,000 drams
    (about $630) a month. As a result of the economic crisis, the company
    he had worked for closed down dismissing 210 workers.

    Having worked five years in the field, Poghosyan has no idea now where
    to find work. Luckily, his wife makes a good salary too - 160,000
    drams (about $530), in her work as archivist at the Ministry of
    Defense. The family also has relatives in Russia who they expect to
    get help from.

    Poghosyan expects colleagues in his field of work to lose their jobs,
    too. And, the specific field itself hardly offers "cross over" skills,
    as employment agencies mainly offer men vacancies of a barman, waiter,
    cook and similar jobs.

    "I have a car and I'm going to work as a distributor. Besides, I'm
    planning to upgrade my skills and I do hope the crisis will end either
    in spring or in fall, with the demand rising eventually," says
    31-year-old Poghosyan.

    Construction companies building elite apartments in Yerevan are among
    those falling prey to the economic crisis...

    Since November 2008, the demand for business-class apartments has
    dropped fourfold, with only one proposal made this year, reported
    Karine Zakaryan, real estate agent from Agat Real Estate Agency. Her
    colleagues from Cascade Realty and Yerkir Real Estate Agency confirmed
    her words. According to Public Register of Legal Entities last year
    there were 102 companies compared to 133 in 2007. Construction
    specialists who already lost their jobs say companies constructing so
    called 'elite" buildings have reduced by 50 percent.

    Though some see a construction "glut" in Armenia, economist Andranik
    Tevanyan believes that the business of construction might have
    continued in Armenia if the world economic crisis did not happen.

    The National Statistical Service data say, 138,445.8 mln drams
    ($460mln) was spent on construction in September of the past year,
    80,810.1mln ($270million) in October and 72,700.5mln ($240mln) in

    According to RA State Committee for Real Estate Cadastre, the
    country's real estate business decreased by 23.5% year-on-year in
    2008, with the sharpest decline being recorded in Q4 (fourth quarter).
    Prices have changed as well, with Q4 average market prices falling
    another 1.8% -- meaning that real estate prices are 25 percent lower
    now than two years ago.

    Economist Edgar Aghabekyan, says one of the reasons is that banks
    refuse to extend loans due to the unpredictable economic situation.

    "The banks extended mortgage loans in the past, whereas now they are
    not sure whether they will be able to sell the apartments at a
    favorable price. This is the reason why they are raising prepayment
    and interest rates," the economist says, adding that mortgage rates
    rose from about 14 percent to about 17 percent. "Business loans show
    similar trends," Aghabekyan said.

    Currently, in the USA, in contrary to Armenia, mortgage loan rates are
    decreased, so that people become interested in applying for them
    again. Economist Edgar Aghabekyan says that the State buys the stocks
    of banks in return for it, insuring them from bankruptcy. "However,
    this model is not currently actual for Armenia, since we are not in a
    very extreme situation as the big countries are," assures Aghabekyan.

    With interest rates of mortgage loans hiking, Armenia posted 51.9%
    decline (48.1% in Yerevan) in mortgage lending between the third and
    fourth quarters of last year according to RA Committee for Real Estate

    Local banks will be in trouble if remittances from abroad to Armenia
    decrease, affecting Armenia's living standards and foreign
    investments, according to Aghabekyan.

    The economist says these negative effects are already tangible in
    Armenia, adding the global tailspin has hit the corporate securities
    market hard.

    The Armenian Center of Employment shows so far a 1 percent increase of
    unemployment in January since last year. The figures, though,
    represent only those who have applied for unemployment assistance, and
    are far from actual numbers.

    The global economic recession has infected also Armenia's IT market,
    which for many years was growing in Armenia providing high-paid jobs
    (averaging $1000/month) to some 6,000 specialists. According to Union
    of Information Technology Enterprises 10 percent of them are currently
    unemployed and further cuts are expected.

    Lycos Armenia, the Armenian branch of the German Lycos Europe, is been
    closing down and as a result, 200 people will become unemployed.
    "I will find another job with the same salary, as I've been working in
    this field for years," says Grigor Kanayan, head of a LYCOS team. "I
    think the less experienced specialists will not remain unemployed as
    well, but they will be paid less."

    The news about LYCOS making losses spread four years ago. However, the
    company's specialists kept working, hoping to progress some day.
    Unfortunately, the global economic crisis has dashed their hopes,
    leading to the company's closedown.

    "Feeling the company would close down soon, I started a job search a
    couple of months ago, finding one with a great difficulty," says
    Tigran Minasyan, a LYCOS specialist, adding he is satisfied with the
    new job.

    Though professional stagnation is inevitable, Minasyan believes local
    IT specialists will be able to develop the sector on their own.

    "Before the crisis, around 6 companies were established on the basis
    of LYCOS," says President of the Union of Information Technology
    Enterprises (UITE) Karen Vardanyan. "People can find a way-out, using
    this opportunity and getting benefits from the new market trends," he
    added. (Vardanyan's company offered proposals to the government to
    reduce the crisis ompact on IT market to avoid the further jobs cuts.)

    It seems as if the employees of government-financed organizations have
    suffered the least from the economic recession, with their wages
    remaining unchanged unlike those in the foreign-funded organizations.

    However, many employees of state-funded organizations are scared for
    their work in future as well. The reason is that this year's state
    budget had been drawn up before the financial crisis hit the global

    "I am afraid that one day our salaries will not be paid in time," says
    Alvard Gevorgyan, a nurse in N20 Children's Outpatient Clinic. Her
    salary is 27,400 drams ($91), so she has a little contribution to her
    family budget (which totals about $450).

    "They may decide not to pay us for months," she said. "Anyway, I need
    this money, as our family budget has considerably reduced. I think it
    is a result of the global crisis my husband, who worked in a large
    private company, has been unemployed for 15 days," she added.

    Gevorgyan has two adult children. Her son is a cook and her daughter
    is a student and does not work.

    "Sometimes, we afford to buy clothes and food, alongside with paying
    communal expenses and my daughter's annual tuition fee of 300,000
    drams ($1,000)," she said.

    ******************************************* *********************************

    Armine Grigoryan
    Special to ArmeniaNow

    To ease the consequences of the world economic crisis, like other
    counties Armenia tries to stabilize its national currency as well as
    ease the tremors connected with foreign currency exchange rate.

    Currently local producers, investors and exporters, political and
    non-political figures are worried about the same issue - what possible
    changes in foreign currency are envisaged in the Armenian financial

    "Armenia's economy is currently in a situation where industry is not
    running, the rates of export are essentially decreased; and
    consequently, there is a small flow of foreign currency; transfers are
    one third of the index of the previous years," says Armen Hakobyan,
    first deputy chairman of Prometey Bank's board.

    Currently there are five million jobless people in Russia. There are
    many Armenians among them who left the homeland intending to find a
    job there. It is not excluded that many of them will return, which
    will intensify the jobless problem here.

    There is already tension among businesspeople who would be the first
    to feel the impact of a weakened currency.

    "There is no single index, justified by economic calculations, which
    may say what will be the foreign currency exchange rate during the
    upcoming years, so that businessmen can rely on them, accept the basic
    exchange rate as a basis and start exporting or importing products,"
    says Hakobyan.

    Professor Lukashen Badanyan from the Armenian State Economics
    University believes that Armenia has the opportunity to self-regulate
    some issues, since it is not integrated into the world financial
    market as it should have. That is why Armenia implemented a policy
    that has kept the dram stable since it leveled out at the current rate
    about a year ago.

    "During the last two years it was intended to use the Central Bank's
    policy for regulating the inflation; besides, the policy of the
    Armenian Dram valuation was held. Of course, as a result, a local
    producer suffered from it, an importer benefited; and the 'two edges
    of the scissors are moved away from each other'," says Badanyan.

    Several projects are currently being developed at the Government in
    order to bring the "edges of the scissors". The issues of promoting
    local producers, as well as of helping the development of small and
    middle business are in the agenda.

    The Armenian Government turned to the World Bank (WB), Asian
    Development Bank, and European Bank of Reconstruction and Development
    in order to possibly protect the country from and ease the
    consequences of the world economic crisis, as well as increase their
    financial and technical support.

    The WB and International Bank of Reconstruction and development will
    jointly support Armenia. They will assign $500 million for the
    implementation of development programs for middle and small businesses
    -- as announced by Shigeo Katsu, Deputy Chairman of WB's European and
    Central Asian regions in a press conference in Yerevan last month.

    (The Armenian Government also turned to the Russian Government asking
    for a $1 billion stabilization loan. The negotiations over this
    request are not over yet. See "In November authorities say "no
    problem"; in January "Help!")

    Recently President of the Central Bank Arthur Javadyan announced that
    the Bank is loyal to its policy on exchange rate. "It will remain to
    be 'floating' as it was before," he says, meaning that the dram rate
    adjusts according to major currency.

    But as the Armenian dram "floats", it has remained curiously stable in
    recent months as the dollar has risen in other currencies of the
    world. 1 USD was equal to 24 Russian rubles 24, now its 36, in August
    2008 $1 was equal to 2 British pounds, now its1.46. Euro has gone
    from1.40 per 1 US dollar to 1.27 per dollar. GIVE EXAMPLES. On the
    one hand Armenia has a "floating" exchange rate, on the other hand - a
    stable exchange rate. Moreover, analysts state that no essential
    changes in the exchange rate will be registered during the upcoming
    two years.

    According to Hakobyan, if Russia provides Armenia with the above
    mentioned loan without a condition, the exchange rate for $1 will
    'float' up to 310 AMD (from its current rate of about 305) and remain
    there for two-three months.

    Doctor of economics Tatul Manaseryan assures that the Central Bank and
    the Government will reconsider the monetary-loan policy, because,
    according to him, all the economic calculations prove that the real
    exchange rate for one dollar is 400 drams (a rate Armenia hasn't seen
    since 2006.

    "The Central Bank applies for interferences, since the provision of
    financial stability is a priority," informs President of the Central
    Bank Javadyan.

    Deputy of the National Assembly Vardan Bostanjyan considers the
    artificial restraint of dollar exchange rate to be unjustified.
    According to him, the economy does not like artificial approaches,
    because they can emerge any time.

    "The fluctuations will possibly be eased by the Central Bank until the
    financial flows to Armenia are increased. However, I think that the
    Central Bank and the Government will not be able to keep the exchange
    rate the same for a long time," says Badanyan.

    According to him, the possible shaking of foreign currency exchange
    rate will be about 20-30 %, and the exchange rate for one dollar may
    become AMD 350-400 by summer.

    Hakobyan's estimates are more conservative as he estimates that in
    four or five months the dram-dollar rate will be 330-340 -
    approximately where it was end of 2007 (on October $1=330.8 AMD).

    According to the economist's predictions, in May-June of this year
    foreign currency fluctuation is inevitable, and the time will show how
    the Central Bank will manage to ease the dram inflation.

    Professor Badanyan is optimistic. He believes it is not excluded that
    the opposite may happen in Armenia if the Central Bank puts its
    resources into turnover as cautiously, with specified purposes as
    possible. - implying that Armenia could actually gain from the crisis.

    Minister of Economy Yeritsyan said that Armenia might profit from the
    crisis, for example, by importing equipment which cost less now than
    before the crisis.

    Maybe this time also the fact of Armenia's not being integrated into
    the world financial system will help the country; and the events will
    produce a 'unique' development this time too? Although according to
    the foresights of the Central Banks' analysts, dram inflation will be
    4 % in 2009 if nothing else happens in the international market.

    ***************************************** ***********************************

    With much of the world now locked in a global financial and economic
    crisis, each country is struggling to face the challenges of a sharp
    and sudden decline in trade, a lack of credit and capital and even
    gloomier forecasts of falling economic growth.

    As recently as January 28, the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
    warned that the global economy will "come to a virtual halt," as world
    economic growth is expected to fall to its lowest level in 60 years.
    The sharp fall in economic growth is now affecting everyone, from the
    advanced economies of the West to previously "emerging economies" of
    China and Russia, in a downward spiral that the IMF calls a "global

    For a small landlocked country like Armenia, the economic situation
    remains bleak.

    For more than a decade, the joint Turkish-Azerbaijani blockade of
    Armenia has limited the country's ties to larger globalized markets,
    making Armenia fairly isolated but also relatively insulated from the
    volatility of global economics. But the Armenian economy is far from
    being an island and is already dangerously dependent on external
    remittances - the flow of money from Armenians abroad.

    And with many Armenian families depending on money from relatives
    working in Russia and the United States in order to meet basic living
    expenses, the economic downturn in those countries has already led to
    a severe decline in the flow of remittances back to Armenia.

    At the same time, the country's massive trade deficit has soared to a
    massive $3 billion, its highest point in 2008, an increase of some 29
    percent largely driven by a surge in imports and a continued steep
    fall in exports.

    Meanwhile, as investment in the construction sector falls and the
    normally active service sector facing an expected decrease in tourism,
    the Armenian government is trying its best to handle this latest
    crisis. But if recent events are any guide, Armenia seems
    ill-equipped to weather this storm.

    The Armenian government's first response to the crisis was neither to
    step up the fight against corruption nor even to tackle the
    deeply-rooted problem of low tax collection. Instead, Armenia turned
    to outside sources for urgent help. On January 27, the World Bank
    announced that it would more than double its loans to Armenia over a
    four-year period. That one decision will increase World Bank lending
    from $220 million to at least $525 million, offered through
    low-interest loans for 2009-2012. In addition, the World Bank also
    promised to consider even more aid through its commercial affiliates.

    Beyond the World Bank, Armenia has also turned to Russia for help,
    asking for an emergency loan. Yesterday (February 5) Russia's Minister
    of Finance Alexei Kudrin said that Russia will extend a $500 million
    "stabilization credit" to help Armenia surmount the impact of the
    global crisis. While the size of the loan is impressive, the lack of
    details raises new concerns over what Russia is demanding from Armenia
    in return.

    More specifically, Russian financial assistance in the past has always
    come with strings attached. For example, when Russia forgave a much
    smaller amount of Armenian debt, of only about $100 million, it
    acquired outright ownership of several of Armenia's few strategic
    assets. And with this new aid package five times as large, it is only
    natural to fear what Moscow may now demand from Armenia this time.

    The Russian aid package was also somewhat surprising, especially as
    Russia is facing its own economic crisis, compounded by the fall in
    world oil prices and the need to withdraw massive amounts of money
    from the Russian State Oil Fund simply to stabilize the value of the
    ruble, Russia's currency. But there is a broader Russian strategic
    agenda at work here.

    This new strategy stems from the fact that Russia can no longer
    exercise its energy leverage over other former Soviet states as easily
    as before, when oil prices were much higher and prior to Europe's
    recognition of its vulnerability to Russian gas imports. So now,
    instead of relying on energy as leverage, Moscow has instead exploited
    the global financial crisis by, in effect, becoming the "lender of
    last resort," providing financial aid to the former Soviet states that
    no other country or institution has been able to provide.

    This strategy was recently unveiled during the Moscow summit of the
    Eurasian Economic Community (Eurasec), a body of five former Soviet
    states in which Armenia holds "observer status." During that summit,
    Russian officials unveiled their new $7.5 billion contribution to a
    special "rescue fund" for Eurasec states, an amount in addition to the
    more than $3 billion that Moscow has already promised to individual

    Such external aid is not a cure-all for Armenia's economic woes. For
    one, the funding is to be used to support the Armenian government's
    ambitious plans for infrastructure projects and to offer small- and
    medium-sized businesses greater and more favorable access to credit
    from Armenian commercial banks. The problem is that even the jobs
    that may come from the infrastructure projects will not be available
    for at least several months, offering little to people in need of
    immediate help. And with Armenian laborers already returning to
    Armenia from Russia, the number of unemployed workers competing for
    those new temporary jobs will be very high.

    Another inherent limitation stems from the plans for business credit,
    which because of the limited size and small consumer demand in the
    country, suggests that even those firms with new credit will have
    little to offer either the domestic or foreign markets.

    But most importantly, the real concern is not limited only to the
    long-term impact of such mounting trade deficits and greater external
    debt. It is the set of deeper structural problems and vulnerabilities
    of the Armenian economy that pose the greatest worry.

    As long as the Armenian government remains focused on securing outside
    support to maintain the closed economic system of oligarchic
    monopolies and commodity-based cartels, little can be done to tackle
    the more deadly threats form entrenched corruption and corporate tax
    evasion. And even with the "rescue packages" offered from the World
    Bank or Russia, Armenia is merely delaying, but not facing, the
    unresolved problems of distorted economic growth and a deformed
    economic structure.

    Thus, while the economic reckoning may be deferred for a bit, it seems
    clear that the crisis is far from over and by no means resolved, facts
    that are sure to keep Armenian officials awake at night.

    Analyst Richard Giragosian is based in Yerevan and has worked as a
    consultant for various international organizations including the OSCE,
    World Bank, and regularly contributes to Jane's, RFE/RL, and Newsweek
    International, among other publications. Giragaosian is a former
    professional staff member of the US Congress. "Weathering the Storm"
    is a weekly column exclusively for ArmeniaNow.

    ************************************* ***************************************

    By Sara Khojoyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    The owners of shopping malls have become the center of the
    government's attention, aiming at ensuring the obligatory use of cash
    machines at such markets and bazaars and at the same time relieving
    the vendors' tax burden that these machines have brought about.

    The government is already making explicit statements that the vendors
    who, starting from this year, are obliged to use cash machines "are
    facing the challenge of paying large amounts of money" and that " it
    is easier for them to protest against the state than against the
    owners of the shopping mall."

    The process of introducing cash machines at the shopping malls in
    Armenia began in 2005. Along with that, anti-cash-machine rallies also
    began; the traders unanimously claim that they are ready to work
    paying a fixed rate, but refuse to use cash machines.

    In addition to that the traders complain about all possible things
    that have no immediate relation to cash machines: income tax, pension
    fund, rent, and labor conditions, and the whole package of the
    complaints is addressed directly to the government.

    A considerable part of the issues raised by the traders during regular
    rallies outside the Government Building has more to do with the owners
    of the shopping malls and trading sites than with the State Revenue
    Committee and the government.

    "We want the rent to be lowered, the cash machines to be removed, we
    haven't sold anything since (the beginning of) January, how are we
    going to pay these amounts?", "the machines fail to work at the
    temperature of 2-3 degrees below zero" - these and other such
    statements were chanted by the protesters in Republic Square.

    Mary Harutunyan, Head of the Government Information and Public
    Relations Department, told ArmeniaNow that in this way the traders
    are protesting indirectly and drawing the government's attention to
    the problem.

    The attention paid to the issue by the Prime Minister - accompanied by
    several ministers, he visited the gold market owned by "Vagharsh and
    Sons" Ltd in Khorenatsi street in Yerevan and familiarized himself
    with the problems on the spot - was exceptional, because Tigran
    Sargsyan's visit became an occasion for the traders to voice their

    According to Harutyunyan, the traders particularly complained to the
    Prime Minister about paying a large amount of money for their general
    activity in the market.

    "In the stand he visited, the monthly amount was about 70,000 drams
    minimum (about $230), out of which only 18,000 (about $60) is paid as
    a tax to the state and another 5 thousand (about $16) - to the pension
    fund, the rest goes to the market manager as payment for various
    services: the rent, accounting, and so on, which, however, as it
    turned out during the visit, are not properly provided."

    The government information official also points out that people
    complained to Tigran Sargsyan about not having any alternative

    "They told him that when they talk about the conditions to the owner
    of the market, the response they get is "if you don't want to work in
    these conditions, quit the job," and I think that means they are
    facing the problem of losing their jobs," Harutyunyan goes on to
    present the details of the Prime Minister's visit.

    To combat the situation, the Prime-Minister gave orders to prepare an
    analysis of the financial results of the gold market's activity and
    rent and tax obligations, to document violations of labor conditions
    in the market, to examine the situation with the technical
    requirements, including fire safety, being sure that as a result of
    all this favorable conditions will be secured at all shopping malls
    and markets in terms of improving both the financial-economic and
    labor conditions.

    However, some people are skeptical whether anything will change, and
    certain ordinary traders will be the ones to suffer.

    Vregh Sargsyan, a trader at the gold market, says they have not
    complained about the conditions.

    "We have been working in these conditions and are pleased. We are not
    complaining about our director, we, the 5,000 people working here,
    have the opportunity to earn our daily bread and support our families,
    but I saw on TV that Tigran Sargsyan did not say a word about cash
    machines, whereas it was the cash machines we had complained about."

    Angrily stating that he is never going to use a chash machine, Vregh
    Sargsyan explains: "everything will stay the same. I will only have to
    pay an additional 3 percent."

    Vakhtang Siradeghyan, the press-officer for "Transparency
    International" anti-corruption center, believes that by raising other
    issues with the help of his visit, the Prime Minister has simply
    diverted attention from the actual problem.

    "In this case the Prime Minister, instead of solving the problem
    directly and satisfying the people's demand not to use cash machines
    in their work, has changed the subject, addressing the labor
    conditions. By doing this, he does not solve this issue, he relocates
    the problem. People were not complaining about the conditions; they
    had been working in those conditions for 10 years, and they will carry
    on working for yet another 10 years."

    "And if the purpose of the government is to have the owners of the
    shopping malls provide good conditions and earn small amounts of
    money, they could have done this a long time ago. To do that, it would
    have sufficed to know that traders pay an "x" amount of money for each
    stand, which is common knowledge. They could have multiplied that "x"
    amount by the "y" number of the stands and required 20 percent of the
    final sum," Siradeghyan added.

    ****************************************** **********************************

    Naira Bulghadaryan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    The Armenian Government's current enforcement of a law regulating
    taxes through the use of cash register receipts has raised the
    discontent of Armenian merchants, who say that having to pay
    legitimate taxes will bankrupt them.

    Soon after merchants' protested in Yerevan, (gathering in front of the
    Government Building, demanding to revoke the reform) the merchants of
    Vanadzor also began expressing their dissatisfaction with the new
    reform. Some Vanadzor clothes traders held protests followed by a
    letter to Lori Province Governor Aram Kocharyan asking for assistance
    and support.

    (Effective January 1, RA Law on Use of Cash Control Machines, is
    imperative for small and medium size entrepreneurs, including
    individual businessmen.)

    "It doesn't matter to whom they appeal. Neither the Governor nor the
    President of the country can satisfy their appeal," says Henrik
    Kochinyan, head of Lori Region Tax Service.

    For Varazdat Mikayelyan, a Vanadzor merchant, his small area has
    become means to earn his living during ten years. The 48 year-old
    shoe and bag trader is ready to pay the taxes, but not through the
    method of cash register control. He is sure he will become bankrupt.

    "My monthly taxes are about 75,000 AMD (about $250) and that is
    normal, but with the cash control I would have to pay more," says
    Mikayelyan, more or less admitting that his "off the books" sales are
    now not being taxed. Most merchants who operate in bazaars or kiosks
    or have small markets have typically not recorded all sales
    transactions. Only since the January 1 enforcement, have cash receipt
    machines appeared in many such places of business.

    Karine Arestakesyan, 52, dreading even the mere thought of using CCMs,
    says she would not be able to pay back her bank loans. Arestakesyan,
    with 9 years experience of working a shopping mall, every year has to
    take loans in order to keep her business going, now feels lost.
    "I haven't sold anything for already 2 days. What we earn is hardly
    sufficient to buy bread.

    "Working with CCM I'd have to pay more and would have to give up my
    business," she says.

    The merchants refusing to use CCM, at whose stalls the already
    installed but yet unused devices, are preoccupied with another issue.
    They import their goods either from Turkey or Georgia, or from
    wholesale markets in Yerevan and tax inspectors have explained the
    principles of CCMs' work and added that from now on they [merchants]
    have to inventory their goods. All such information is registered in
    the invoices provided at places of purchase.

    Neither foreigners nor traders from Yerevan have ever given them invoices.
    "If they give us such a document, we will be able to work by CCM,"
    says Hripsime Gharagyozyan, a reseller.

    She wonders how she can now give a receipt for an item, when she
    wasn't given such when purchasing the same item and she also wants to
    be able to bargain the price with customers.

    Kochinyan, head of Vanadazor Tax Service, explains that invoicing has
    no connection with CCMs, and according to the law only 2% will be
    taxed from the turnover of goods in case of having all invoices, if
    not then the tax rate is 10%.

    Kochinyan believes that those interested in working without CCMs - in
    this case that means a shadow economy- are behind the complaints and
    resistance to obey the law.

    "Unfortunately, traders pay not only legal fees at markets, but also
    make illegal payments (bribes) to different structures," says
    Kochinyan, at the same time assuring that the traders will soon see
    the advantages of CCMs. "Everyone will be have to pay taxes, be it
    small and big businesses," he says.

    Economist Karen Sargsyan has a different opinion on the issue. He has
    had several meetings with the complaining traders and has come to a
    conclusion that the government is consistent in implementing law only
    with regards to small and medium enterprises.

    Sargsyan believes that traders not having relevant education will not
    be able to run their own business in the initial stage and will have
    to hire accountants, whose services are expensive.

    The Head of the Tax Service has suggested that even in the case of
    working with CCMs, traders should seek a marketing manager's services.

    Sargsyan thinks that in the conditions of economic crisis particularly
    those who run small and medium businesses should be left alone for a
    while, and this will give them enough time to familiarize themselves
    with economic reforms.

    He fears that in this case many of them will lose their businesses
    they have been building for years.

    "If they at least gave a year for the economic crisis to pass and
    people's buying ability to increase, we would have the opportunity to
    pay taxes," Mikayelyan, a tradesman, reflects. Otherwise he will have
    to shut down his small shopping pavilion, turning from a trader into
    an unemployed.
    ************************************** **************************************

    Naira Hayrumyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Seats of parliament have shifted in Karabakh since the New Year as
    five deputies of the Democratic Artsakh Party (DAP) announced
    intentions to drop out of the ruling faction.

    DAP holds 16 seats of the 33 seat parliament. The issue has not yet
    been discussed in the NKR National Assembly, but if the deputies do
    give withdraw from the faction, it would mean the party would give up
    its right to appoint a Speaker of Parliament. That right would instead
    go to Azat Hayrenik party (which currently has 12 seats in

    Garik Grigoryan, (one of the deputies who applied for leaving the
    faction and is Chairman of the NKR's parliament Standing Committee on
    State and Legal Affairs) said that the disagreement with other members
    of the faction was clearly expressed at the discussion over the
    project of Budget 2009. Some of the DAP's members insisted on the
    anti-crisis budget, whereas the rest of the faction preferred not to
    contradict the project submitted by Prime Minister Ara Harutyunyan.
    Even though the faction voted for the adoption of the budget, it made
    a rather harsh announcement criticizing the inadequacy of the crisis

    The Parliament (elected in summer 2005 and consisting of four parties
    - entirely supported Bako Sahakyan in the Presidential Elections of
    2007. Thus, an absolute one-pole political system was formed in

    During the elections there was hope that Sahakyan's opponent Masis
    Mailyan would create an oppositional party, yet it was not fulfilled.
    Recently he headed the Council on Foreign Policy and Security Issues.

    "Part of our community expected that I would consolidate my solid
    electorate creating an oppositional political structure," Mailyan told
    ArmeniaNow. "But I do not think that is my task. There are some
    divided political parties functioning in Nagorno-Karabakh Republic,
    part of them, probably, will start opposing the acting authorities at
    the eve of the upcoming parliamentary elections."

    People in Karabakh do not think that DAP, being the political platform
    of authorities in Karabakh since 2000, may become an opposition. Yet
    it may become a platform for former NKR President Arkadi Ghukasyan's
    return to Karabakh politics.

    Sources close to authorities confirm that the possibility of
    Ghukasyan's appointment to the position of Prime Minister is being
    discussed. However, Ghukasyan is not commenting on it yet.

    Generally, cadre changes have been taking place in Karabakh since
    Sahakyan was elected president. One third of the Government formed in
    October 2007 has since changed.
    The New Year brought a new wave of dismissals. Most of the deputy
    ministers were dismissed, especially in the sphere of law-enforcement.
    The move is seen by many as signaling Sahakyan's intention to battle
    against corruption in NKR. (In its report of 2008, the republic's
    Prosecutor's Office reported that it did not hear a single case of
    corruption charges last year.)

    It is also noteworthy, that Edward Atanesyan was dismissed from the
    position of Deputy Foreign Minister, and Vardan Barseghyan, who is the
    permanent representative of Naghorno-Karabakh Republic in the USA, was
    appointed to that position. According to experts, the current Karabakh
    authorities are competent with domestic issues, however lacking in
    foreign policy experiences. Some see Barseghyan's appointment as a
    remedy against that shortcoming.
    ************************************* ***************************************

    Karine Ionesyan
    Special to ArmeniaNow
    >From Charentsavan

    The traces of cars, dogs, and occasionally people on the snow cover
    the road to Bjini mineral water factory in Charentsavan in the Kotayk
    province. A thermometer shows a temperature below zero, where the
    factory used to hold at 20 degrees Celsius. For four months the
    equipment has been growing cold, while the relationship between its
    owner and Armenian authorities froze long before.

    The factory, belonging to the family of former RA National Assembly
    (NA) deputy Khachatur "Grzo" Sukiasyan stopped running October 22,
    2008. Sukiasyan has been on the lamb since being wanted for taking
    part in the disorders last March 1, and for angering authorities with
    his support of oppositionist candidate Levon Ter-Petrosyan.

    Authorities claim Bjni owes $13 million in fines over a dispute of
    whether a meter was placed in the proper location. Sukiasyan
    supporters say it is pure persecution on the part of officials.

    The once popular factory is now waiting for its fate as well as its
    450 employers which wait for the reopening of the factory and a new
    owner. Yet no buyer is found at recurrent announcements about its
    auction. The second compulsory electronic auction of property rights
    alienation started February 5 and will last until February 16. The
    price at the auction was lowered by 10 percent in compliance with
    Article 35.4 of the RA Law on Bargaining. The starting price was set
    at 4.3 billion drams
    ($14.8 million).

    "The factory was closed after these events, and about 500 employees
    lost their positions. Four hundred and fifty of them are from
    Charentsavan, a town which has no running factories," says Director of
    Bjni Company Laert Harutunyan. (Charentsavan's population makes 24,900

    "When the factory was closed some workers were interrogated by police
    and their apartments have been searched. This is a mineral water
    production and not the sphere of drug dealing to resort to such
    methods," added the director.

    Bjni (as well as the other brand of the factory -"Noy" table water)
    can still be found in the shops today. As Harutyunyan explains state
    workers come, transport the products from the store and sell them in
    shops, and the amounts received from the sales go to the state budget.
    The director says he does not know the amount of bottles in stores.

    Bjni had operated since 1977. (Sukiasyan became the owner of Bjni in 1997)

    It was the major competitor of Jermuk, Armenia's leading table water
    supplier. In 2007 Bjni was 175th on the list of 300 largest taxpayers
    and paid 330 million drams ($1.1 million) in tax. In 2008 it paid 370
    million drams ($1.2 million) in tax. The factory made the most profit
    in the year it was closed.

    Former Bjni employees have little information about the fate of the
    company - waiting to see if it will be sold or re-started by some
    other means.

    Edik Avetisyan, 60, has worked at the factory for 7 years and remains
    now as a guard.

    'My wife and I get pensions, so we are fine. The situation of those
    who have their only income from here is even worse. There was one
    member from a family working at the factory, yet he/she fed many,' he

    Inhabitants of not only Charentsavan but also neighboring villages
    used to work at Bjni factory. 70 employees from Alapars, the
    neighboring village (of about 2,300).

    The Baghdasaryans's family of 7 faces hardships after the head of the
    family lost his job at the plant.

    "My husband was a porter; he was earning 40.000 - 60.000 drams ($
    133-200) per month. Our monthly house renting fee is AMD 10,000 ($33).
    We used to cover it and all the bills by his salary. Besides, we
    hardly managed to send our children to school. We used to buy food on
    credit from a shop, and the next month when he would get the salary,
    we paid for our shopping," says 40-year-old Anahit Baghdasaryan.

    Since last month she has worked as a shop janitor, earning 10,000
    drams ($33) a month.

    Their neighbor Armen Kocharyan, 40, is also unemployed. He was earning
    60,000-70,000 drams (about $200-233) per month at the plant

    He has two daughters - six and eleven-year olds. His wife - Alina
    Movsisyan says that they have no relatives living abroad who may help
    them. Currently they live by means of 21,000 drams (US $ 70) hardship
    allowance from the state, and they have a lot of debts. "But people
    cannot lend us endlessly," the woman says.

    The members of the Kayvazyan family, living next to them, are also
    living on credit. Samvel Kayvazyan who has three children, was a
    driver, earning 100,000 drams (about $333) per month.

    "Our family consists of seven members. We used to walk to the factory,
    but it was fine, at least we earned money for our family," says
    37-year-old Naira Sukiasyan who earned 60,000 drams (about $200) as a
    box maker.

    Her two sons serve in the army while one daughter-in-law, a student at
    Yerevan Medical College, lives with them. They say that they sold her
    jewelries for her travel expenses to Yerevan.
    The budget of the family is completed by the grandmother's pension -
    20,000 drams (about $73) per month.

    >From time to time the members of opposition and representatives of
    "Hima" (now) youth movement organize meetings in support of Bjni
    factory employees. The main employees say that they do not want to be
    involved in politics. Maybe the only struggler is 70-year-old Vladimir
    Adalyan, whose family of six lives off his 27,000 drams (about $90)
    pension, plus two sacks of flour given by his brother's grandson.

    The old man says he feels sorry for his neighbors and encourages them
    to protest against the plant's closing.

    "This nation is very much afraid," Adalyan says. "We sit and decide
    to protest, but after making a few steps I turn around and see that
    everyone left."
    ************************************** **************************************

    By Lilit Hovhannisyan
    Special to ArmeniaNow

    Tonight (February 6) young Armenians who follow tradition (or who just
    play along), will eat a salty cookie and hope the result will be a
    glimpse of their future betrothed.

    The Feast of St. Sarkis comes Saturday and with it the tradition that
    young people who go to bed after eating a specially-prepared salty
    cookie (and no water) given at twilight, will see their future mate in
    a dream.

    In the holiday calendar of the Armenian Apostolic Church the Feast of
    St. Sarkis is classified as a movable feast - it has a moving range of
    35 days. It comes with the blessing of His Holiness Karekin II,
    Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, who proclaims the
    day for youth.

    On that day a mass devoted to the saint will be served in all the
    churches named after him. The night devoted to the holiday is
    particularly lively. Many young people, among whom a large number are
    girls, will go to sleep thirsty and hope their future spouse will give
    them water in their dream.

    "I am going to eat the salty cookie this year as I did in previous
    years and I expect to have a dream with my future spouse," says
    Tatevik Mirzoyan, 22, student of Theatrical Institute. "My sister did
    so; she ate the cookie and saw a man in her dream who offered water to
    her. The same year she got married to the man she saw in her dream."

    Many youth are attracted to the tradition year by year and it has
    become a lively celebration. (The closest equivalent by secular
    standards is Valentine's Day - a western tradition that has lately
    become popular here, too.) In actuality St. Sarkis' holiday means more
    to the Armenian Apostolic Church.

    St. Sarkis was a historical personality and there is even evidence
    that Mesrop Mashtots brought the saint's relics to Armenia and kept
    them in the village of Ushi of Aragatsotn province. Another relic is
    kept in Gougark.

    Among Armenians' most beloved saints, St. Sarkis (4th century) was
    believed to be a miracle worker whose army of 40 defeated an enemy of
    10,000. The legend says that when all his soldiers were killed because
    of a plot, he was rescued with the help of God, there was a big storm
    and he was able to escape on horseback).

    Other nations also celebrate such kind of holiday, for instance, Kurds
    call it "Khdr Nabi," Assyrians call it "Mar Sargis."

    In some regions of Armenia the salty cookies are made by widows, but
    in the capital young people mostly buy them at churches.

    This Saturday festive events will be held in churchyards across
    Armenia and will include national games and the participation of
    choirs, dance ensembles, and horsemen symbolizing St. Sarkis.
    Araratian Patriarchal Diocese and Boghossian Parks have also arranged
    a festival at - appropriately - the new Lovers' Park in Yerevan.