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Iran Releases Armenian Christian And Former Muslims; Others Detained

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  • Iran Releases Armenian Christian And Former Muslims; Others Detained

    Stefan J. Bos

    Feb 9 2009

    TEHRAN, IRAN (BosNewsLife)-- An Armenian Christian and two former
    Muslims who were among possibly dozens of Christians detained in
    Iran since last month were free Monday, February 9, after authorities
    unexpectedly released them, Christians said.

    Middle East Concern (MEC), an advocacy group closely monitoring the
    case, told BosNewsLife that Armenian Christian Hamik Khachikian
    was released after one week's detention, while Nadereh Jamali, a
    believer from a Muslim background, was released"on bail after two
    weeks' detention." Christians said later Monday, February 9 that her
    husband Jamal Ghalishorani, 49, was also released.

    They were among at least least ten Christians who were detained
    in the capital Tehran on January 21, and could still face charges,
    Christians warned.

    Outside the capital some 40 other Christians are believed to have
    been captured by Iranian authorities, in most cases for abandoning
    Islam. Their whereabouts remained unclear Monday, February 9.


    At least one Christian has reported been charged with "sacrilege", but
    authorities have given no explanation what they regard as sacrilege,
    MEC said.

    In addittion several believers arrested and released in 2008 are
    still waiting to be informed of the dates of court hearings, the
    group added. "Previous cases suggest that some may never receive a
    hearing date and that their cases might end quietly, though sometimes
    without the return of bail money. Others may be informed of hearing
    dates that are then repeatedly rescheduled."

    There has been concern however over an intense crackdown on Christians
    after Iranian's parliament approved legislation that would make
    "apostasy", or leaving Islam, a capital offense for both men and women.

    One of Iran's leading Protestant pastors, Hussein Soodman, was already
    executed in December 1990 for converting from Islam to Christianity,
    after an Islamic court condemned him.Hussein Soodman, an Assemblies of
    God pastor, had been involved in Christian activities for 24 years,
    Christians said. He was reportedly hanged on December 3, 1990, as
    part of a wave of repression directed against the small Christian
    community in the Islamic Republic of Iran.


    The law currently debated still awaits approval of the Guardians
    Council, which investigates all legislation for compliance with
    Islamic principles and authorization by the "Supreme Leader".

    MEC said that Iranian Christians have requested that those detained
    for their faith "will know the Lord's presence and enabling in prison
    and will be released soon" and that others released on bail will also
    "know the Spirit's guiding in their return to normal living."

    Iranian Christians have also been praying that, "the ongoing wave of
    arrests will end", will know God's guidance during upcoming court
    hearings and that, "All officials involved will hear the good news
    of Jesus."

    It comes ahead of upcoming elections in Iran, which rights groups
    hope will lead to more political and religious freedoms. Former
    President Mohammad Khatami, who favors closer ties with the West,
    could give hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a serious challenge,
    analysts say.

    The 65-year old Khatami, who announced his presidential candidacy
    Sunday, February 8, already favored more social and political freedom
    as president from 1997 to 2005.

    However it is unclear whether his reforms would immediately benefit
    minority Christians, as the Islamic Guardians Council is expected to
    remain powerful in this strict Islamic nation.
    From: Baghdasarian