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NKR: Worried Stones Of Lie

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  • NKR: Worried Stones Of Lie

    Leonid Martirosyan

    Azat Artsakh Daily
    09 Feb 09
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    About that, whether in silly desire to discredit Nagorno Karabakh,
    Azerbaijan does not stop in the face of anything, I had to write
    more than once. In the course of many years Azerbaijan made efforts
    to prosecute The Republik of Nagorno Karabakh in the connection of
    international terrorism.

    That is the first reason. In the illegal burial places being under
    control by NK in the territories of nuclear siftings-the second. The
    production and the spreading of narcotic-the third. In such rich
    fantasy of official Baku may soon appear the fourth, the fifth,
    the sixth, the seventh......

    However, there is no need to surprise to such a numerical row because
    exactly in this consists one of the priority direction in the inner
    politics of Azerbaijan which does not care that all his attempts
    remain in vain, for they are not fortified by slightest reliable
    facts. Maybe, this absurd undertaking will be thrown in view of his
    absolute futility in another country. But not in Azerbaijan, where
    with pertinacious, to which mythical Seazif will envy, continues to
    carry a huge stone of lie to the top of mountain... Mazakhir Efendiev
    has recently registered himself as a coordinator of the program of the
    struggle with drugs in South Caucasia (SCAD) in Azerbaijan with the
    regular attach on NK." T here are mini-laboratories in the occupied
    territories of NK, where Iranians produce heroin years Azerbaijan sent
    "worried signals to European Union and UNO", based on reliable facts,
    mined in the result of operative-investigation actions of The Ministry
    of National Security.

    Azerbaijan, of course. About "reliable" facts-a bit later. Now
    about another, but, however the same, having connection to the so
    called "fact". It seems that the period in 5 years, during which
    Azerbaijan "transported" properly worried signals to the corresponding
    international structures, is mentioned nonrandom. For explanation
    we make a short excursion to the past. That's the point, that almost
    at once, after Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict, official Baku began to
    bespatter with the international structures similar misinformation.
    Unfortunately, for the first time Azerbaijan managed to mislead
    to the corresponding international structures, giving them lying
    information. So, many years Baku managed to enter on the daily report
    of State Department(USA) about International Narcotics Control Strategy
    Report of lying information about producing and spreading narcotics
    in NK. However, how long respecting themselves serious organizations
    can lie. Such as State Department of USA.

    Moreover, authorities of NK carried on with corresponding
    international structures for exposuring far-fetched charges of
    Azerbaijan. Simultaneously, Karabakh managed to take of f negative
    formula from the reports of those structures. If we follow the dynamic
    changes of marks of that periods, we may notice that in the report
    of The State Department of USA flatness of charges of NK, in series,
    changed to the careful reservations about that, that the facts of
    using the territories of NK for transporting narcotics were given
    by the authorities of Azerbaijan. Later, in the same place, it was
    said that USA was not possessed of independent confirmation of this
    approval. At last in 2003, the charges were disappeared from the
    report of The State Department of USA.

    Furthermore, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime(UNODC) at that
    time also confirmed that he did not disposed of such information of
    using the territories of NK for transit operations. We consider that
    from that time, Efendiev counted out the period in 5 years, telling
    about "worried signals" of Baku with unconcealed boredom and regret,
    as well as not hearing their addresses. I admit, that Efendiev and his
    high-ranked friends have from what to give to despair. Again, in the
    report of The State department of USA from 2002, was said that around
    the territories of Azerbaijan passed one of the main transit canals
    of the international narco-traffic. Particularly, in the report of
    2007, is stated that "Azerbaijan is the transit point in the route of
    narcotics from Afghanistan and Middle Asia to Western Europe. =2 0Agree
    with us, that before the face of such serious charges, authorities
    of Azerbaijan have from what to give way to despair and began to
    look for charges on the side. That is in NK. At the same time to
    let down his South neighbor-Iran, the relation of Iran with Baku is
    not cloudless. It must be noted that earlier Baku accused Tehran in
    inability to control own border with Azerbaijan, through which is
    made narco-traffic. So, the announcement about mini-laboratories
    of NK for producing drugs where Iranians work in white gowns, is
    not quite by chance. Proviso from Mazakhir to primitive is simple:
    "Azerbaijan is not in such condition to control occupied territories,
    law machineries cannot cross illegal work". Not paying attention to
    the phrase "occupied" I note only that in all this quotation about
    that Azerbaijan is not in such condition to control the territories
    of NK is true. The funny side of a situation is from here.

    Really, about 15 years Azerbaijan has no access to these territories,
    and it means that Azerbaijan does not possess the situation at
    them. Consequently, all this time Baku let down and continues letting
    down undisguised lie to the corresponding international structures,
    not being confused, that nobody believes him. And the words of Efendiev
    that all their statements based on "reliable facts", mined in the
    result of operative-investigation actions of The Ministry of National=2
    0 Security are so absurd, that besides irony nothing else can express
    at serious organizations. Also official statistics of Efendiev are
    that there are 22 thousand drug addicts in Azerbaijan. At that time
    the facts of independent sources are higher. So, on the information
    of the office of Baku about the program development of UNO, in 2008 in
    Azerbaijan, about 300 thousand drug addicts were counted. The evidence
    is that there is no need to believe Efendiev and the other official
    structures. With Efendiev we may agree only in one case. "Necessity
    exists in special monitorings",-stated he. But there is suspicion
    that also in this case he is cunning. And that is why. The fact
    is that in view of ceaseless "narco-insinuation" from the part of
    Azerbaijan the authorities of NK more than once appealed international
    structures to organize and direct to NK independent group of experts
    for studying the situation on the spot and establishment of the
    objective facts. Seemingly, what else to wish-an absolute coincidence
    around this question of interests of Baku and Stepanakert. However,
    all the paradox is in the fact, that exactly Azerbaijan, laying down
    unacceptable conditions, always counteracted direction to NK of such
    international missions. But is it a paradox?

    After all the breakdown of monitoring missions, not only around the
    problem of drugs, allows to official Baku to mislead word commun ity
    with impunity, continuing his hopeless politics for discrediting NK.