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Armenia 2008

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  • Armenia 2008

    ARMENIA 2008

    [03:38 pm] 10 February, 2009

    Harassment of journalists and self-censorship among the news media
    intensified before and after a flawed February 2008 presidential
    election. The country's authoritarian president, Robert Kocharian,
    imposed a state of emergency after the balloting to suppress
    demonstrations and block independent news reporting, a move that
    allowed him to deliver the presidency to a hand-picked successor,
    Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan.

    In early year, authorities sought to ensure that news coverage
    supported Sargsyan's candidacy. In the weeks ahead of the February
    19 vote, most of the country's state and private media followed the
    lead of H1 state television by praising Sargsyan and criticizing
    Levon Ter-Petrosian, the leading opposition candidate who served as
    the first post-Soviet president from 1991 to 1998. Armenian State
    Radio stopped rebroadcasts of Armenian-language news programs from the
    U.S. government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL). Only
    residents of the capital, Yerevan, and several regional cities had
    regular access to alternative sources of information, such as the
    Web site of the A1+ news agency.

    Sargsyan won the election with 52 percent of the vote. But observers
    from the Vienna-based Organization for Security and Co-operation
    in Europe--a pan-European human rights monitoring group--found
    the process marred by voting irregularities and ballot-counting
    abuses. Two journalists--Hovsep Hovsepian of A1+ and Lusine Barsegian
    of the Yerevan daily Haikakan Zhamanak--were assaulted and robbed
    by unidentified people when they attempted to document abuses at a
    polling station in Yerevan.

    Tens of thousands of Ter-Petrosian's supporters peacefully protested
    in central Yerevan after reports of electoral fraud emerged. After
    a week of demonstrations--and statements from several influential
    government officials in support of the opposition candidate--Kocharian
    declared a 20-day state of emergency on March 1, banning all public
    rallies and independent news reporting. The order placed Ter-Petrosian
    under virtual house arrest as police cordoned off his home and barred
    visitors. Hundreds of police officers moved in to violently disperse
    demonstrators in central Yerevan. Gagik Shamshian, a photojournalist
    for the daily Aravot and the weekly Chorrord Ishkhanutyun, and Artak
    Egiazarian, a reporter with the Yerevan daily Aik, were roughed up
    by police and detained for several hours, according to local press

    The state of emergency required news media to cite only official
    sources when reporting on national politics, an edict that opened
    the way for authorities to crack down aggressively on independent
    media. Authorities banned three private radio stations--Radio Yerevan,
    Radio Hay, and Ardzagank Radio--from broadcasting news from RFE/RL. The
    private television station ArmNews, which carried CNN and Euronews
    programming, interrupted reports on Armenia with commercials. Security
    officers were stationed at printing presses to censor newspapers,
    while authorities ordered Internet service providers to block access
    to the Web sites of A1+, RFE/RL, the independent newspapers Aravot
    and Haikakan Zhamanak, and YouTube (where demonstrators had posted
    homemade videos of police violence).

    The harsh media restrictions and widespread public fear made
    independent reporting nearly impossible. "I tried just speaking to
    people informally, but they refused to speak with me, saying they're
    afraid of being persecuted by the authorities," said Karine Simonian,
    an RFE/RL journalist in the northern city of Vanadzor.

    The news vacuum allowed pro-government information and propaganda
    to dominate the airwaves as the Supreme Court rejected two cases
    challenging Sargsyan's electoral victory. A March 13 decree, signed by
    Kocharian, allowed journalists to return to work only if they did not
    report "obviously false or destabilizing information" about domestic
    politics. When the state of emergency expired on March 21, access
    to most Internet sites was restored and newspapers were allowed to
    resume publishing. But police continued to harass opposition activists
    and journalists reporting on opposition rallies; local authorities
    in Gyumri shuttered Gala TV in retaliation for its critical news
    reporting. The crackdown allowed Sargsyan to be sworn into office
    on April 9, despite widespread public discontent over the conduct of
    the elections.

    Regulation of broadcast media remained highly politicized thanks to
    government loyalists serving on the National Council on Television
    and Radio (NCTR). Journalists with A1+, a one-time broadcaster that
    transformed itself into an Internet-based news agency, know that
    better than most. The NCTR revoked the broadcast license of A1+
    in 2002 because of the station's critical reporting and has since
    rejected a dozen applications filed by the news agency. In June 2008,
    the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights ruled that the
    NCTR's repeated denials without explanation had violated the European
    Convention on Human Rights. The court instructed the government to
    pay the station 20,000 euros (US$31,000) in damages.

    The government responded by delaying payment of the fine and
    by drafting an amendment to the Law on Radio and Television that
    effectively froze television licensing until 2010, according to local
    press reports. In September, the amendment was approved by parliament
    and signed by the president, preventing A1+ from participating in
    any new television license tenders.

    The prosecutor general's office selectively enforced the law,
    punishing critical journalists while failing to prosecute attacks
    against the press. Haikakan Zhamanak's Barsegian was hospitalized
    with a concussion in August after being attacked by two unidentified
    assailants. Barsegian had just written several articles critical of
    government supporters. In November, three assailants beat prominent
    investigative journalist Edik Baghdasarian, editor of the news magazine
    Hetq, as he was walking on a Yerevan street. His most recent reports
    concerned corruption in the mining industry. No arrests were reported
    in the attacks. Arman Babadzhanian, editor of Zhamanak Yerevan,
    remained imprisoned during 2008 after being convicted in 2006 of
    forging documents to avoid military service. His four-year sentence
    was widely seen as excessive and given in retaliation for a 2006
    article criticizing the prosecutor general.