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Azerbaijan Impedes Karabakh Peace Process - Yerevan

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  • Azerbaijan Impedes Karabakh Peace Process - Yerevan


    Feb 9 2009

    Militant rhetoric of Azerbaijan impedes peaceful settlement of the
    Karabakh conflict, Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian said
    at the 45th Munich Security Conference on Sunday.

    "You know how much their defense budget has grown and what new
    impediments their militant statements create for the peace process. On
    one hand, they declare the wish to negotiate. On the other hand,
    they distort statements made in Moscow and Helsinki," the Armenian
    public television quoted the minister.

    "There is an impression that Azerbaijan has forgotten the Helsinki
    statement, which says that there is no alternative to the peaceful
    and political settlement of the Karabakh problem," Nalbandian said.

    Yerevan does not want war, but it is not afraid of war either,
    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said in Munich.

    "I think certain politicians have the wrong impression that certain
    methods may intimidate another country and that war may dictate
    certain terms. I have said that before and I repeat that we do not
    want war but we are not afraid of it either," Sargsyan said.

    It was Azerbaijan that started the aggression against the Nagorno-
    Karabakh republic which had gained independence. As a result of
    hostilities Nagorno-Karabakh occupied some territories from which
    hundreds of bombs flew at children, women and elderly people. One
    cannot blame these people for they managed to evade complete
    destruction, Sargsyan said.

    The August aggression against South Ossetia showed the real level of
    tensions in South Caucasus, the president said.

    This is a reminder for all parties concerned that any careless words
    and any imprudent moves bring a danger of unpredictable consequences,
    Sargsyan said.

    The arms race, the increase in the military budget, and belligerent
    statements complicate the situation, which inevitably leads to