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ANKARA: Turkey, Armenia Could Normalize Relations In Second Half Of

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  • ANKARA: Turkey, Armenia Could Normalize Relations In Second Half Of


    Feb 10 2009

    Turkey and Armenia could attain the required conditions to normalize
    relations in the second half of 2009 if the ongoing dialogue process
    between the two countries continues at its current pace, a report
    Monday quoted the neighboring country's president as saying.

    "I can say that there could be no problem for diplomatic relations
    to begin between Armenia and Turkey if the atmosphere gained in the
    recent contacts continues in the future," Armenian President Serzh
    Sargsyan told MediaMax news agency after talks between the countries
    at Davos and the Munich Security Conference.

    The two countries' relations would be much different and of higher
    quality, Hurriyet daily quoted him as telling the Armenian news agency.

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan met his Armenian counterpart
    Eduard Nalbandian both on the sidelines of the annual meeting of
    last month's World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos and at this month's
    Munich conference.

    Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan also met Sargsyan at Davos in
    a bid to contribute to the normalization efforts.

    Turkey and Armenia have no diplomatic relations and their border
    has been closed for more than a decade, as Armenia presses the
    international community with the backing of the diaspora to admit
    the so-called "genocide" claims, instead of accepting Turkey's call
    to investigate the allegations, and over Armenia's invasion of 20
    percent territory of Azerbaijan.

    A warmer period began in relations when Turkish President Abdullah
    Gul paid a landmark visit to Yerevan in September to watch a World Cup
    qualifying football match between the two countries on the invitation
    of Sargsyan. The two countries have been holding contacts at the
    ministerial level since.


    Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said Monday any intervention by
    a third party into Turkey's ongoing talks with Armenia would prove
    counterproductive, when asked about a controversial U.S. resolution
    awaiting voting in the Senate recognizing Armenian claims as

    "The dialogue between our two countries aims at normalizing
    all bilateral relations and we make progress to that end in each
    contact. And I do not believe that the intervention of other countries
    would be constructive," Babacan was quoted by the Anatolian Agency
    as telling a joint press meeting with visiting Ethiopian Foreign
    Minister Seyoum Mesfin in Ankara.

    Babacan said talks with Armenia included the events of 1915, asking
    for support to the dialogue between Turkey and Armenia.

    "As we conduct such important talks, everyone should avoid moves that
    would damage this process," he said.