By Mira Yardemian
AZG Armenian Daily
Beirut, 28/01/2009- Within the framework of the continuous and
generous support of the Lincy Foundation to Haigazian University,
a USD100,000 grant was received as a financial contribution from the
foundation to the University.
With a feeling of gratitude, President Haidostian acknowledged the
benevolent mission of the Foundation in joining Haigazian University's
drive for excellence in education and service, especially during this
time of global economic hardship, noting that this grant will serve
to finance the general academic operations of the University.
Haidostian also expressed the increasing financial needs of students
Haigazian serves as well as the growing needs of the University in
its expansion plans, noting that the bulk of financial aid granted
to students last year reached the amount of USD1,000,000/.
Being the only Armenian-owned university in the Armenian Diaspora that
follows the American model of higher education, Haigazian University,
through its undergraduate and graduate programs, serves 750 to 800
students per year, with around 2400 alumni spread all over the globe.
By Mira Yardemian
AZG Armenian Daily
Beirut, 28/01/2009- Within the framework of the continuous and
generous support of the Lincy Foundation to Haigazian University,
a USD100,000 grant was received as a financial contribution from the
foundation to the University.
With a feeling of gratitude, President Haidostian acknowledged the
benevolent mission of the Foundation in joining Haigazian University's
drive for excellence in education and service, especially during this
time of global economic hardship, noting that this grant will serve
to finance the general academic operations of the University.
Haidostian also expressed the increasing financial needs of students
Haigazian serves as well as the growing needs of the University in
its expansion plans, noting that the bulk of financial aid granted
to students last year reached the amount of USD1,000,000/.
Being the only Armenian-owned university in the Armenian Diaspora that
follows the American model of higher education, Haigazian University,
through its undergraduate and graduate programs, serves 750 to 800
students per year, with around 2400 alumni spread all over the globe.