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ANKARA: The future with Obama

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  • ANKARA: The future with Obama

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Feb 15 2009

    The future with Obama
    Ã-zlem Türköne*

    "This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed -- why men and women
    and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration
    across this magnificent Mall, and why a man whose father less than 60
    years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now
    stand before you to take a most sacred oath."

    These were the tremendous words of newly elected US President Barack
    Obama in his inaugural speech and they contain a very profound
    meaning. On Jan. 20 a genuine historical moment was recorded in the
    minds of all the world's people: Obama was sworn in as the 44th
    president of the United States and the nation's first African-American

    As we have been passing through a tough chapter struggling to alter a
    world economy in turmoil and deal with seemingly intractable foreign
    policy challenges, Obama reminded us of a sense of hope and the
    possibility of better days to come. We really needed that.

    As in other countries, many people in Turkey joined the worldwide
    celebrations over the US president's inauguration as the Obama era
    officially began. A statistical glimpse of hope from a poll conducted
    for the BBC World Service indicates that the percentage of Turkish
    people who believe Obama will strengthen US relations with the rest of
    the world has risen from 11 percent to 51 percent over the last six

    Turks' expectation of Obama

    This means that the Turkish people expect Obama to take important
    steps toward saving the United States' image in Turkey and helping
    revitalize the relationship between the two countries.

    So there is a new wave of sympathy rising, as if the darkness that has
    covered the world for the past eight years is finally about to be

    The specifics of Obama's foreign policy have not yet
    materialized. Hence, they are full of uncertainties. Given the
    high-profile problems of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Russia, will the
    US want Turkey to play an important role in the Obama era?

    One should also note that there must be a kind of harmony between
    Obama's perception of the issues regarding Turkey's concerns and the
    expectations of the Turkish government, as well as the Turkish people.

    Bearing this in mind, it will be helpful to categorize these
    expectations and perceptions as follows:

    The questionable approach of the new administration to the so-called
    "Armenian genocide" issue remains the main roadblock to improving
    Turkish-US relations. It is still unknown whether President Obama and
    Vice President Joe Biden, both of whom have expressed support for the
    Armenian position in the past, will back any kind of recognition

    The second important issue on the common agenda is related to the
    previously announced plans for a rapid withdrawal of US forces from
    Iraq and an increase in pressure on the Taliban and al-Qaeda in

    Where does Turkey fit in to the Obama administration's plans?

    Maybe it would be better to analyze this by recalling Turkey's
    participation in the history of the region's crises.

    Turkey is located at one of the most important strategic crossroads in
    the world today and its position is very close to many flashpoints for
    ongoing conflicts. The potential threats that are on the top of the
    agenda have led Turkey to preserve the foundations of peace and
    stability in the broader region and the predominance of the culture of
    reconciliation and common values that can be found within its stable
    democracy and dynamic economy. It is customary for Turkey to
    contribute to international efforts seeking peaceful resolutions to
    disputes and rebuild peace and stability in regions suffering from

    The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is one these
    significant initiatives. Launched by the secretary-general of the
    United Nations in July 2005, it aims to facilitate harmony and
    dialogue by emphasizing the common values of different cultures and
    religions. On anyone's shortlist, ensuring Arab-Israeli peace,
    stabilizing a unified Iraq, maintaining stability and security in
    Lebanon and coping with the issue of Iran's nuclear program must top
    the list of priorities. We have already been actively engaged in all
    of these problems.

    The most recent example is the peace talks between Syria and
    Israel. These talks started and were conducted in an indirect way,
    which means the talks proceeded through Turkey.

    In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we have dealt with all the groups
    involved. Turkey is one of the only countries that has good relations
    with Israel and with Arab countries at the same time. This is

    Also, in the Caucasus, another key region afflicted with complicated
    issues, such as the Russia-Georgia conflict, Turkey paid close
    attention and took delicate care as a significant actor, feeling
    responsibility and taking initiative.

    Turkey and the US have worked together in all of these critical
    regions and their relations have expanded and evolved over the decades
    from a military alliance to a "strategic partnership" based on common
    interests and mutual values.

    Today Turkey and the US are working together to combat terrorism,
    bridge the gap between the West and the Muslim world, support critical
    transitions in Iraq and Afghanistan, stabilize the Balkans and the
    Caucasus, pursue peace in the Middle East, integrate the former Soviet
    republics of Central Asia into the community of democratic states and
    transport Caspian energy resources to world markets.

    Turkey has joined the US and Iraqi governments in a trilateral effort
    to eliminate enduring terrorist threats in the region. This effort,
    along with Turkey's assistance in Iraq's democratic transition,
    exemplifies its continuing leadership in promoting global security and

    However, there are some concerns about the withdrawal of American
    troops from Iraq. After the US troops go back home we -- Turkey --
    will be staying here, as the neighbors of the Iraqi people. As
    Americans watch news about the Middle East on TV across the ocean, we
    will be the ones seeing the ongoing chaos nearby firsthand. It is,
    therefore, no wonder that a peaceful Iraq is as important to Turkey as
    it is to the US. Turkey can play a key role in helping to stabilize
    Iraq, particularly its Kurdish region. Moving away from militarized US
    policies in favor of diplomacy will allocate new roles to the region's
    actors and this new era will resonate well with Turkey's new role as a
    regional peacemaker, our country hopes.

    For Iraq, we believe the solution has to be a political one. Political
    reconstruction will be the key concept for Iraq. We are talking with
    all groups in Iraq without any exception.

    Coming to the other issue, Obama's intention to increase pressure on
    the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, we can say that it most
    likely means arguing for more resources and more troops to finish the
    fight against the terrorists.

    Bearing in mind that Turkey, which ranks second -- just after the US
    -- in the number of forces available for NATO missions, did not
    preserve its military support for the organization in many cases where
    its help had been requested, some wonder whether Turkey will agree to
    send more troops to the region and, if so, whether it will attempt to
    draw advantages from its contribution in return. We cannot blame
    Turkey for acting too emotionally because, in the past, much has been
    asked of Turkey but, from Turkey's standpoint, not enough has been

    Turkey and NATO

    A member of NATO since 1952, Turkey fought side by side with US forces
    in Korea to stop the spread of communism in Asia. Turkey defended
    NATO's southeastern flank during the Cold War, protecting vital
    Western interests in the Middle East and guarding against Soviet
    access to the Mediterranean. From this point of view, it is not asking
    for much, only for a more empathetic approach to be taken.

    Aside from these concerns, the Obama administration is likely to take
    a much more active role in trying to resolve problems in the Middle
    East. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an has also expressed
    hope that Obama would contribute to international peace and reiterated
    his belief that Turkey and the US would maintain their strategic

    Turkish-American relations have a history of more than 200 years,
    albeit with occasional ups and downs, but always with the aim of
    reaching the common goals of peace and freedom in the world. Relations
    between the two countries have always been based on shared values and
    mutual trust. This is how things were in the past; now the threat of
    terrorism is higher than before and there seems no change in the
    tremendous instability of the Middle East. So the world is very
    different now than it was in the last century, when Turkey was always
    there for the US. While all these developments have been occurring,
    Turkey itself has also changed. It has more confidence and is now
    determined to play a leadership role in the Middle East and the

    But if there is one thing that has not changed much, it is the vital
    importance of the relationship between Turkey and the United States
    for our policy, because there is indeed a synergy between us built
    upon decades of relations and mutual confidence and now reaffirmed by
    shared visions. It is our hope that this synergy will be saved and
    carried to the future by the hopeful wind of change that has come upon
    us with the beginning of the Obama era.

    *Ã-zlem Türköne is an Ä°stanbul deputy for the
    Justice and Development Party (AK Party) working in the party's
    Foreign Affairs Department and deputy chairperson of the Turkish
    delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

    15 February 2009, Sunday