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Nine women to be honored with Susan B. Anthony Award

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  • Nine women to be honored with Susan B. Anthony Award

    Stockton Record, CA
    Feb 15 2009

    Nine women to be honored with Susan B. Anthony Award

    Award recipients chosen for their community work

    By Lori Gilbert Record Staff Writer February 15, 2009 6:00 AM

    The last of two lunch periods at Weston Ranch High School was about to
    begin, and the Black Student Union's second lunch meeting was minutes
    from starting.

    Hilda Curry, who'd been at the first lunch meeting, had to leave. The
    woman, who volunteers her time to the organization, had to get to
    Sacramento to pick up her 6-year-old granddaughter from school.

    "I"ll bring those fliers for the Miss Black Tracy," Curry told senior
    Unique Johnson as she headed for the door.

    "I know you will," Johnson answered.

    Curry is known to follow through on her promises. She's also known to
    volunteer her time to Black Student Union members in schools from
    Tracy to Stockton. Helping young people, and other people with needs,
    has been as important to Curry as driving 6-year-old granddaughter
    Aiyana Hendricks to and from school.

    Her lifelong devotion to others has led the San Joaquin County
    Commission on the Status of Women to award Curry a Susan B. Anthony
    Award for community service.

    The annual awards to women of achievement also will be presented to
    Janice Dodson, Marcia Elam, Victoria Markarian, Geneva Bell-Sanford,
    Carrie Sass, Suzanne Yip Schultz, Daphne Shaw and Latifah Zarif at a
    banquet today at Brookside Country Club. It begins at 4:30 p.m.

    Curry can hardly recall a time in her life when she hasn't helped

    One of the elder of 18 children raised in Donaldsonville, La., Curry
    and her sister cooked, cleaned and ironed clothes to help her mother,
    who worked full time.

    At 18, while living with a sister in Bloomington, Ill., she answered
    her uncle's request to move to Oakland and help care for his alcoholic
    wife and granddaughter, whom he'd adopted.

    Even the jobs she held when she and her late husband, Melvin, moved to
    Stockton were service-oriented. She was a social worker for Mountain
    Valley Regional Center, helping children and adults with developmental
    disabilities. She started a business to handle the finances of Social
    Security recipients addicted to drugs and alcohol, who could not, or
    would not, pay their bills. She ran Positive Self Images School to
    teach young women about everything from fashion and hair care to diet
    and nutrition, exercise and etiquette.

    "When I was younger, I lived with an aunt in Oakland and attended John
    Robert Powers School in San Francisco. I thought I wanted to be a
    model," Curry said. "Then I went to a school called Charms Unlimited
    in Berkeley. They taught self-esteem, walking, speaking in public,
    dressing for success. After all that, I decided I wanted to work with
    young adults."

    Giving young people self-esteem is what she continues to strive to do
    when she goes to their BSU meetings.

    "I talk about etiquette, going out looking for jobs in the community
    and how they should represent themselves," Curry said.

    She also keeps them informed about the black college tour she annually
    chaperones and the black graduation organized by the Black Employees
    Association of the Stockton Unified School District.

    She's not the official BSU club adviser at the schools, but her
    contribution is just as important.

    "She helps us with the black college fair and with ideas," Weston
    Ranch's Johnson said.

    Curry, who has been involved with BSU for about 15 years, said
    longtime SUSD educator and administrator Mary Flenoy-Kelley is behind
    her involvement in the schools.

    Kelley remembers it differently.

    "Our children were students together at St. Mary's, and my first
    recollection of Hilda was at a parent meeting," Kelley said. "She was
    helping to do something and trying to recruit everyone who came
    through that door. Persistently so. She's a hard worker who loves her
    community, loves working with kids."

    Curry, who declines to give her age, said she relates to kids well
    because she shows them mutual respect.

    "I think she connects through silence," Kelley said. "She's a good
    listener. She listens to kids. She doesn't have a grandiose plan for
    them. She listens to determine how she can best work with
    kids. Sometimes they tell her things more readily than they would
    other people because she does listen."

    What Curry most hopes is that she's encouraging those young people to
    get an education and think about what they'll do after graduating from
    high school.

    Though she never became a teacher, Curry spent endless amounts of time
    in classrooms, those of her own two children, now grown, and of

    "I love being around children," Curry said. "Children are our future."

    The other Susan B. Anthony Award winners who will be honored today:

    Janice Dodson, community service

    Service to women young and older has been the hallmark of Dodson's
    work. She's worked on programs as diverse as Planned Parenthood and
    Reading is Fundamental, which distributes books for children at the
    Transitional Learning Center, a school for the homeless. Dodson's
    efforts go toward promoting equity, education, intellectual growth,
    self-esteem and opportunities for girls and women.

    Marcia Elam, community service

    One of Elam's favorite causes is All About Me, an enrichment program
    for high school girls that promotes moral values, develops leadership
    skills, and career and educational enhancements.

    Victoria Markarian, community service

    Voter activism - from running mock elections for students to helping
    older women get out and vote - is a big part of Markarian's outreach,
    but she also has worked with the Armenian Relief Society to raise
    money and supplies for people in need.

    Geneva Bell-Sanford, community service

    Children are at the heart of Bell-Sanford's community work,
    particularly children with HIV. She's also been involved in trying to
    curb youth violence.

    Carrie Sass, business

    The former marketing director for The Record, Sass opened her own
    public relations firm and one of her many continuing contributions to
    the community is organizing Family Day at the Park, an interactive
    book and literacy fair for families. She also is involved with Women
    Center programs, the Child Abuse Council and Girls Scouts, among other

    Suzanne Yip Schultz, law and legal services

    The coordinator of Family Crimes in the District Attorney's Office,
    Schultz is responsible for the prosecution of domestic violence, child
    abuse, sexual abuse and elder abuse. As a community volunteer, she
    serves on the Lodi Senior Citizens Commission, which focuses on meals
    for seniors, housing and health issues.

    Daphne Shaw, health care

    A mental health advocate, Shaw has served on state and local advisory
    boards, helping to ensure fair and equitable treatment for patients
    with mental illness.

    Latifah Zarif, education

    A teacher at the Clara Mohammed School, Zarif has been a longtime
    advocate for children to receive a quality education. She has taught
    parenting skills to young mothers and helped in classrooms in her
    pursuit of educating children. article?AID=/20090215/A_LIFE/902140310/-1/A_LIFE

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress