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Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan's hypocrisy!

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  • Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan's hypocrisy!

    Kurdish Aspect, CO
    Feb 14 2009

    Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan's hypocrisy! - By Minhaj Akreyi

    Anywhere in the world it takes guts to stand up for humanity, for
    truth, for the innocent people. It takes even more guts to stand for
    all these against someone where there is a strong economical interest
    and trade among themselves. And this daring act was taken by Turkey's
    Prime Minister Erdogan against its economical partner Israel's
    President, Shimon Peres at the World Economical Forum, Davos. Prime
    Minister Erdogan yelled at the President Peres for the Gaza offense
    against the Palestinians about a month ago, "President Peres, you are
    old, and your voice is loud out of a guilty conscience, when it comes
    to killing, you know very well how to kill. I know well how you hit
    and kill children on beaches." You know, I would have saluted,
    literally would have saluted this guy if he were not doing the same
    thing with the Kurdish people in Turkey and in North-Kurdistan, or the
    Turkish-occupied Kurdistan.

    This is by a Turkish newspaper, Taraf, headquartered in Istanbul,

    "In one stroke, he became the moral patron saint of the Arab world,"
    said Mr. Candar, the columnist. But some Turkish columnists criticized
    Mr. Erdogan for what they said was an implicit hypocrisy � raising
    the issue of the Israeli killings of Palestinians while failing to
    mention his own country's abuses in the mostly Kurdish southeast
    during years of war there.

    "One would naturally ask Erdogan, who stands up against violence
    imposed on people in Gaza, what he thinks about Kurds being killed in
    his own country," wrote Ahmet Altan in the liberal Turkish daily

    Through out Turkey's history, and before, the Ottoman Empire's, who
    was ruled by the same Turkish people, they have committed the most
    horrendous and heinous crimes against the Kurdish population. The
    first documented Turkish genocide against the Kurdish nation goes back
    to as far as 1514 by Yavuz Sultan Salim of the Ottoman Empire where he
    murdered 40,000 Kurds in the city of Dersim. Between December 9,1606
    until August 5, 1611, Ottoman's Emperor Ahmet I murdered almost
    100,000 Kurdish Kilzilbash Alevis. Once again in 1937, the Republic of
    Turkey genocides more than 70,000 of the same Kurds who were brutally
    massacred about five centuries earlier, in the city of Dersim (1). And
    these three mentioned massacres and genocides are only the three out
    of the many documented and undocumented. And never has the Turkish
    government ever apologized for it, just like the Armenian genocide.

    Coming back to the recent times, the Turkish government is as brutal
    and ruthless as they were centuries ago:

    - While the Kurdish people were celebrating their national holiday,
    Newroz, in the cities of Wan, Hakkari, Siirt, which is in the
    Turkish-occupied Kurdistan, the Turkish soldiers stormed the cities
    and mercilessly beat anything that moved and was Kurdish. They got a
    little boy younger than the age of 11, wrapped his mouth with a cloth,
    and broke his arm from back to front (2). And please do not take my
    word for it, watch the video yourself to believe, the link is
    below. Or watch how two soldiers beat a very old man to dead. Or watch
    how 7-8 soldiers beat group of women in the middle of street with
    kicks and police baton. Or watch how few soldiers corner one man and
    beat him (2). All this happened less than a year ago. While Turkey's
    Prime Minister Erdogan was in charge, never did he say a word about
    that. Yet he screams at Israel's president for killing the

    - The letter "W" is banned because that letter is found in the Kurdish
    language, and not the Turkish (3).

    - The way the Turkish government has and is "linguicide" the Kurdish

    - A Kurdish choir was in a tour in the United States, and allegedly,
    the choir sang "provocative" song that is related to the Kurdish
    freedom fighters, the PKK, whom Turkey has outlawed. The song they
    sang is "Ey Reqib" and this song is a Kurdish national anthem which
    has nothing to do with any political parties, but is related to being
    a Kurd and any Kurd from anywhere in the world sings that. Nine of the
    boys are in trials in Turkey for promoting "separatism" and are in
    danger of being imprisoned for years.(5).

    Not only against the Kurdish people has the Turkish government
    committed crimes and genocide in 1915, the government of Turkey
    genocide 1.5 million Armenian women, children, elders, men, and
    everything else in between. Since then until now, the Turkey's
    government, including the so-called hero Prime Minister Erdogan has
    been refusing to call it a Genocide whereas most of the world has
    accepted it as genocide. Is this the man who is been regarded a hero?
    Is this the man who is believed to be standing for the innocent
    people? Really?

    Not just that, It was only last year when Erdogan was welcoming Omar
    al-Bashir, Sudan's president to Istanbul who has been accused of
    genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur. If you,
    the Prime Minister Ergodan, and you, the reader, disagree with
    killings of the innocent people, than it should be of all grounds, and
    not just certain groups.

    So please, ladies and gentleman, human and innocent loving people,
    reconsider your thoughts about Mr. Prime Minister Erdogan, and instead
    we should protest him and his government's acts and crimes against the
    Kurds, along with Israel's crimes against the Palestinian
    people. Anyone siding with criminal, is a criminal as well; anyone
    siding with a thief, is as guilty as the thief; and anyone siding with
    a killer and a hypocrite like Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan, is as
    hypocrite and guilty.


    1. mp;file=article&sid=15918

    2. /video/x4vdol_newroz-tragedy-2008-better-version_n ews

    3. 611/ai_n16935462/pg_1

    4. A/1999/JUL/policy.html

    5.,1518,5 60699,00.html 21409MAA.html

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress