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Plouffe speech in Azerbaijan draws fire

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  • Plouffe speech in Azerbaijan draws fire
    February 12, 2009 Thursday 10:40 PM EST

    Plouffe speech in Azerbaijan draws fire

    by Kenneth P. Vogel

    For two years, he was the brains behind the Obama political
    juggernaut, quietly engineering what he recently boasted was perhaps
    the biggest political upset in history.

    But in the weeks since he's come out from behind the curtain to tell
    how he pulled it off, David Plouffe has found it's not always easy to
    be the man in the spotlight.

    Just Thursday, Plouffe drew fire from reporters over his insistence
    that a speech at a Georgetown University symposium be kept

    The flap came on the heels of a Monday speech that caused potentially
    more serious headaches for Team Obama - not because the speech was
    closed to the press, which it was, but because of where it was given,

    A group with close ties to the oil-rich Caspian Sea nation, which has
    been criticized for human rights abuses and authoritarian leanings,
    paid Plouffe $50,000 to speak and also arranged for him to meet with
    top government officials.

    That rankled stateside backers of Armenia, who emerged as an
    influential pro-Obama political bloc, and set off a war of words
    between them and their bitter rivals in the Azerbaijani-American

    A White House aide stressed that Plouffe's visit had no bearing on
    administration policies.

    Obama's Press Secretary Robert Gibbs hammered that point Monday,
    telling reporters aboard Air Force One, that Plouffe was "not there at
    the behest of, and not delivering a message on behalf of, the
    president of the United States. If the president had a message for
    Azerbaijan, he'd pick up the phone. It's a longer flight and a shorter

    Nonetheless, the Plouffe flap is "a slightly awkward situation" for
    Obama, said Cory Welt, a Eurasian studies professor at Georgetown
    University, "because the new administration should try to maintain
    good relations with the Azerbaijani government for broader
    geopolitical regional issues."

    But Welt said Plouffe comes out of it the worst. "He looks suckered,
    first of all. And second of all, it gets a little too close to looking
    like something inappropriate."

    After Plouffe learned that the group paying for the speech - held at a
    relatively small private university that boasted of presenting him "a
    memory gift" - had close ties to the Azerbaijani government, he
    decided to donate the fee to the U.S.-based nonprofit National
    Democratic Institute.

    Plouffe hasn't commented on either appearance. But a source close to
    him said the unwelcome attention, which stems from his forays onto the
    lucrative speaking circuit, has caught Plouffe off guard, since "he
    considers himself a private citizen who gives speeches about a
    campaign that ended at 11 o'clock on Nov. 4th."

    But the attention paid to Plouffe stems not only from his past
    closeness to Obama but from his continuing involvement in Obama's
    outside political operation. And both his stock speech and forthcoming
    book (for which he landed a seven-figure advance) deal with his
    stewardship of Obama's campaign.

    The White House has stressed that Plouffe is neither working in the
    administration nor representing Obama in his speaking engagements. But
    as a bona fide Obama insider, his actions and words have been parsed
    for insight into the mostly leak-free Obama inner sanctum, and
    scrutinized for consistency with Obama's.

    The interest in Plouffe was apparent Thursday, when he was slated to
    appear at the Georgetown symposium, being held at the National Press
    Club. Plouffe asked that his remarks be kept off the record, and
    reporters, including the Washington Post's Dana Milbank, protested.

    Politico editor-in-chief John Harris withdrew Politico's sponsorship
    of the Plouffe discussion and backed out from moderating that event,
    which proceeded off-the-record.

    A source close to Plouffe, who did not want to be identified speaking
    for Plouffe, contended the arrangement was at the behest of Georgetown
    University, the host of the event, and produced language from the
    contract stating the talk was to "be closed to the media."

    Georgetown spokesman Andy Pino said, however, "We did not request that
    this be off the record. In fact, we would rather have it be on the

    Plouffe's speech in Azerbaijan - and the Armenian reaction - also drew

    Armenia and Azerbaijan have been locked in a tense territorial dispute
    since a 1994 cease-fire ended a six-year war that killed upwards of
    25,000 people. The sparring neighbors are both strategically important
    U.S. allies. And both are waiting to see how the Obama administration
    will approach the territorial dispute, and manage its foreign policy
    in the broader South Caucasus, a volatile region important for its oil
    and proximity to Iran and Russia.

    "Having a high-profile former campaign aide heading to an
    authoritarian government doesn't seem like what the Obama
    administration would want to be promoting right now," said Bryan
    Ardouny, executive director of the Armenian Assembly of America, a
    D.C.-based advocacy group that lobbies on Armenian issues.

    The Armenians are only upset because Plouffe's visit runs counter to
    their own "negative propaganda" about Azerbaijan, asserted Adil
    Baguirov, managing director of the U.S. Azeris Network, a Washington
    non-profit advocating Azerbaijani positions.

    Armenian voters in the United States have traditionally taken a
    bi-partisan approach to political involvement. But in last year's
    presidential election, most Armenian-American groups threw their lot
    behind Obama, who had long signaled support for Armenia's position in
    the territorial dispute, as well its effort to gain U.S. recognition
    of the 1915 extermination of up to 1.5 million Armenians at the hands
    of the Ottoman government as a genocide.

    Obama's Republican presidential rival John McCain, on the other hand,
    had opposed the genocide resolution out of concern over offending
    Turkey, and was endorsed by the U.S. Azeris Network.

    Though Armenian-American leaders assert that Plouffe's mysterious trip
    did not dampen their hopes for legislative and diplomatic victories
    under Obama, they admit it prompted a flurry of nervous phone calls
    with activists and congressional allies.

    These leaders question Plouffe's judgment, but they reserved most of
    their scorn for Azerbaijan, which they charged was trying to skirt
    lobbying laws by buttering up Plouffe to gain a toehold in the White

    "It seems to me a pretty sad effort on the part of Azerbaijan to try
    to curry favor and by using clever D.C. back-channel tactics to
    accomplish what they couldn't accomplish during the election," said
    Aram Hamparian, executive director of the Armenian National Committee
    of America, which endorsed Obama.

    Baguirov, the Azeris Network official, acknowledged the
    Azerbaijani-American lobby has concerns about Obama's stance on the
    territorial dispute and other issues. But he said his group has - and
    will continue to - appeal directly to the Obama administration through
    traditional channels "expressing the readiness to be consulted on any
    subject relevant to the community and the region of Caucasus."

    As for potential dealings between Plouffe and the Azeri government,
    Baguirov said "with all due respect, (he) doesn't seem to be an
    appropriate choice to negotiate anything with the government."
    From: Baghdasarian