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Jews In Muslim Lands Anxious Over Gaza War

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  • Jews In Muslim Lands Anxious Over Gaza War

    By Amy Teibel

    16 Feb 09

    CAIRO (AP) -- Outrage at the Israel war in the Gaza Strip has turned
    to intimidation and even violence against Jews living in some Muslim
    lands, raising questions about the stability of these often tiny

    In Turkey, Yemen and Indonesia, Muslims have shut down a synagogue,
    stoned homes and used anti-Semitic slurs. Although the incidents have
    been isolated, the Jewish minorities in these lands are concerned.

    "Before the conflict broke out in Gaza, we were very involved in the
    community," said Yusron Samba, whose family for years had operated
    a synagogue in Indonesia that shut down in fear over the war. "Of
    course we're afraid following strong reaction recently from some
    Islamic groups questioning our presence here."

    The fury over Gaza has centered around the hundreds of Palestinian
    civilians killed in the war, in which 13 Israelis also died. Israel
    says it could not avoid killing civilians because Gaza militants
    operate from residential areas, but critics accuse it of using
    disproportionate force in its war to halt rocket attacks on its

    The steep Palestinian death toll sparked protests across the Muslim
    world, Europe and in Venezuela, and in some cases, the rage turned
    to violence.

    Firebombs were hurled at synagogues in France, Sweden and Belgium,
    Jews were beaten in England and Norway and an Italian union =0
    Aendorsed a boycott of Jewish-owned shops. In Venezuela, vandals
    shattered religious objects at a synagogue and spray-painted, "Jews,
    get out," on the walls.

    In Yemen, where Islamic militancy is on the rise, anti-Israel
    protesters pelted several Jewish homes with rocks and smashed windows,
    injuring at least one person, security officials said.

    President Ali Abdullah Saleh has offered to give plots of land in
    the capital, San'a, free of charge to Jews who want to relocate from
    the provinces, officials said. No one has taken him up on the offer,
    said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because
    the offer was made privately in a meeting between the president and
    Jewish leaders.

    As many as 250 of Yemen's estimated 400 Jews are thought to live
    outside San'a.

    In Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim state, Islamic
    hard-liners marched to the gates of the country's only synagogue,
    chanting, "Go to hell, Israel."

    "If Israel refuses to stop its attacks and oppression of the
    Palestinian people, we don't need to defend (the synagogue's) presence
    here," said Abdusshomad Buchori, who led the protest in the town of
    Surabaya and has threatened to drive out its Jews. The synagogue has
    been shuttered since.

    In the past, Jews in Surabaya have experienced no hostility, Samba
    said. But increasingly -- probably because of events like the Gaza
    war -- a smattering of swastikas has appeared on the backs of buses,
    he said.

    Because of the hostile reaction, "we're not exposing ourselves to the
    media right now," he said. "We also report all protests to the police."

    Several dozen Jews are thought to be living in Indonesia, descendants
    of traders from Europe and Iraq.

    Jewish leaders in Egypt and Syria were curt when asked about the
    climate toward Jews in their countries.

    "We have no troubles and we don't talk politics," said Carmen
    Weinstein, head of the Jewish Community in Cairo.

    In Syria, Jewish community head Albert Komho said, "There is no fear
    and there are no threats. We are not involved in any political activity
    and we are functioning normally."

    Jews moved to the Middle East and north Africa after Spain
    expelled them in the 15th century. Jews were often restricted to
    separate neighborhoods, had curtailed rights, and sometimes were
    persecuted. Their condition deteriorated sharply in the first half
    of the 20th century as a result of Arab nationalism and Israel's
    impending establishment. Hundreds of thousands fled or were expelled
    from Arab lands around the time of Israel's 1948 creation, and today,
    only several tens of thousands remain.

    Some communities are tiny, numbering about 100 in Syria and less than
    a dozen in Baghdad. The biggest concentrations are in Turkey and Iran,
    where Jews enjoy the stated protection of Islamic governments.

    The Iranian Jewish community went out of its wa y to distance
    itself from Israel during the Gaza fighting, issuing a statement
    expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and condemning the Israeli
    offensive. "The inhuman behavior of the Zionist regime contradicts
    the religious teachings" of the Jewish faith, the statement said.

    A group of Iranian Jews, including Jewish lawmaker Siamak Mara-Sedq,
    protested against the war in front of the U.N. office in Tehran in
    late December.

    Turkey is Israel's best friend in the Muslim world, but the greatest
    turbulence over the Gaza war has taken place there. Earlier this
    month, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan confronted Israeli
    President Shimon Peres over the high Palestinian civilian death toll,
    before storming off the stage they shared at a high-profile forum in
    Davos, Switzerland.

    Some of Turkey's 23,000 Jews, however, were more alarmed by a
    government-ordered minute of silence in schools for Gaza's dead,
    which they fear is a sign that the Islamic-leaning government's
    declared intolerance of anti-Semitism might waver. Erdogan's recent
    observation that the Ottoman Empire welcomed Jews also rankled many
    who took it to mean that Turkey considered them guests, not citizens.

    Although Turkish fury was mostly directed at Israel, a few Turkish
    protesters held placards with anti-Semitic messages. Turkish media
    showed a photograph of three men in front of the office of a cultural
    association, holding a dog and a sign saying, "Dog s are allowed,
    but Jews and Armenians aren't."

    Jewish community leaders say hundreds of anti-Semitic writings have
    appeared in Turkish media, and that prosecutors have failed to take
    legal action.

    "Everyone can criticize the policies of Israel, we respect that,"
    Silvyo Ovadya, head of the Jewish community in Turkey, told the
    Milliyet newspaper.

    "However, every speech criticizing Israel has a tendency to turn into
    cries of 'Damn Jews.' I don't recall such an atmosphere previously."

    Erdogan has tried to reassure Turkey's Jews, who live in a country
    of more than 70 million Muslims, that criticism of Israel does not
    amount to an attack on Jews and their faith.

    "There has been no anti-Semitism in the history of this country,"
    Erdogan told ruling party lawmakers last week. "As a minority,
    they're our citizens.

    Both their security and the right to observe their faith are under
    our guarantee."

    AP correspondents Chris Torchia in Istanbul, Ahmed Al-Haj in Yemen,
    Ali Kotarumalos in Jakarta, Maggie Michael in Cairo and Ali Akbar
    Dareini in Tehran contributed to this report.