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Azeri President Aliyev In Greece

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  • Azeri President Aliyev In Greece


    Athens News Agency
    Feb 16 2009

    Greek President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias on Monday received
    the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, who is on an official
    visit to Greece. They held talks on ways to further develop bilateral
    relations between Greece and Azerbaijan.

    Private talks between the two presidents were preceded by an official
    ceremony of welcome, where the government was represented by Culture
    Minister Antonis Samaras and Deputy Merchant Marine & Island Policy
    Minister Panagiotis Kammenos. There was then a meeting with the full
    delegations of the Greek and Azeri sides attending.

    This culminated in the signature of four bilateral agreements:
    one for avoiding double taxation and preventing tax evasion, which
    was signed by Greek Deputy Finance Minister Antonis Bezas and Azeri
    Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov; a flight services agreement signed
    by Deputy Transport Minister Mihalis Bekiris and Azerbaijan Airlines
    general director Jakhangir Askerov; an infotech and communications
    agreement signed by Bekiris and the Azeri Communications and
    Information Technology Minister Ali Abbasov; and finally a memorandum
    of understanding in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency
    sectors, signed by Development Minister Costis Hatzidakis and Azeri
    Minister of Energy and Industries Natiq Aliyev.

    In statements afterward, Papoulias said the two countries gave priority
    to energy issues, investments, trade and cooperation in cultural and
    educational matters. He said the talks with Aliyev had also focused
    on Azerbaijan's relations with the European Union, in the framework
    of strengthening the Community's relations with Baku.

    Their talks also covered current affairs in the surrounding region,
    including the Caucasus, the Middle East, the Balkans and the Cyprus

    "I referred particularly to the Cyprus issue and stressed to the Azeri
    president the need to end the Turkish occupation of a large part of
    the territory of a European country," Papoulias said, while thanking
    Aliyev for his invitation to visit Azerbaijan, which he accepted.

    Aliyev noted that he was the first president of Azerbaijan to carry
    out an official visit to Greece and emphasised the significance of the
    visit, expressing confidence that it would result in an improvement
    and new period of progress in bilateral relations.

    He also emphasised the issue of energy security, saying that Azerbaijan
    had done a lot to give the rest of the world access to its considerable
    energy resources.

    "The relationship that Greece is now developing with Azerbaijan
    will help in this direction. The issue of energy security is a major
    priority of the international community and Azerbaijan is making every
    effort to increase the energy security of Europe. For over a year now,
    natural gas from Azerbaijan is reaching the Greek market. From there
    it comes into Europe. There is no doubt that much more could be done
    in this sector," Aliyev stressed.

    Azerbaijan's president said a meeting between business people of
    the two countries on Tuesday would undoubtedly lead to a host of
    opportunities for business on both sides.

    Aliyev also raised the issue of the Armenia's occupation of
    Azerbaijan's territory and the over one million refugees and internally
    displaced persons in the country that resulted from this conflict.

    "In order to resolve this conflict there must be absolute respect
    for the principle of territorial integrity and international law. I
    believe that if Armenia respects this principle, the issue will be
    resolved," Aliyev said.