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Is Bid Submitted By Ruben Hairapetyan?

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  • Is Bid Submitted By Ruben Hairapetyan?


    [05:49 pm] 16 February, 2009

    The electronic auction of the assets and premises of Bjni mineral
    water plant is illegal, says Advocate Ara Zohrabyan. He says the
    company will litigate the auction validity until is recognised invalid.

    "We are ready to appeal to all instances including the European Court
    of Human Rights to achieve our goal and recognise the auction null
    and void," says the advocate.

    Note that an auction is found as illegal under Article 6 of the RA
    Law on Bankruptcy.

    "Under the acting law, the Judicial Acts Compulsory Enforcement
    Service of the Ministry of Justice was to discontinue the case and
    file a motion to recognise the company as bankrupt as the sum received
    after the auction will not suffice the debtors to meet the writ of
    execution," said Ara Zohrabyan.

    "This suggest that 16, 67 % of the money (4 500 000 drams) paid for
    the company must be paid to the state budget and the rest - to the
    debtors. But the sum won't be enough to recoup the debt. It means
    the Compulsory Enforcement Service mustn't have held the auction,"
    added the advocate.

    The name of the purchaser is still kept in secret.

    According to our sources, Bjni has been bought by Republican Ruben
    Hairapetyan, President of the Armenian Football Federation. We tried
    to find out whether the rumours correspond to reality but we were
    told that Mr. Hairapetyan is not in Yerevan.

    The name of the buyer will be divulged within three days.