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BAKU: Turkish Diplomacy Remains Silent - ANALYSIS

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  • BAKU: Turkish Diplomacy Remains Silent - ANALYSIS


    Feb 19 2009

    Turkish Foreign Ministry declined to answer insistent questions

    Baku-APA. Official Ankara's recent position on Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict is the subject of discussions of the country's media. Radio
    Liberty's Armenian service reports about the Turkey's retracting
    of its term concerning Nagorno Karabakh for normalization of its
    relations with Armenia caused confusion. Turkish diplomacy remains
    silent. Turkish Foreign Ministry and Turkish Embassy in Azerbaijan
    declined to answer whether Turkey retracted its term concerning
    Nagorno Karabakh or not.

    It is important to pay attention to the chronology of developments and
    statements to imagine the essence of the issue. APA reported quoting website on February 12 that one of the participants
    of the Armenian-Turkish talks as saying that Ankara retracted its
    previous term of withdrawal of Armenian troops from the occupied lands
    of Azerbaijan for establishing the official relations and opening the
    borders with Armenia. The radio claimed that only term of the Turkish
    government now is the establishing of joint commission of historians
    for investigation of 1915 events.

    There are reasons of such kind of reports. If we pay attention to
    the recent developments, we cans see that Turkey played an active
    role in geopolitical arena of South Caucasus. The war between Georgia
    and Russia exposed the policy pursued by the US and Russia in South
    Caucasus. Official Washington's approach towards all issues from its
    point of view, Moscow's strict resistance to it and its inadequate
    impact on Georgia questioned hopes for two super powers. Turkey took
    an initiative and attempted to own regulative lever in South Caucasus
    and it was very understandable. Turkey's Caucasus Stability Pact,
    visits to Moscow, Yerevan and Baku showed that Turkish officials had
    taken a serious interest in the issue.

    Turkey's attempts on taking an initiative in South Caucasus cannot
    be separately considered from interior affairs and integration into
    European Union.

    It is obvious that the European Union laid commitments on Turkey and
    one of these commitments is the normalization of the relations with
    Armenia. No doubt the campaigns "We all are Hrant Dinks!", "Let's
    apologize to Armenians!" are linked to this issue. This explains
    Turkey's milder attitude towards Armenia recently. At first sight,
    Abdullah Gul's visit to Armenia, Sarkisian's visit to Turkey, moreover
    a number of meetings on the highest level created impression that
    Turkey is active in the South Caucasus, but the real essence became
    obvious later.

    Long before, leak of information from Turkish official circles to
    the local media raised doubts that official Ankara had changed its
    position. Foreign Minister Ali Babacan's interviews and various
    statements strengthened these doubts. It is not accidental that in
    Germany, and later during his recent visit to Azerbaijan Ali Babacan
    preferred to avoid media's questions about changes in Turkey's
    position in terms of Nagorno Karabakh problem. Foreign Minister's
    repeated statements that Turkey and Azerbaijan separately had talks
    with Armenia showed that the unique position of Azerbaijan and Turkey
    with respect to Armenia had changed.

    On February 12, visiting the line of contact in Goranboy region,
    Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilich expressed Ankara's
    traditional position on Nagorno Karabakh problem. An hour later
    Armenian service of Radio Liberty spread the known information and
    media again asked Hulusi Kilich to comment on the issue. At that time
    the ambassador told APA that he was returning from Ganja to Baku,
    he noted that he would concern himself with the issue and make a
    statement after returning. Besides, Hulusi Kilich said he did not
    believe it. But despite media's appeals Turkish ambassador did not
    say a word. He only said: "I am not the ambassador, who speaks in
    the street". Turkish Foreign Ministry was also closed for Azerbaijani
    media, nobody wanted to answer such a short and concrete question. On
    February 13, Foreign Ministry spokesman Burak Ozugergin said in his
    statement to Anadolu agency: "The current process between Turkey and
    Armenia aim at normalizing the relations between the two countries. On
    the other hand, Azerbaijan and Armenia are also having a dialogue. The
    processes are parallel. It is expected that an improvement on one side
    will have a positive influence on the other side. We do not comment on
    the information based on some sensations." As seen, there is nothing
    more than the repeat of Ali Babacan's traditional expressions.

    Turkish government said the issue on the level of Deputy Prime Minister
    Geybulla Geybullayev and State Minister Cemil Chichek was not true. The
    said it was a lie and provocation and that Turkey did not retract
    from its condition in terms of Nagorno Karabakh. On February 17,
    Turkish parliamentarian, head of Turkey-Azerbaijan friendship group
    Mustafa Kabakchi told APA on behalf of Turkish state that the report
    was groundless.

    It is interesting that the deputy prime ministers of Turkey have made
    statements while the Foreign Ministry is keeping silence.

    It causes several assumptions. First, part of the government
    officials have no idea about these talks; second, some of the Turkish
    authorities don't share this position; third, announcements of the
    state ministers and parliamentarians, who have not been involved in the
    Turkish-Armenian talks, have no special responsibility. However, Ali
    Babacan, who has directly participated in the talks, told journalists
    clearly that he prefers to keep silence. For example, early this month
    Babacan told journalists in Munich that they targeted to normalize
    relations in the region. "We begin talks with Armenia to normalize
    relations in the region. If we achieve the normal relations between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey, it will change many things
    in the region. If we achieve these changes, it will be advantageous
    for all parties. Now we should talk behind the closed doors and let
    to make public only what we want to announce."

    Today Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his opinion on this
    issue. "There is no any change in our position on Karabakh, which could
    differ from the official position of Azerbaijan. We determined our
    positions together and are continuing it together up to date. It is out
    of question. We are sharing the official position of Azerbaijan and are
    staying behind this position up to date. Azerbaijan's fairness in the
    Karabakh issue is clear and it was described in the UN resolution too".

    However Erdogan left many questions without answers. How important
    is the Nagorno Karabakh issue in the Turkish-Armenian relations? How
    long will Turkey continue these talks if Armenia doesn't withdraw
    from Nagorno Karabakh? May Turkey open the borders with Armenia
    before finding the solution to the Nagorno Karabakh problem? Will
    the part of behind-closed-doors talks about Azerbaijan be announced,
    or they will announce only what they want?

    We are looking for the foreign minister of Turkey and ambassador of
    Azerbaijan to find answers to these questions.

    .....Azerbaijan is in waiting!

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress