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Advancing The Rugby Ball, Armenian Style

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  • Advancing The Rugby Ball, Armenian Style

    Rajdeep Datta Roy

    Livemint 5213/Advancing-the-rugby-ball-Arme.html?h=B
    Feb 19 2009

    The Indian under-19 Rugby team is predominantly made up of Armenian
    boys, mostly from Kolkata's Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy

    Kolkata: On a balmy winter afternoon, Ejmin Shahjani and Armen
    Makarian, along with a dozen other rugby players, are searing the
    turf at Kolkata's Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy. Though
    the rugby season, which starts in June, is still a few months away,
    the players have already started preparations.

    After all, they have an enviable record to live up to. "In last year's
    side, 12 of the 15 players who represented India at the under-19 level
    were Armenians," says Shahjani, an Iranian, who captained the Indian
    junior team in international matches at Brunei. "The Indian under-19
    side is predominantly made up of Armenian boys," says David Purdy,
    coach of the Armenian Sports Club rugby team, which consists largely
    of students from the college.

    Dominating performance: Armenian College and Philanthropic
    Academy's students at their central Kolkata campus. Last year, 12
    of the 15 players who represented India at the under-19 level were
    Armenians. Indranil Bhoumik / MintThe Armenian boys, who have, in
    the past, beaten older teams such as Bombay Gymkhana, Kolkata Police
    and Maharashtra Police, aim to keep the momentum going. "Just you
    watch, we'll do even better this year," says Makarian, the school
    games captain.

    Though the students at the college play a number of games such as
    football, basketball and volleyball, rugby is most popular.

    "I don't know what it is, but within days of coming here, they are
    bitten by the rugby virus," says Father Oshagan Gulgulian, the pastor
    and manager of the college. Pointing to the pint-sized Varos Boyajian,
    Gulgulian says, "That boy is barely 12, studies in class I and arrived
    only some months back, but is already showing signs of becoming a
    great player some day."

    Rugby is an integral part of the 188-year-old Armenian College, which,
    along with the Davidian Girls' School in Kolkata, provides quality
    education and a chance to live a better life for 87 Armenian boys
    and girls, who have come from countries such as Iraq, Iran and the
    former Soviet republic of Armenia.

    Razmeeg Suren, for instance, saw many of his friends die before his
    eyes on the strife-torn streets of Baghdad. "I lost count...they
    were so many," says the 14-year-old ethnic Armenian, his voice
    trailing off. Suren and five of his friends, manoeuvred out of Iraq
    by Gulgulian, now live and study in Kolkata.

    "I have escorted students from Iran also, prior to this," says
    Gulgulian, an American citizen, who was sent to the institution by
    the Holy Etchmiadzin--the equivalent of the Vatican for Armenian
    Christians. Gulgulian wants to increase the number of students at his
    college to 300, and is confident that neither funds nor infrastructure
    would come in the way.

    Though called Armenian College, it's actually a school affiliated to
    the Council for The Indian School Certificate Examinations. The medium
    of instruction is English, and alongside the usual subjects, the school
    teaches the Armenian language--which has its own script--literature,
    culture and religion.

    Photograph: Indranil Bhoumik / Mint"We give these boys and girls a
    decent education, a good environment to live in and a fighting chance
    at life, and we don't charge a penny for that," says Gulgulian. There
    used to be a similar school in Lebanon, but, according to Gulgulian,
    it doesn't exist any more. Apart from free education, the students
    also get a free trip home every three years.

    While there are many versions as to when the Armenians came to India,
    the arrival of an Armenian merchant Tomas Cana on the Malabar coast
    in AD 780 is widely accepted as the first date. "So, we were here much
    before the British arrived," says Sunil Sobti, member of the Armenian
    Church committee, adding, "In fact, one of the wives of Akbar, Mariam,
    was an Armenian."

    In Kolkata, their business interests ranged from jute to hotels,
    to shellac to real estate. One Astvatsatoor Mooradkhan, an Armenian
    trader, had mooted the idea of starting a school for the community
    and had made a princely contribution of Rs8,000 through his will as
    early as in 1707.

    Funded by trusts and endowments from the Armenian Church, the
    Davidian Girls' School and the college itself, the Armenian College
    was eventually founded in 1821. It was then called the Armenian
    Philanthropic Academy. Four years later, another school that was
    founded by Aratoon Kaloos, a rich Armenian trader in Kolkata, was
    merged with the Academy.

    By 1850, the fund started by Mooradkhan had swelled with contributions
    from other Armenian businessmen to Rs2 lakh. The college's present
    campus on Free School Street in central Kolkata, where British novelist
    William Makepeace Thackeray was born, was bought in 1884. A college
    was added in 1888, and it was affiliated to the University of Calcutta,
    but was discontinued after a few years.

    Money isn't a problem for the college authorities and the amenities are
    testimony to that--a spanking new launderette, a mechanized kitchen,
    clean and airy dormitories, a state-of-the-art infirmary and an indoor
    swimming pool speak of the college's opulence. "We are planning to
    construct a multi-level sports complex soon," says Gulgulian.

    According to Purdy, the Armenians were the first to field a non-British
    rugby team at least 135 years ago, but the community has shrunk over
    the years, and its rugby team now is made up mostly of students from
    abroad. "In those days, as there were more Armenians, we had two teams,
    but since the 1960s, there's only the Armenian Sports Club and that
    side is made up entirely of boys from the college," says Purdy.

    Most of the wealthy Armenian families such as the Galstauns,
    Arathoons, Apcars and Sookias have migrated to the West, but many of
    them continue to support the college in Kolkata, which offers a safe
    haven to hundreds of Armenian children from strife and persecution.