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Choosing Where To Stand

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  • Choosing Where To Stand

    By David L. Phillips

    February 20, 2009

    Detractors of Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, insist
    that his Justice and Development Party is really a Trojan horse for
    an Islamist agenda.

    As validation, they point to Erdogan's recent spat with Israeli
    President Shimon Peres at the Davos World Economic Forum and his
    support for Hamas.

    Not only is it in Turkey's interest to restore ties to Israel,
    but Erdogan must also show the United States and Europe that he is
    a reliable partner by addressing other issues of concern - such as
    normalizing Turkey's relations with Armenia and Cyprus.

    I recently met representatives of the Turkish Caucus in the
    U.S. Congress.

    They were stunned by Erdogan's description of Israeli policy in Gaza as
    a "crime against humanity." They were even more troubled by the hero's
    welcome he received upon returning from Davos to Istanbul. Thousands
    of his party faithful thronged the airport waving the green flags
    of Hamas.

    Erdogan did not plan his confrontation with Peres in Davos. But he
    was quick to seek political gain from it. With local elections coming
    up on March 29, his support for Hamas has given his party a boost in
    polls. Heralding Hamas's democratic credentials plays well on the
    "Turkish street." It has also made Erdogan the darling of Damascus
    and Tehran.

    Turkey's supporters on Capitol Hill - along with Jewish groups that
    support Ankara's rapprochement with Israel - have worked feverishly
    to defeat previous resolutions. Turkish parliamentarians met last
    week with their typically steadfast allies. But after Davos, they
    turned a cold shoulder.

    If the resolution is adopted, Turkish officials will protest

    Ankara may even go so far as to block U.S. access to Incirlik Air
    Force Base in southeast Turkey. Incirlik has been a base for U.S. war
    planes since the first Gulf War. Today it is critical to supplying
    troops in Afghanistan and redeploying forces from Iraq.

    Closing Incirlik would cause a major crisis in U.S.-Turkish relations.

    Nobody wants this to happen. The Obama administration is keenly
    aware of Turkey's strategic importance. It knows that Turkey is a
    valued NATO ally and partner in the fight against violent extremist
    groups. Turkish troops are deployed alongside U.S. and NATO forces in
    Afghanistan. Turkey plays a moderating role in Central Asia and is the
    terminus for energy supplies from the Caspian Sea to western markets.

    But while Turkey is an indispensable ally, the onus for avoiding a
    diplomatic train wreck rests with Erdogan. He can preempt a crisis
    by initiating normalized diplomatic relations and opening the border
    between Turkey and Armenia.

    There is no linkage between normalizing relations and a decision to
    recognize the Armenian Genocide. And Turkey's conciliatory gesture
    would not go unnoticed in Washington. Nor would its efforts to improve
    increasingly strained relations with the EU.

    If Erdogan wants to avert a showdown with Brussels, he must also
    do more to resolve the situation in Cyprus. Turkey invaded Cyprus
    in 1974, and the island remains divided today. The EU will evaluate
    Turkey's prospects for membership at year's end. While Brussels is
    not likely to formally suspend negotiations, it will decide not to
    expand negotiations absent progress in UN-mediated talks to reunify
    the island.

    Opening Turkish ports to Cypriot ships would increase pressure on
    Greek Cypriots to negotiate in greater earnest. It would also take
    Turkey off the hook when it comes to parceling out blame in case
    reunification talks flounder.

    If Erdogan wants to restore his reputation as a statesman and a
    reliable partner of the West, Turkey must repair its ties with
    Israel, normalize relations with Armenia, and welcome ships from
    Cyprus. Becoming an advocate for Hamas is a mistake. Turkey's future
    lies with the West. The Islamist street leads away from Europe to
    the Middle East.

    David L. Phillips is a visiting scholar at Columbia University and
    director of the Turkey Initiative at the Atlantic Council of the
    United States.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress