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American Intelligence Unsire Of Saakashvili

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  • American Intelligence Unsire Of Saakashvili

    by Andrei Terekhov

    WPS Agency
    What the Papers Say (Russia)
    February 19, 2009 Thursday

    latest US National Intelligence Estimate

    Analysis of most important challenges to US security was published
    in Washington, the first document of this sort drawn for President
    Barack Obama.

    The National Intelligence Estimate covers the whole world with a
    special emphasis on the situation in Pakistan, Iran, and Middle
    East. A special paragraph of the document deals with Russia.

    Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence who monitors all 16
    American intelligence services, said work of thousands professionals
    had gone into the document.

    Russia is first mentioned in the National Intelligence Estimate in
    the Estimates part. Authors of the document refrained from calling
    it America's enemy (they do not think that any foreign country has
    the military capacity to threaten the United States) but listed all
    aspects of the Kremlin's foreign policy that had been disturbing
    Washington. These included advancement of relations with China, Iran,
    and Venezuela. They also included attempts to establish control over
    deliveries of energy to Europe and East Asia and efforts to protect
    and expand presence in European markets (through establishment of a
    gas cartel together with other major exporters, among other things).

    "Moscow strengthened its conventional armed forces so as to turn
    them into a reliable instrument of foreign policy and proclaim its
    own political restoration, so as to dominate nearby countries like
    Georgia," the document pointed out. Triumph over the Georgian army
    in August 2008 was acknowledged with certain astonishment since
    it happened "despite the extended period of reduction-in-force,
    deteriorating quality of conscripts, and difficulties with

    The National Intelligence Estimate emphasized Russian leaders'
    positive attitude toward the possibility of improvement of the
    Russian-American relations. Unlike other parts of the document,
    however, this one included no recommendations on how to go about
    this improvement. "Matters like NATO's expansion, conflict over
    the Georgian separatist regions, and ABM will keep complicating the
    relations," the authors stated. "Even insisting on negotiations over a
    new agreement to replace the START I, Moscow points out that Georgia's
    and Ukraine's entry into NATO will compromise the existing arms control
    regimes and negotiations (over the future ones - Nezavisimaya Gazeta)
    and may occasion Russian military counter-measures and an increase
    of pressure on Tbilisi and Kiev."

    Neither did the document anticipate abatement of tension over the so
    called latent conflicts. On the contrary, its authors acknowledged
    the increasing risk of provocations and erroneous decisions that could
    renew the hostilities over Abkhazia and South Ossetia. US intelligence
    offered no real insight into how the confrontation between President
    of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili and the opposition would continue or
    what it would result in - reinforcement of democracy in this country
    or digression from it.

    Authors of the document anticipated appearance of another conflict
    area in the Caucasus, namely in Nagorno-Karabakh. "Declaration of
    independence of Kosovo and recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia
    by Russia, as well as improvement of the Armenian-Turkish relations
    foment fears of isolation in Azerbaijan," the document stated.

    The National Intelligence Estimate was quite pessimistic with regard
    to the future of Central Asian states. Falling oil and gas prices
    might foment social tension in Kazakhstan. Financial crisis could
    further undermine domestic stability in Tajikistan heavily relying
    as it was on what its nationals were transacting from Russia.

    By and large, American intelligence anticipated settlement of no
    existing conflicts in 2009. As for appearance of new ones, authors
    of the document were clearly upset by prospects of the confrontation
    between Israel and Iran over nuclear aspirations of the latter.

    Threats to American interests were recognized originating in Pakistan
    were Al-Qaeda leaders were suspected to be hiding and in North Africa
    where European and local terrorists were thought to be charting new
    terrorist acts against the United States.

    Recognizing the financial crisis under way as the primary threat to
    the United States, US intelligence never even ventured a guess on
    when the recovery could or should be expected to begin.