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Armenian President Delivers Speech On The Occasion Fo 140th Birth An

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  • Armenian President Delivers Speech On The Occasion Fo 140th Birth An


    Feb 20, 2009

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, ARMENPRESS: Within the framework of his visit
    to the Armenian province of Lori February 19 President of Armenia
    Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of the All-Armenian poet Hovahannes
    Tumanian's 140th birth anniversary visited the birthplace of the poet,
    Dsegh village. The President of Armenia laid flowers on the tomb of the
    great poet and toured his home-museum. The president also delivered a
    speech on the occasion of the 140th birth anniversary of Tumanian. The
    speech runs as follows: "Dear Compatriots, Today we celebrate the
    140th birth anniversary of, as we all love to say, the All-Armenian
    poet. Jubilees of our greats are not only an exceptional occasion
    to remember them and pay tribute but also to reckon over their works
    and accomplishments, to find a new meaning in their patriotic ideas
    and legacy.

    In this regard, Hovhannes Toumanian is an extraordinary phenomenon
    in our literature as well as in our social and political life.

    I strongly believe that each generation of Armenians must not only
    read Toumanian and enjoy his literary genius but also learn from a man
    whose life is an example of the unconditional dedication to his own
    country and his own people, the example of sharing the pains of his
    country and of his people, and the example of finding cure for that
    pain. Such examples are contagious and every generation, particularly
    those Armenians growing now in Armenia and in the Diaspora, do need
    that kind of example.

    Today is also Vardanants Day, and it is an interesting coincidence. I
    congratulate all of us on this occasion. Vardan's and his army's
    heroism and demeanor have also been encouraging our rising generations
    as a vivid example of placing national identity and freedom higher
    than life itself. Vardan and his army and their followers, Hovhannes
    Toumanian and his followers are the moral, spiritual and may be also
    political values of the modern as well as the future Armenia. The
    higher standards simply do not exist.

    Toumanian shows us vigorous patriotism on one hand and pronounced
    respect toward other nations and their values on the other. On one
    hand we observe courage, personal valor, composure which excludes
    panic in the most extreme situations, and self-possession and love for
    peace on the other. It is not a coincidence that on different issues -
    literary, cultural, or political - whenever there was a need for an
    envoy or a negotiator, the Poet was the choice. He was revered by
    everyone and the main reason for that was his ability to conduct a
    dialogue with great wisdom and insight, whether his interlocutor was a
    Georgian intellectual, a Russian tsar's official, a Moslem herdsman,
    a Bolshevik revolutionist, a member of the Armenian Government,
    or a simple Lori villager.

    A look back into the depth of times reveals today that due to his
    political open-mindedness, Toumanian was standing out among his
    contemporaries. His confidence in our peoples' inner abilities and in
    Armenia's future was boundless and unwavering. His shining optimism
    was a source of vital strength for those who had weakened in their
    faith, and those whose hope had diminished. In 1915, and I invite
    your attention to that date, in 1915 at the most tragic time for the
    Armenian people, he was referring to this country as The Land of Hope!

    The Land of Light!

    He stands in striking contrast with those who live and act today,
    and who are hundred times smaller than Toumanian, the so-called
    politicians who will lose no chance to damn their own young Republic,
    their own state.

    Along with his contemporaries, Toumanian had lived also through the
    tragedy of the intellectual with no state, when at times he was forced
    to single-handedly to carry out the work of government structures
    and entire ministries. Certainly, it was not the most efficient way
    of serving the needs of the nation but the destiny left no choice
    for Toumanian and his contemporaries. The most efficient and the
    highest mode of organizing people is the establishment of the state
    and today it is the Armenian state that has taken over that mission
    and the resolution of all existing problems.

    Dear Compatriots, One year ago on this day, February 19, I was elected
    President of Armenia. My presence here today is symbolic. I consider
    it to be my duty to work and to make the entire state machine work
    in a way so that we all together can bring the day when we will
    call the Armenia of Hovhanness Toumanian's dream and our dream My
    New Motherland!

    The Great Motherland!"