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Turkish nationalists attempt to suppress ANCC rep's speech

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  • Turkish nationalists attempt to suppress ANCC rep's speech


    Turkish nationalists attempt to suppress ANCC representative's speech
    20.02.2009 19:45 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian National Committee of Canada's (ANCC)
    Executive Director Aris Babikian challenged Turkish professor Turkkaya
    Ataov's attempt to deny the historic reality of the Armenian Genocide
    during the latter's lecture at the Ryerson University on
    Feb. 18. Prof. Ataov's presentation was titled "How to come to terms
    with one's past", ANCC reports.

    When Babikian tried to correct Prof. Ataov's erroneous statements
    regarding the Armenian Genocide, and the Turkish professor's
    accusations that the Western world was racist, anti-Islamic and
    practiced genocidal policies, many of the Turkish nationalists in the
    audience tried to silence Babikian. When Babikian insisted on being
    heard, some of the organizers turned off the microphone and threatened
    Babikian with forceful removal from the podium.

    Babikian reminded the audience that they are living in Canada and not
    in Turkey and that freedom of speech is one of the most cherished
    rights of Canadians, specially in academic settings. After Babikian's
    condemnation of Turkish nationalists' anti-democratic behavior, the
    ANCC executive director was allowed to make his statement, challenging
    Prof. Ataov's boiler-plate propaganda. Babikian also condemned
    Prof. Ataov's use of the "religion card" to justify his accusations
    against the West. Earlier in his lecture Ataov had accused Western
    countries of killing five million Muslims in the Balkan and in the
    Caucasus. Ataov's manner was condescending towards the West and his
    audience. Babikian asked Atoav how did he reconcile his statement
    that only two Armenians were killed on April 24, 1915 with Talaat
    Pasha's, Minister of Interior and the main architect of the Armenian
    Genocide, diary ("Black Book") which stated that 924,158 Armenians had
    been killed by the Turkish government. Talaat also kept a detailed
    account of Armenians deported from each city, county, and
    province. Babikian also questioned the credibility of the historians
    Ataov cited as experts on the Armenian Genocide, such as Justin
    McCarthy, Gunther Lewy, Sanford Show, and Andrew Mango. Babikian then
    read "British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies'" evaluation of
    McCarthy's work as `junk food, junk bonds and now junk
    history'. Babikian reminded Ataov and the audience about the testimony
    of 100 Holocaust scholars, International Association of Genocide
    Scholars, the International Centre for Transitional Justice and
    hundreds of other scholars and historians who have contradicted
    Ataov's claims and the Turkish Government's denial of the Armenian

    When Babikian tried to question some of Ataov answers, Turkish
    nationalists once again tried to suppress Babikian from
    speaking. Embarrassed by his compatriots behavior and as a face-saving
    measure, Ataov invited Babikian to the stage to stand next to him and
    to continue the discussion. Babikian and Ataov continued to discuss
    many relevant issues to the Armenian Genocide.

    After the event, Dr. Girair Basmadjian, president of the ANCC, said
    that he `condemned the behavior of the Turkish nationalists and their
    attempt to intimidate and silence a Canadian, while trying to deny him
    one of the most basic human rights to freedom of thought which is
    enshrined in our constitution."

    Dr. Basmadjian added: "The modus operandi of these nationalists is
    indicative and reminiscent of the Turkish government's modus operandi
    in suppressing freedom of speech and silencing anyone who dares to
    challenge the official Turkish government narrative of the Armenian
    Genocide under article 301 of the Turkish penal code." The persecution
    of award-winning novelist Orhan Pamuk and many other righteous Turks,
    and the assassination of Turkish-Armenian journalist are eloquent
    examples of these policies,' said Dr. Basmadjian.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress