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Confession Of A History Of Anti-Semitism

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  • Confession Of A History Of Anti-Semitism

    Theodore G. Karakostas [email protected]

    Greek News me=News&file=article&sid=9891
    Feb 23 2009
    New York

    The article by Zeyno Baran and Onur Sazak in the Weekly Standard
    should be properly read as a confession as it details the outburst
    of anti-Semitism in Turkey over the past several years, although it
    is intended to mask the real face of Turkey. Anti-Semitism in fact
    has a history in Turkey as can be seen by Rifat N. Bali in his book,
    "The Varlik Vergisi Affair" which documents the hideous treatment
    of the Jewish, Greek, and Armenian communities in Turkey during
    the Second World War. Mr. Bali not only reproduces anti- Semetic
    illustrations and posters inside the book which resemble propaganda
    posters within the Third Reich, but reprdoced additional evidence
    affirming the racist nature of the Kemalist State.

    Among the documents reprinted by Mr. Bali is a letter sent to the
    State Department by the American Jewish Committee in 1947 which
    strongly protested the treatment not only of Jews, but mistreatment of
    Greeks and Armenians as well. The effort by Ms. Baran and Mr. Sazak
    to whitewash Turkey's record is bound to fail considering that the
    authoritarian and racist nature of the Kemalist State is being exposed.

    The Republic of Turkey was founded over the corpses of Armenian,
    Greek, and Assyrian Christians who were systematically slaughtered
    under the direction of Mustafa Kemal Pasha and his associates upon
    their "victory" in Asia Minor.

    The present Turkish government is a State sponsor of terrorism, a fact
    that can be affirmed for official support given to groups such as
    the now defunct "Hizbullah", who were responsible for the slaughter
    of sixty three Kurds who were discovered in a mass grave in 2000. In
    addition, the Turkish security forces have supported the infamous Grey
    Wolves who in 1996 with the active support of then Foreign Minister
    Tansu Ciller slaughtered several Greek Cypriot demonstrators. Since
    1993, there have been six attempts to assassinate his holiness Orthodox
    Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. In July 2007, Turkish Army officers
    were arrested for conspiring to murder the Ecumenical Pariarch and
    the Patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Constantinople.

    The Turkish treatment of non-Muslim and non-Turkish populations is
    appalling, and the American public is being done a disservice through
    the distortions and propaganda emanating from Turkish apologists over
    several decades. Anti-Semitism in Turkey is despicable and should
    be condemned by all decent people. In addition, the civilized world
    should also recognize the injustices that have been perpetrated against
    the Greek Orthodox, Armenian, Assyrian, and Kurdish populations in
    Turkey. Sanctions long ago should have been imposed on Turkey over
    the ethnic cleansing perpetrated against its Christian populations,
    and over the external aggression directed against the peaceful and
    democratic Republic of Cyprus.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress