17:26 23/02/2009
The National Assembly of Armenia heard during a session today the
question of extending the deadline of the authorization of the Ad-hoc
Committee on the Events Occurred on 1-2 March 2008 in Yerevan and
Their Reasons from 25 February to 15 September.
Republican Deputy Suqias Avetisyan, who is not a member of the
committee, made a speech in this regard. According to him one of the
reasons to extend the deadline is that the data-collecting expert
group structured by the decree of the President has not yet presented
a report to the committee. The second point is that, according to
the deputy, there are many unrevealed circumstances.
To the question why the issue is presented by a not-member of the
committee, Avetisyan said that the hearings of the committee were
open and the deputies had chance to be present to them.
Republican Deputy Galust Sahakyan mentioned that the activities of
the committee are highly evaluated and that the extending of the
deadline has no political background.
Larisa Alaverdyan, the Deputy of "Heritage" fraction, said that if
the reason of extending the deadline of the committee is connected
with the expert group's report then it would get a chronic notion
because the group's activities deadline is not fixed.
17:26 23/02/2009
The National Assembly of Armenia heard during a session today the
question of extending the deadline of the authorization of the Ad-hoc
Committee on the Events Occurred on 1-2 March 2008 in Yerevan and
Their Reasons from 25 February to 15 September.
Republican Deputy Suqias Avetisyan, who is not a member of the
committee, made a speech in this regard. According to him one of the
reasons to extend the deadline is that the data-collecting expert
group structured by the decree of the President has not yet presented
a report to the committee. The second point is that, according to
the deputy, there are many unrevealed circumstances.
To the question why the issue is presented by a not-member of the
committee, Avetisyan said that the hearings of the committee were
open and the deputies had chance to be present to them.
Republican Deputy Galust Sahakyan mentioned that the activities of
the committee are highly evaluated and that the extending of the
deadline has no political background.
Larisa Alaverdyan, the Deputy of "Heritage" fraction, said that if
the reason of extending the deadline of the committee is connected
with the expert group's report then it would get a chronic notion
because the group's activities deadline is not fixed.