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CoE: Hanne Sophie Greve elected first President of GRETA

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  • CoE: Hanne Sophie Greve elected first President of GRETA

    Hanne Sophie Greve elected first President of GRETA

    Strasbourg, 25.02.2009 - The Group of Experts on Action against
    Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) today elected its first President,
    Hanne Sophie Greve. Nicolas Le Coz and Gulnara Shahinian were elected
    Vice-Presidents (see our media advisory MA014e09
    < 1410017&Site=3DDC&BackColorInternet=3DF5CA 75&BackColorIntranet=3DF5CA75&BackColorLo g ged=3DA9BACE> of 20

    GRETA is currently holding its first meeting since its creation as the
    body in charge of monitoring implementation of the Convention on Action
    against Trafficking in Human Beings
    < n/QueVoulezVous.asp?NT=3D197&CM=3D8&DF=3D& amp;CL=3DENG> . The meeting was opened by a speech by Terry Davis
    < 224_disc_sg_en.asp> , Secretary
    General of the Council of Europe.

    < hl/monitoring/trafficking/Docs/Monitoring/GRETA_en .asp>

    More information on GRETA
    < fficking/default_en.asp>

    Contact : Can Fisek, Press Division, Tel. +33 3 88 41 30 41 ;
    [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

    Hanne Sophie Greve élue première présidente du GRETA

    Strasbourg, 25.02.2009 - Le groupe d'experts sur la lutte
    contre la traite des êtres humains (GRETA) vient d'élire son
    premier président en la personne de Hanne Sophie Greve. Nicolas Le Coz
    et Gulnara Shahinian ont été élus vice-présidents. (voir notre
    annonce aux médias MA014f09
    < DMA014(2009)&Language=3DlanFrench&Ver=3Dor iginal&Site=3DDC&BackColorInternet=3DF5CA7 5&BackColorIntranet=3DF5CA75&BackColorLo gg ed=3DA9BACE> du 20 février).

    Le GRETA tient actuellement sa première réunion depuis sa
    création en tant qu'organe chargé de veiller à la mise en
    =9Cuvre de la Convention sur la lutte contre la traite des êtres
    < treaty/Commun/QueVoulezVous.asp?NT=3D197&CM=3D 8&DF=3D&CL=3DFRE> . La réunion a été ouverte par une intervention
    de Terry Davis
    < 224_disc_sg_fr.asp> ,
    Secrétaire Général du Conseil de l'Europe.

    < dghl/monitoring/trafficking/docs/monitoring/greta_ FR.asp?>

    Plus d´informations sur le GRETA
    < fficking/default_FR.asp?>

    Contact : Can Fisek, Division de la Presse, Tel. +33 3 88 41 30 41
    ; [email protected]

    Pr Press Release
    Directorate of Communication
    Ref: 146b09
    Tel. +33 3 88 41 25 60
    Fax +33 3 88 41 39 11
    e-mail: [email protected]

    To receive our press releases by e-mail, contact:
    [email protected]

    A political organisation set up in 1949, the Council of Europe works to
    promote democracy and human rights continent-wide.

    It also develops common responses to social, cultural and legal
    challenges in its 47 member states.