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NKR: A Number Of Annual Programmes Affirmed

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  • NKR: A Number Of Annual Programmes Affirmed


    NKR Government Information and
    Public Relations Department
    February 24, 2009

    At the NKR Government Session

    Today, a regular session of the NKR Government, chaired by the Prime
    Minister Ara Haroutyunyan has taken place.

    Continuing the organizational works on formation of the State Reserves
    the Executive defined the appellation of material values anticipated
    for this aim, the norms of amassing them, the quantity of the stored up
    and non-reducing reserves by a new decree. In concern with the problem,
    the Prime Minister charged the Minister of Economic Development with a
    task to settle down to the works of getting and building corresponding
    warehouses and, in general, to organize the storage of material values
    within the necessary norms.

    With the next agenda issue the Government introduced changes and
    additions in its decree 30 "On State Property Stocktaking and
    Register Keeping Affirmation Order", dated 2008. By new editing,
    the movables and immovables (except for cash assets) belonging to
    the state by the right of property, inclusive the property attached
    to state administrative offices, other state offices and SNCOs, the
    state share (stocks) in the authorized capital of juridical persons,
    the property in other countries (inclusive that used for representative
    missions) belonging to the NKR with the right of property, are objects
    of state stocktaking. By the presentation of the Minister of Economic
    Development B.Babayan, 346 buildings of state significance have
    not been so far stocktaken and registered. The competent bodies and
    officials were assigned a task to accelerate preparation of necessary
    documents for the inventory of the buildings under their subordination.

    The Executive introduced a change in decree 35 of the NKR Government,
    dated 2002, according to which the new list of products liable to
    an obligatory stocktaking was affirmed. The number of goods being
    formerly liable to certification was reduced to 18.

    A decree on property alienation was adopted at the session. The NKR
    Ministry of Economic Development was allowed to alienate basements
    of the newly built multi-flat dwelling houses in 25 Tigran Mets and
    81 Toumanyan Streets of Stepanakert city by a classic auction.

    Conditioned by structural changes in the NKR Ministry of Social
    Welfare, the Executive reviewed separate formerly adopted decrees. The
    editings affirmed are dictated by the abolishment of the former
    Department of Migration, Refugees and Resettlement adjunct to the
    NKR Government and resigning the authority of this structure to the
    Ministry of Social Welfare. By a separate resolution changes were
    introduced in the Government decree 65, dated February 19, 2007. In
    compliance with this, pecuniary aid equal to monthly1200 drams per a
    dweller in electrified areas and 1100 drams in non-electrified areas
    is rendered to the families in the regions of Kashatagh and Shahoumyan
    on account of the state budget.

    At the session the Executive affirmed the order of rendering drugs
    and tranquilizers, licensing the activity on their realization and
    the form of the license. The competence of an authorized body is
    assigned to the Ministry of Healthcare. The license will be issued
    through a complicated procedure with a time limit of 3 years.

    The Government approved a number of annual programmes of arrangements
    for 2009, which must be implemented in the spheres of culture and
    youth, memorial and cultural value preserving, tourism, real estate
    cadastre, forest and predatory animals' livestock regulation. This
    year, more than 91 million drams is envisaged to be expended on
    cultural and youth arrangements. As a result of implementation of
    the tourism development programme an increase of 25 percent of NKR
    ingoing tourist visits is anticipated to be secured in 2009. The Prime
    Minister A.Haroutyunyan charged with a task to render more money than
    provided for the struggle against predotary animals, as recently they
    have caused sizeable damages and continue to represent serious danger
    especially for the vital activity of the rural inhabitants.

    At the session changes were introduced in the NKR Government decree
    17, dated 2004 and the list of "NKR State Out-of-School Educational
    Institution" SNCOs was affirmed. Henceforth, 24 institutions of this
    kind will function in the Republic. They are mainly juvenile creative
    centres and sports schools.

    The Government affirmed the order of work of the commission of radio
    frequency administration and defined the normative loss measure of
    use and distribution of electrical energy. For 2009, the norms of 4%
    in the systems of 110/35 KW and 16% in the systems of 10/04 KW will
    function as a loss measure.

    The Government suggested a change in the NKR Agrarian Code for
    prolonging the process of rendering lots due to the citizens of
    the Republic. In the law draft directed to the affirmation of the
    Parliament the mentioned process is planned to be completed in 2011
    instead of 2008. By the presentation of the competent body, numerous
    citizens of different strata of the Republic have not got lots as
    their property yet.

    The Executive made changes in the temporary outlines of use of rural
    community lands of Askeran region's Qrasni, Verin Szneq villages,
    Martouni region's Spitakashen, Ghuze Jartar, Gishi villages and in
    the village of Qarin Tak of Shoushi region. According to the decree
    the areas outlined will be used with the aim of public building.

    At the session a resolution concerning the celebration of the
    17 th anniversary of the NKR Defence Army's, the Liberation of
    Shoushi and the Victory Day was adopted. In this connection, the
    administrative commission staff and the programme of arrangements
    were affirmed. The commission will be headed by the NKR Defence
    Minister M.Hakobyan. According to the programme, the geography of
    arrangements will be more extensive than usually, proper solemn
    ceremonies are anticipated in the regions and in the military units
    of the Defence Army.

    At the session the Executive resolved to interrupt the authority of
    the head of Kashatagh region's Vakunis rural community ahead of time
    and to appoint an extra-turn election of a community head in this
    electoral district on March 29, 2009.

    According to the Government decree, an exceptionally supreme public
    interest was declared towards the populated area lands of 456.4 square
    meters being in the category of property of community inhabitants
    proceeding from the necessity of building a dwelling house on the
    territory of the municipal community of Hadrout with the aim of
    realizing it by means of hypothecary crediting. The programme is aimed
    at securing increase of housing resources in Hadrout and improvement
    of one of its main streets. The supreme public interest causes no
    unsubstantiated damage to the owners of the mentioned territory. At
    the session the Executive introduced changes of editorial nature in
    separate formerly adopted decrees.

    * * *

    After the session of the Government the Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan
    held a conference with the participation of the heads of regional
    administrations. The issues of distribution of fertilizers, potato,
    maize and pea seeds rendered to farmers by the state and those of
    fallowing work process were discussed at the meeting. The Minister
    of Agriculture A.Tsatryan and the heads of regional administrations
    provided appropriate information.

    At the conference the problem of staffing the rural communities
    with agriculturists and veterinaries became a subject of separate

    The Prime Minister charged the participants of the conference to
    present appropriate proposals for all the communities to be provided
    with qualitative agricultural professional service and for the
    specialists to be provided with sufficient working conditions.

    The head of the NKR Government demanded from those present to complete
    the process of abolishment of rural collective farms, which is delayed
    in vain.