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Protests Erupt After Georgia Detains Ethnic Armenians

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  • Protests Erupt After Georgia Detains Ethnic Armenians


    Worldfocus 009/02/26/protests-erupt-after-georgia-detains-eth nic-armenians/4205/
    Feb 25 2009

    Georgia has detained two ethnic Armenians on charges of espionage. In
    the past, some of the ethnic Armenians who largely populate Georgia's
    Samtskhe-Javakheti region have complained of poor treatment or gotten
    into conflicts with police.

    Onnik Krikorian is a freelance photojournalist and writer from the
    United Kingdom based in Yerevan, Armenia. He writes at the "Frontline
    Club" about attending a protest in Armenia's capital and discusses what
    the anger means for regional relations with both Georgia and Russia.

    Demonstration outside Georgian Embassy

    To be honest, I hadn't particularly planned on attending today's
    demonstration staged outside the Georgian Embassy in Yerevan to protest
    the detention of two ethnic Armenian activists in Georgia's Samtskhe
    Javakheti region - or rather, I was in two minds about doing so. To
    begin with, a friend in town from Tbilisi told me on Saturday that the
    region could hardly be considered a hotbed of separatist nationalism
    seeking autonomy or unification with Armenia, a sentiment also shared
    by a foreign journalist based in the Georgian capital.

    True, socio-economic conditions aren't particularly good either,
    but that's pretty much the case for most ethnic Georgian
    or Azerbaijani-populated regions in the country as well as
    pretty much anywhere outside the center of Yerevan, the Armenian
    capital. Nevertheless, after a phone call from one of those publicizing
    various other protests staged outside the Embassy informing me that
    the demonstration had been rescheduled for three hours later than
    originally planned, I jumped in a taxi and headed downtown.

    Perhaps the main reason for going was to see how many people turned
    up. My taxi driver, for example, had heard about the protest on Radio
    Free Europe's broadcast the day before and guessed why I was heading
    there. However, he seemed quite concerned that blockaded by Turkey
    and Azerbaijan, problems between Yerevan and Tbilisi would be the
    end of Armenia. With over 70 percent of the country's trade going
    through Georgia, and still at war with Azerbaijan over the disputed
    territory of Nagorno Karabakh, he had a point.

    As it was, about 100 people turned up, a third of which were
    reporters -- an unnaturally high level of media interest for a
    demonstration which could hardly attract more than 70 people mainly
    from Samtskhe-Javakheti, a region populated by a little over 100,000
    ethnic Armenians (54 percent of its total population). What was also
    notable was that while some did hold up plackards of the two detained
    activists charged with espionage, most seemed more interested in
    screaming out "Javakhk," the Armenian name for the region.

    Staging the demonstration in Yerevan also raises a few questions as
    to why it wasn't held in Tbilisi. Some argue that it could be for
    internal political consumption a few days before the first anniversary
    of the 1 March post-election clashes in the Armenian capital during
    which 10 people died, or to whip up emotions among the population
    which would indirectly lead to the rejection of any normalization
    of ties with Turkey and a possible future settlement of the Karabakh
    conflict. It could also directy lead to increased support for Russia,
    already accused of stirring up trouble in Georgia.

    [...]The police moved in to clear the way when Gachechiladze arrived
    and the protest organizers entered the Embassy to voice their demands,
    handing over a letter in Armenian which the Embassy promises to pass on
    to the authorities in Tbilisi once translated into Georgian. Typically
    for any demonstration in Armenia, they promised to fight until the end,
    but judging from the chants and the lack of any slogans calling for the
    release of the detained activists, it's seems more likely that their
    main hope was to whip up anti-Georgian sentiments among the public.