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A Coordinated Effort Through Democracy

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  • A Coordinated Effort Through Democracy

    By Aram Adamyan
    9 January 2009

    Two-thousand-and-eight was a year full of political activities in
    the homeland and geopolitical developments that left their impact
    on Armenia.

    - The presidential election was held in February and was followed by
    the tragic events in March that shook up Yerevan and the whole country.

    - The Russian-Georgian war that broke out in August had many negative
    effects on Armenia, but the Armenian economy would have seen more
    catastrophic results had the war lasted longer.

    - Armenia's president, S. Sargsyan invited his Turkish counterpart to
    come to Yerevan and watch the football match between the teams of the
    two countries. In September, President Gul made the unprecedented
    journey that seemed to signal a thaw in the diplomatic relations
    between the two countries, and shortly afterwards a meltdown of
    Armenian-Turkish relationship was observed.

    - During the Fall, Turkey proposed the Caucasus security initiative
    supported by Russia, and Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations about
    Nagorno-Karabakh were reactivated. These events culminated in the
    Russian-sponsored Maindorf Declaration.

    - In the midst of all these activities Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey
    held tripartite meetings and discussions about Karabakh. They plan to
    have more meetings devoted to Karabakh as well as to other outstanding
    issues, such=2 0as the closed borders between Turkey and Armenia,
    and the Genocide of the Armenians that Turkey denies.

    - On the international scene, two events deserve special
    mention. Barack Obama, a supporter of the Genocide bill, was elected
    as the new President of the USA. The European Council initiated and
    continues to exercise pressure on Armenia for its failure to meet
    Human Rights standards.

    - Turkish-Armenian Relations

    The Nagorno-Karabakh negotiations which previously were conducted
    through the Minsk group, transformed into Armenian-Turkish
    negotiations, whereby the Turkish side represents both Turkey and
    Azerbaijan, while the Armenian side represents Armenia and the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Turkey continues to keep its border with
    Armenia closed, and refuses to establish diplomatic relationships
    with Armenia only because of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Indeed, in taking such a course towards Armenia, its policy is nothing
    more than an extension of Azerbaijan's policy towards Armenia.

    During these negotiations, Turkey actively promotes the idea of
    forming a joint commission of historians to study what happened during
    1915-1923. The goal is to prevent the new US Administration from
    calling the massacres Genocide. Historically the Armenian Diaspora
    has conducted the efforts related to the recognition of the Genocide
    by the international community.

    It is fair to claim that the current format of negotiations
    provides obvious tactical advantages t o the Turkish party. Neither
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic nor the Armenian Diaspora is represented
    in the talks.

    To make matters worse Turkey and Azerbaijan claim that the Republic of
    Armenia is an aggressor and has annexed Azerbaijani territories. They
    try to play the card of the victim, and propagate the idea that
    the issue of the occupied Azeri territories should be part of the
    discussions related to the Genocide. Moreover, Turkey tries to create
    artificial conflicts of interests between Armenia and the Armenian
    Diaspora in order to claim that there is no pan-Armenian position
    with respect to the Genocide issue.

    It will not be surprising to see Turkey seeking Russia's help to
    prevent furthering the promotion of the recognition of the Genocide
    in the Western countries, where the Armenian Diaspora is active. Of
    particular importance for Turkey is the USA, where the president-elect
    has made reassuring promises to Armenians. While Russia itself has a
    very influential Armenian Diaspora, it does not have direct leverage
    over the Armenians in the Western countries. However, Russia has the
    potential of inducing indirect modifications through Armenia to reduce
    the level of demands by the Western Armenian Diaspora.

    Russia - Turkey - Europe - NATO

    After the war in Georgia, Turkish and Russian relations became
    warmer as Turkey showed support to Russia's actions. Her neutral to
    pro-Russian stand is partly explained by trade motives and secondly by
    a latent desire to distance itself from US interests in the region. In
    return, Turkey expects favors by having Russia exert pressure on
    Armenia to make concessions in Nagorno-Karabakh negotiations, and
    possibly other matters.

    The war was a Russian effort to prevent NATO expansion in the Black Sea
    area. USA replied by establishing a diplomatic post in Crimea. This
    strategically important peninsula, which is part of Ukraine, is
    inhabited by a pro-Russian population and where the Russian Black Sea
    Navy base is located. The Russia-West tension will involve Crimea in
    the near future. To continue to enjoy Turkey's friendly stance Russia
    has to content with Turkey's expressed intent of having continuance
    of Russia's change of stance and intrusion in matters related to

    Unfortunately, on many occasions Armenians have paid too high a
    price for Russian interests in the region, eventually rendering
    Armenia weaker and more dependent on Russia. On the other hand, the
    US administration, while being pressured by its domestic Armenian
    Diaspora, can impose some conditions over the Republic of Armenia if
    it decides to recognize the Genocide.

    The thrust over the status of Nagorno-Karabakh comes from not only
    Turkey and Russia. The West requires secure transfer routes for energy
    resources from Azerbaijan and Central Asia bypassing Russia. In that
    pursuit, it tries to please oil-rich Azerbaijan. A quick resolution
    of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict makes it possible to realize such
    a goal, provided Armenia makes significant concessions. Accordingly,
    the co-chairs of the Minsk group upheld the principle of territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan. The principle of self-determination has gone
    out of the door despite the involved countries' recent recognition
    of independence of separatist formations: Kosovo by USA and France,
    South Ossetia and Abkhazia by Russia.

    Armenia is experiencing pressure on yet another level. In its December
    meeting in Paris, the European Council Parliamentary Assembly's Human
    Rights Monitoring Commission - PACE - proposed an extremely drastic
    measure to punish Armenia through suspending its voting power in
    the European Council. The decision was made on grounds that human
    rights conditions in Armenia were not acceptable. It was related to
    the continuance of imprisonment of opposition members regarded as
    political prisoners. While the Armenian democrats should welcome the
    airing of such concerns it is impossible not to notice a concurrence in
    timing of the Commission's decision with concerted efforts of several
    parties to exercise pressure over Armenia during the Nagorno-Karabakh

    Hypocrisy of the West

    It is ironic that the European Council recognized the results of
    the presidential election in Armenia as legitimate, and went on
    even further by appreciating " the progress in the election process"
    over the previous years. Yet the very same Council declares the same
    country to be in violation of Human Rights because of the presence
    of political prisoners.

    Is not recognizing the results of the presidential election, later
    turning around and talking about Human Rights violations at a crucial
    time of negotiations a well planned means to exert pressure over
    Armenia? Is the suspension of a mere 6.8 million dollars designated
    for Millennium Ventures program planned for 2009 on the same grounds
    of human rights violations just a coincidence? Meanwhile the West
    approves 4.5 billion dollars to Georgia without mentioning the same
    unacceptable Human Rights conditions, grants in France political asylum
    to Irakli Okruashvili - the former Defense Minister of Georgia, and
    is mum about the massive attacks on South Ossetian civilian population.

    The same European Council endures dynastic transfer of power in

    On March 18, 2009, Azerbaijan will conduct a referendum. It is
    proposed to remove the clause from the Constitution that bans the same
    person being elected President of the country more than twice. If
    the referendum is successful it will effectively make Ilham Aliyev
    a life long President.

    While this proposal has nothing at all in common with the European
    standards of democracy, the European Council remains silent. The
    reaction of the European Council regarding to the expected massive
    forgeries in the referendum will be another measure to evaluate the
    true mission of that organization in the region.

    Democracy and Pan-Armenian Strategy

    Bearing in mind the potentially disastrous outcomes of the above
    developments, Armenians everywhere, in the Armenian Diaspora and
    the Republic of Armenia, need to work out a clearly defined joint
    strategy and an action plan. While external factors are out of our
    control, building a humanistic oriented democratic Armenia depends
    only on Armenians. This will not only lay grounds for repatriations
    in future, but also combat current external pressures on Armenia in
    Nagorno-Karabakh negotiations. Our history, values, rich cultural
    heritage, an established Armenian Diaspora in the Western countries
    are all significant factors and ideal internal resources for building
    democracy in our country. Notwithstanding, we currently face huge
    political pressures within our society, and it is expected to get
    worse with the damaging effects of the world economic crisis on
    Armenian economy.

    Ironically, while Armenia promotes the democratic principle of
    the right to self-determination and counters calls for territorial
    integrity regarding Nagorno-Karabakh, it exercises the undemocratic
    practice of having political prisoners at home. Releasing the political
    prisoners, initiating an immediate political dialogue between the
    Armenian authorities and the opposition, and diffusing the tense
    political atmosphere are vitally importan t for a country involved
    in its future-defining negotiations.

    It is high time that we coordinate our efforts to circumvent
    manipulations hatched up by major geopolitical forces that today,
    once more, are playing the Genocide card to the tune of their interests
    and to the detriment of Armenians and Armenia. A pan-Armenian strategy
    would provide the means to neutralize such efforts.

    Without a pan-Armenian strategy, external influences will significantly
    increase the pressure on Armenia in these historic critical times, and
    could lead to unacceptable concessions, for both Nagorno-Karabakh and
    the process of the recognition of the Genocide by the international
    community. We have to realize that Nagorno-Karabakh negotiations
    will decide not only the future of it but also Armenia's existence
    as a whole.

    There are at least two pre-conditions involved in achieving a
    pan-Armenian strategy. The ruling party and the elite in Armenia
    need to show sincere efforts to democratize the system, and fight
    corruption. They must convince that the national interests are ahead
    of personal gains and the desire to hold political power. They should
    stop using the presence of external threats as an excuse to create
    an oppressive atmosphere in the country. They need to be responsive
    to the opinions and positions of the Diasporans.

    Likewise, the political opposition, the intelligentsia, the various
    interest groups, and the Diaspora need to recognize t hat unity
    is crucial, and look beyond immediate limited interests. Armenian
    democrats, inside and outside of Armenia, need to recognize those
    external threats, and hold the survival of Armenia uppermost in
    their minds.

    The measures outlined above will define our collective responsibility
    as a nation towards future generations; and as a nation looking to
    the future we have no right to fail in these momentous times.