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ANKARA: Ergenekon weapons cache unearthed in Ankara

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  • ANKARA: Ergenekon weapons cache unearthed in Ankara

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Jan 10 2009

    Ergenekon weapons cache unearthed in Ankara

    A large cache of weapons, ammunition and bombs was found yesterday
    buried in Ankara's GölbaÅ?ı district as a result
    of a police search based on a map found in the home of Ä°brahim
    Å?ahin, a former head of the National Police Department's
    Special Operations Unit. The operation was launched after Å?ahin
    recently ordered the assassination of non-Muslim minority leaders in

    Å?ahin was detained along with 36 others on Wednesday in the
    investigation into Ergenekon, a clandestine network of groups and
    individuals accused of trying to overthrow the government. Thirty
    types of explosives and bombs as well as two shoulder carried LAWs
    (light-anti tank weapon) were found buried in the ground. Newspapers
    wrapped around the weapons were from the year 2004, the police
    said. According to the initial official list, there were a large
    number of bullets for 9mm guns, two LAWs, 10 hand grenades whose
    serial numbers had been removed and 10 smoke bombs used in training
    with colored smoke. Another boxed explosive was found in the first
    phases of the excavation, the police said. There were also plastic
    explosives buried at the site. The materials found have yet to be
    examined thoroughly at a police crime lab.

    The excavation of the site started on Thursday and continued until
    midday. The teams resumed digging on Friday and located the
    munitions. Excavations were also launched in the Bala, Mamak, Emek,
    BeÅ?tepe, Saklıbahçe and Atatürk Orman
    Ã?iftliÄ?i districts of the city, as well as in the city
    of Hatay, to locate more weapons possibly buried in these areas, based
    on evidence that emerged from investigations following Wednesday's

    The operation started when Å?ahin, whose phone conversations had
    been tapped by police for at least two months, recently gave the order
    to finalize plans to assassinate Armenian community members in the
    city of Sivas. Twelve others were detained in Sivas during Wednesday's
    operation. Police also found evidence that the group was plotting to
    kill prominent figures including Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    ErdoÄ?an, Former Chief of General Staff YaÅ?ar
    BüyükanÄ&#x B1;t, Police Department Intelligence Unit
    Chief Ramazan Akyürek, journalist Fehmi Koru, author Orhan
    Pamuk and some politicians, including members of the pro-Kurdish
    Democratic Society Party (DTP).

    The fields brought to mind a large number of depots of NATO arms found
    buried during an investigation launched by Italian prosecutor Felice
    Casson, who discovered the existence of Operation Gladio, a NATO
    stay-behind paramilitary force left over from the Cold War. In a panel
    discussion he participated in in Ä°stanbul last April, Casson
    said these weapons were found buried in cemeteries, under churches and
    even in caves. Ergenekon is also thought to be a remnant from the
    original Turkish Gladio, which was founded against a possible Soviet
    invasion during the Cold War, but later turned into an organization
    trying to cut off Turkey's ties with the West. The retired generals
    arrested in the Ergenekon investigation seem to have an anti-European
    Union and anti-NATO stance favoring a closer relationship between
    Turkey and Russia and Eurasian nations.

    Analysts said on Friday that the buried weapons might shed light on a
    number of murders committed in the GölbaÅ?ı area
    prior to the Susurluk investigation of 1996, which started when a
    former police chief, a southeastern tribal leader whose men were armed
    by the state to fight separatist violence and an internationally
    wanted mafia boss were involved in an accident near the small township
    of Susurluk while riding in the same car. The police chief and the
    mafia boss as well as his girlfriend, a former model, were killed in
    the accident. No serious arrests followed the ensuing investigation,
    which had exposed, for the first time in modern Turkish history, a
    gang with links to the state.

    Some of the most significant unsolved murders in the area were the
    assassination of Yusuf Ekinci, a lawyer of Kurdish origin, and that of
    retired Maj. Cem Ersever and his girlfriend. Investigators are
    examining possible links between the GölbaÅ?ı
    weapons and unsolved murders in the area in the '90s.

    Ergenekon suspects on the run

    Meanwhile, Lt. Col. Mustafa Dönmez, an Ergenekon suspect whose
    houses in Sakarya and Ankara were found to contain a stockpile of
    bullets, hand grenades and weapons, is now reported to be a
    fugitive. Police called Dönmez's cell phone on Wednesday to
    inform him that an arrest warrant had been issued for
    him. Dönmez, who assured them he would go to a police station
    "right away," disappeared shortly after the phone call. Police claim
    that when they went at the Adapazarı Central Command on
    Wednesday to capture Dönmez, gendarmes told them the area fell
    under gendarmerie jurisdiction and that they would find
    Dönmez. Later, the gendarmerie told police that they had been
    unable to locate Dönmez and that they believed he had escaped.

    Twenty-two hand grenades, five revolvers and a Kalashnikov rifle as
    well as 8,300 bullets were found in a house belonging to the
    lieutenant colonel in Sakarya. The search in another house belonging
    to Dönmez in Ankara revealed three revolvers, two Kalashnikovs
    and a pair of night-vision binoculars.

    Thirty-seven people in total were detained in the latest wave of
    Ergenekon detentions on Wednesday, including six active members of the
    military as well as seven retired generals. In addition to
    Dönmez, police also on Wednesday searched for Bedrettin Dalan,
    a former mayor of the city of Ä°stanbul, but they soon
    discovered that he was in the US. However, some newspapers claimed on
    Friday that Dalan had fled to the US after being tipped off about the
    Ergenekon operation.

    Political clashes over Ergenekon

    On Thursday, one day after the high-profile detentions, Chief of
    General Staff Gen. Ä°lker BaÅ?buÄ? visited both
    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an and President Abdullah
    Gül, with no statement on the content of the talks other than
    to say that they were indeed about the recent detentions in which some
    retired generals and active duty officers were taken into
    custody. Newspapers wrote yesterday that BaÅ?buÄ? was
    seeking special treatment for members of the military. According to
    sources that spoke to several newspapers, BaÅ?buÄ?
    demanded that members of the military be summoned to the prosecutor's
    office instead of being taken into custody.

    Sources also say BaÅ?buÄ? demanded that senior generals
    HurÅ?it Tolon and Å?ener Eruygur, arrested last year as
    part of the investigation, be released pending trial.

    BaÅ?buÄ?'s visit on Thursday came after a six-hour meeting
    of the force commanders on Wednesday evening, convened immediately
    after the detentions.

    10 January 2009, Saturday

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress