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Arrests Skyrocket In Alleged Turkish Ultranationalist Terrorist Ring

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  • Arrests Skyrocket In Alleged Turkish Ultranationalist Terrorist Ring

    by Anne Szustek

    http://www.findingdulcine leged-Turkish-Ultranationalist-Terrorist-Ring.html
    Jan 12 2009
    New York

    More than 100 people in Turkey have now been arrested in connection
    with an alleged plot to overthrow the country's Islamist-leaning

    Over the weekend of Jan. 10-11, 14 more people were formally arrested
    by a Turkish court, part of a group of some 40 people detained, for
    their alleged ties to an ultranationalist, secularist terrorist ring,
    bringing the number of defendants in the so-called Ergenekon case to
    more than 100.

    The supposed network is accused of being behind high-profile
    murders and bombings and plotting to overthrow the Islamist-rooted
    government. The wave of arrests, which followed an investigation that
    revealed a cache of weapons in a forest near Turkish capital Ankara,
    is the 10th of a series of arrests that began nearly a year ago in a
    case emblematic of the widening gulf between Turkey's conservatives
    of two different stripes: ultranationalists who see Turkey as a
    secular nation in which citizens are Turks first, Muslims second,
    and Islamist-leaning politicos who espouse Islam as more important
    than Turkish identity.

    Judges began hearing the indictment on Oct. 20, after a lengthy police
    investigation. Prosecutors allege that the Ergenekon waged their
    violent campaign in an attempt to "breed chaos and public despair,
    paving the way for a military coup and derailing Turkey's European
    Union-mandated democratic reforms," reported Time magazine.

    There was a delay in court proceedings when defendants and lawyers
    said that they could not hear what was going on and the proceedings
    "descended into chaos," reported Turkish newspaper Hurriyet. On
    Oct. 23, the court resumed hearings and ruled to detain 46 suspects
    out of the 86 accused.

    The indictment itself, at 2,455 pages, describes an intricate
    conspiracy involving lawyers, journalists, police, academics, the
    mafia, hit men and former military members, reports the BBC. The
    group is linked to the murder of a secular judge in 2006 and a
    grenade attack on an office of the Cumhuriyet newspaper, which is
    known for its opposition to the government--but takes a liberal,
    rather than a far-right bent. Yet at the same time, Ilhan Selcuk,
    a prominent columnist for the newspaper, is among Ergenekon defendants.

    Time magazine wrote about the case, "billed as an historic opportunity
    for Turkey to rein in renegade security elements that see themselves
    operating beyond the reach of law--many Turks have long suspected
    the existence of such a network, popularly referred to as the 'deep
    state,'" an alleged underground fascist network thought to wield
    power to preserve the vaguely definable concept of "Turkishness."

    Background: The Ergenekon case; nationalism in Turkey

    The Ergenekon group is thought to have named itself after a valley
    in Central Asia that is the mythical birthplace of the Turkish
    people. Due to deep anti-Western sentiment, they hold a strongly
    isolationist stance.

    The government's case against it was kick-started last year when
    a weapons cache was discovered in the house of a former military
    officer. Members of the group face charges ranging from possessing
    firearms to running an armed terrorist organization. The indictment
    also accuses them of creating a hit list of targets, including Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Nobel Prize-winning writer Orhan

    On the night of Jan. 26, Turkish authorities arrested 13
    ultranationalists suspected of planning assassinations of
    dissidents. The group is also thought to have connections to the

    "The Ergenekon terror organisation is known as the 'deep state' in
    our country and organises many bloody activities aiming to create
    an atmosphere of serious crisis, chaos, anarchy and terror," wrote
    prosecutor Zekeriya Oz in the indictment, according to the BBC.

    But anti-Western sentiment, stemming largely from what many Turks
    see as endless pre-EU accession demands, is on the rise as a whole
    within the country. Statistics compiled by the Washington Institute
    for Near East Policy show Turkish popular support for EU accession
    dropping from 65 to 49 percent between 2002 and 2007.

    Article 301, a law that had banned criticism of "Turkishness" was
    amended in late April to criminalize insulting only the "Turkish
    state" and Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic. Previously,
    the law made illegal any communication found to be disparaging of the
    vaguely defined concept of "Turkishness." But with a recent rise in
    nationalism, not all Turks welcome the new leniency.

    Lawyer Kemal Kerincsiz, one of the defendants in the Ergenekon case,
    has brought cases under Article 301 against at least 40 writers and was
    indicted in January along with 12 others for conspiring to assassinate
    known Turkish dissidents, including ethnic Armenian journalist Hrant
    Dink. After Dink was killed by a hard-line nationalist teenager,
    his murderer was photographed being embraced by police officers
    sympathetic to his cause. Novelist Pamuk's statements about the
    Armenian Genocide prompted death threats and a Kerincsiz-led Article
    301 case against him.

    Andrew Anthony wrote in U.K. paper The Guardian about the recent surge
    of Turkish nationalism. Anthony met with former pro soccer player
    Samim Uygun, a leader of a group of businessmen and politicians, who
    believes that foreign investment is a threat to Turkish sovereignty,
    that Israel fancies claims on Turkish territory, that Dink's murder
    "was unimportant" and that Pamuk's writing is but a shill for
    Armenia. Anthony writes, "Uygun saw himself on the center right,
    which set the imagination racing over what a member of the Turkish
    far-right might sound like."

    Opinion & Analysis: Deep state trial polarizes Turkey, emblematic
    of rising nationalism The trial has divided public opinion, reports
    the BBC. Critics say the case is a misapplication of justice. They
    accuse the prime minister's ruling Islamist-leaning AK Party, tried
    earlier this year for trying to Islamize the nation, of targeting
    its opponents and the military.

    "I think this government is using the case to establish a dictatorship
    in Turkey," says Leyla Tavsanoglu, a columnist for newspaper
    Cumhuriyet. "Now everyone is subdued. They have clamped down on the
    democratic opposition and everyone is afraid that one day they will
    be included in another wave of arrests."

    Others contend that the trial is a key step forward for
    democratization. The arrest of two retired generals in the case is
    without precedent in a country with a recent history of coups d'état
    and the military has a strong political presence.

    But as The Guardian's run-in with ultranationalists shows, such
    fervent nationalism has been simmering for years, fomented by seemingly
    endless EU accession demands and what is seen as U.S. foreign policy
    myopia. This has come to the fore in Turkey in public reaction to
    pop culture: both foreign and home-grown.

    The television drama "24," starring Kiefer Sutherland and featuring
    "real-time" accounts of U.S. government stake-outs on terrorist
    operations, has been wildly popular in Turkey. The first three seasons
    of it aired on CNBC-e, a Turkish-owned franchise of the CNBC networks
    that broadcasts financial news by day and subtitled English-language
    programming in the evenings.

    Season 4 featured as its main antagonist Habib Marwan, a recent Turkish
    immigrant, apparently still involved with a fictional terrorist group
    in his country.

    First off, Habib Marwan is not even a Turkish name, but an Arab one--a
    mistake, however often made by Westerners, does not sit well among
    Turks. The season was temporarily suspended. This is not to say,
    however, that there wasn't already popular animosity towards America
    in Turkey.

    On July 4, 2003, U.S. troops in northern Iraq arrested, handcuffed
    and put bags over the heads of a Turkish special forces squad that
    was apparently channeling arms to squads that were fighting a group
    of Kurds, considered U.S. allies in the region. The ensuing coverage
    in the Turkish media rallied the local nationalist cause while posing
    a public diplomacy dilemma for the United States.

    "Kurtlar Vadisi," or "Valley of the Wolves," a Turkish television
    series with a wide fan base, already played off of popularly held
    conspiracy theories in the country, namely the "deep state." The
    very title of the show itself, as well as that of the youth wing of
    the far-right Turkish Nationalist Action Party, is a paean to local
    legend that the Turks were guided out of captivity by a she-wolf.

    A movie spin-off of the series, "Valley of the Wolves, Iraq,"
    was released in 2006. The film, the most expensive made in Turkish
    cinema history, wove in both elements of the 2003 incident as well
    as its penchant for feeding off sentiments held by some segments of
    its viewership.

    Among the characters spun in the movie are a Jewish-American doctor,
    portrayed by Gary Busey, who is intent on taking organs from injured
    Iraqi prisoners for resale in London, New York and Tel Aviv, and a
    bloodthirsty U.S. special forces commander, played by Billy Zane,
    who proclaims himself "the Son of God" and has a picture of the Last
    Supper decorating his base.
