Jan 12 2009
Istanbul. Mayis Alizadeh -APA. Talat Pasha Committee Executive Council
held large meeting in The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul on January 11.
Public announcement related to the initiative of "apologizing to
Armenians" was made at the meeting presided by the chairman of the
Talat Pasha Committee Consultation Council, founder-president of the
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Rauf Denktash, APA Turkish bureau
reports. "The "Eastern issue" used for dividing of Ottoman Empire in
the past turned now into the Great Middle East Project directed toward
drawing of the region's map again. The "initiative of apology" has
no relation to the history, sense and conscience. Such "initiatives"
will damage on our country for a long time. We would like to call the
public attention to that such "initiatives" occur due recommendations
from abroad. The genocide is an international falsehood. We defended
our homeland".
"Armenia is keeping 20 percent of Azerbaijani lands under occupation
for 20 years. Russia, one of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs,
signed $800 arm deal with Armenia last year. There are very strong
Armenian lobbies in the United States and France. Do you believe in
peaceful liberation of Azerbaijani lands in such situation?", APA
correspondent asked Rauf Denktash, who answered: "Everything depends
on Azerbaijan. You must make this problem the prior issue of your
agenda and unite the people. The young people will not forget Karabakh
and will always ready to struggle for liberation of homeland. We,
the Talat Pasha Committee, speak about Karabakh problem to the world
and Azerbaijan will tirelessly struggle".
The Talat Pasha Committee discussed its plan of measures at the
meeting held behind closed doors.
Jan 12 2009
Istanbul. Mayis Alizadeh -APA. Talat Pasha Committee Executive Council
held large meeting in The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul on January 11.
Public announcement related to the initiative of "apologizing to
Armenians" was made at the meeting presided by the chairman of the
Talat Pasha Committee Consultation Council, founder-president of the
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Rauf Denktash, APA Turkish bureau
reports. "The "Eastern issue" used for dividing of Ottoman Empire in
the past turned now into the Great Middle East Project directed toward
drawing of the region's map again. The "initiative of apology" has
no relation to the history, sense and conscience. Such "initiatives"
will damage on our country for a long time. We would like to call the
public attention to that such "initiatives" occur due recommendations
from abroad. The genocide is an international falsehood. We defended
our homeland".
"Armenia is keeping 20 percent of Azerbaijani lands under occupation
for 20 years. Russia, one of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs,
signed $800 arm deal with Armenia last year. There are very strong
Armenian lobbies in the United States and France. Do you believe in
peaceful liberation of Azerbaijani lands in such situation?", APA
correspondent asked Rauf Denktash, who answered: "Everything depends
on Azerbaijan. You must make this problem the prior issue of your
agenda and unite the people. The young people will not forget Karabakh
and will always ready to struggle for liberation of homeland. We,
the Talat Pasha Committee, speak about Karabakh problem to the world
and Azerbaijan will tirelessly struggle".
The Talat Pasha Committee discussed its plan of measures at the
meeting held behind closed doors.