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RA NA Speaker Sends Letter To PACE Member Countries' Parliament Spea

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  • RA NA Speaker Sends Letter To PACE Member Countries' Parliament Spea


    Noyan Tapan
    Jan 13, 2009

    YEREVAN, JANUARY 13, NOYAN TAPAN. In late December 2008 RA NA Speaker
    Hovik Abrahamian sent a letter to parliament speakers of PACE member

    According to the RA NA Public Relations Department, the letter read:

    "As you know, on December 17 PACE Monitoring Committee adopted a
    draft resolution on Armenia, which will be submitted for discussion
    during the PACE winter session, in 2009 January. The draft estimates
    Armenia's fulfillment process of Assembly's former resolutions, N 1609
    (2008) and 1620 (2008) on the March 1-2 tragic events.

    The draft properly confirms the progress recorded by Armenia in the
    issue of creation of a group of independent experts for investigating
    the the March 1-2 events. The draft also confirms the efforts exerted
    by the Armenian authorities for the purpose of initiating reforms in
    various spheres, as it was required by the Assembly, in particular,
    in spheres regarding media.

    Nevertheless, the draft gave negative conclusions on the persons
    imprisoned in connection with the above mentioned events. Such
    conclusions, together with imprisoned persons' political qualification
    and proposed sanctions on depriving the Armenian delegation of the
    vote in PACE are the most alarming for a number of reasons.

    With the expectation of your favorable approach to problems we are
    concerned with, we also attach a memorandum to this letter, which
    will help you to form a better idea about the progress recorded in
    the issues raised in the draft.

    In addition to the main issues voiced in the attached document, I
    would like to draw your attention to the extreme harmful essence of
    the draft, which if being adoped will considerably damage domestic
    stability in Armenia and by intervening in the judicial process will
    fundamentally damage the integrity of state's structures, which is
    based on the principle of power separation.

    It is no less important that the proposed sanction is exaggerated,
    disproportionate and does not correspond to Assembly's previous
    conduct, including towards the other delegations of our region. It will
    be a case of using dual standards and will contradict our collective
    efforts aimed at promotion of cooperation and dialogue within the
    framework of the Council of Europe and Assembly.

    And lastly, the draft with its nature contains serious risks of
    exerting pressure upon Armenia by some forces on the basic problems
    regarding regional policy, which will not be tolerated, but will
    considerably damage our indisputable resolution and efforts aimed
    at strengthening peace and stability in the region. It will be an
    additional and serious pressure upon country's economy reducing foreign
    investors' confidence, which is especially unfair to a state being
    in a blockade especially under conditions of the world economic crisis.

    Thus, taking the opportunity, I ask for support of your country's
    delegation in PACE during further developments on the issue and votings
    to be held in January. I would like to assure you that provision of
    such a support will have no impact on Armenia's readiness to completely
    cooperate with the Council. Armenia is loyal to human rights principles
    stipulated by our country's constitutional right and the international
    commitments we have assumed. Moreover, we are deeply convinced that
    it is impossible to further record progress on the way of reforms
    without a strong and developed judicial system. Nevertheless, we
    do not agree that depriving our delegation in PACE of the vote will
    improve the democratic condition in the country.

    I sincerely trust your judgement and I am hopeful that our
    considerations and the proposed revisions to the draft will receive
    your complete assistance. I am at your disposal if additional
    explanations are necessary, which can emerge around this issue.

    The Republic of Armenia Foreign Ministry, as well as Armenia's
    delegation in PACE are always ready to provide additional information
    or explanations to your delegation for preparing for the above
    mentioned session.