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BAKU: Paata Davitaya: "Azerbaijan And Georgia Are Turning Into The L

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  • BAKU: Paata Davitaya: "Azerbaijan And Georgia Are Turning Into The L


    Today.Az politics/50078.html
    Jan 13 2009

    Day.Az interview with vice speaker of Georgian parliament Paata

    - First of all, we would like to congratulate you on being appointed
    for a responsible position of the deputy head of the Georgian
    parliament. We would like to learn your opinion of prospects of
    further development of relations with Azerbaijan including on the
    parliamentary level?

    - Thanks for congratulations. I am a member of the parliamentary group
    of friendship Azerbaijan-Georgia. For me Azerbaijan is a close state,
    I am a professor of the National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan. No
    matter where I am, when I speak of Georgia I always mention Azerbaijan.

    It is not by accident. Problems of Georgia and Azerbaijan are
    similar. This is primarily the problem of territorial integrity. My
    position regarding Karabakh is well-known: the territorial integrity
    of Azerbaijan must be restored and the Karabakh problem be settled
    in these frames.

    - Heads of external political structures of Georgia and the United
    States signed a charter of bilateral cooperation late last week. What
    role does this document play for Georgia?

    - This is an important, I would even say, a historical document
    for Georgia. It supports the territorial integrity of Georgia,
    raises issue of security of our country, a joint struggle for this
    security. This is a wide concept, which is of great importance for
    us. It proves the appearance of the strategic partner of Georgia. You
    know that the United States have signed such a charter on partnership
    and support only with several countries. This document is among one
    of the main guarantors of Georgia's security. It is important that
    this document was signed today. I think the August events in Georgia
    have promoted its soonest signing.

    - Is the dislocation of US military bases on Georgian territory
    possible on the basis of this document? Is it possible to say that
    the charter rules out the repetition of August events?

    - You know, nothing can be ruled out, this is my personal view. As
    for the dislocation of US military bases in Georgia, the charter does
    not imply it, though it can be considered one of the main guarantors
    of security of the Georgian state. This charter enables the United
    States to act opely in assisting to Georgia. It is difficult to say
    what the assistance imply, today we speak of the financial and legal
    assistance and so on, but it does not imply hostilities.

    It is true that stopping aggression is among its main messages. But it
    would be incorrect to say that the charter promotes the non-invasion of
    Georgia by Russian troops as Russia's actions are difficult to predict.

    - What can you say of ways of normalizing relations with Russia?

    - It is necessary to hold a dialogue with Russia and Georgian side is
    ready to it. The second issue - it is necessary to settle issues with
    Abkhazia and South Ossetia. No one in Georgia will ever recognize
    independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, no one in Georgia will
    ever make any concessions in the resolution of this issue. Taking
    this account I think that it is necessary to settle this problem some
    way and join efforts for the purpose. If this, main, problem is not
    settled in this relations between Georgia and Russia, no problem will
    ever be settled.

    - Azerbaijan and Georgia are strategic partners in joint energy
    problems. Is the bilateral cooperation profitable in the resolution of
    not only our own tasks, but also global issues, especially of energy
    security of Europe in conditions of the current gas crisis?

    - I think this cooperation is very perspective. Such partnership
    between Azerbaijan and Georgia already exists and in case of its
    further deepening and appearance of more strategic tasks, then I think
    our two countries will be dominating in resolution of any other issues,
    especially security and geopolitical problems in the Caucasus.

    Today we see that Europe is searching an alternative to the working
    energy system. In fact, Azerbaijan, that has already created an
    alternative for Georgia, and helps our country, will be an alternative
    for Europe as well. Thus, it is a global issue. I do not want to go
    deeper into this topic, but this is among the main issues, which will
    face us in the future.