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What Is The Israel Lobby?

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  • What Is The Israel Lobby?


    Atlantic Online /01/what_is_the_israel_lobby.php
    Jan 13 2009

    Stephen Walt, of The Israel Lobby fame, launches into the blogosphere
    with a bang:

    Here's a thought experiment:

    Imagine that Egypt, Jordan, and Syria had won the Six Day War, leading
    to a massive exodus of Jews from the territory of Israel. Imagine
    that the victorious Arab states had eventually decided to permit the
    Palestinians to establish a state of their own on the territory of
    the former Jewish state. (That's unlikely, of course, but this is a
    thought experiment). Imagine that a million or so Jews had ended up as
    stateless refugees confined to that narrow enclave known as the Gaza
    Strip. Then imagine that a group of hardline Orthodox Jews took over
    control of that territory and organized a resistance movement. They
    also steadfastly refused to recognize the new Palestinian state,
    arguing that its creation was illegal and that their expulsion from
    Israel was unjust. Imagine that they obtained backing from sympathizers
    around the world and that they began to smuggle weapons into the
    territory. Then imagine that they started firing at Palestinian
    towns and villages and refused to stop despite continued reprisals
    and civilian casualties.

    Here's the question: would the United States be denouncing those Jews
    in Gaza as "terrorists" and encouraging the Palestinian state to use
    overwhelming force against them?

    Ross replies:

    The odd thing is that by Walt's own account, the answer would seem to
    be "Yes," since presumably the rump Orthodox Gaza - run, perhaps, by
    Verbover Jews - wouldn't have an all-powerful lobby shaping U.S. policy
    and public opinion to its specifications. Or am I missing something?

    If the implication is that minus the current state of Israel, there
    would be no "Israel lobby", then yes, I think Ross is missing quite
    a lot. There managed to be an "Irish lobby" for decades in this
    country which survived not on the support of the Republic of Ireland,
    but on the support of Irish politicians, and Irish voters in heavily
    populated areas. The lobby existed independent of the state itself,
    and indeed kept right on going on Northern Irish issues even though
    the territory was part of Great Britain. As long as there is a largish
    population with a strong desire for a state, and an interest in the
    fate of that state's nationals, there will be a lobby for it.

    I share the discomfort with noting the obvious fact that Jewish
    Americans, like every other hyphenated-american, actively seek the
    benefit of their ethnic compatriots by influencing US policy. Other
    hyphenated Americans don't have the same history of accusations that
    they are engaged in a virulent conspiracy to run the world for their
    benefit, and thus we have no need to pretend that all the Turks just
    happen to take a different position on the Armenian genocide than all
    the Armenians do--nay, not even the Turks and Armenians themselves
    bother to claim this. For that matter, I've spent a fair amount of
    time around members of organizations like the ADC, and I've never
    encountered any particular hostility when pointing out the obvious
    fact that their members identify with the Palestinians in part because
    the Palestinians are Arabs.

    But though I understand why statements like this have to be made very
    carefully, if at all, the strenuous efforts to avoid making them
    have become cancerous. The reluctance to state the obvious allows
    Israel's partisans to duck the undeniable fact that AIPAC and so forth
    do actively attempt to influence American policy, and frequently
    succeed. Questions about whether this is really best for America,
    or the world, can be countered with more-or-less sly insinuations of
    anti-semitism. In part because almost the only people who will state
    the obvious are looney-tunes anti-semites who think that there's a
    Jewish conspiracy, rather than . . . Jews acting boringly just like
    every other ethnic group to ever hit our shores. Or Arabs with tin
    ears who come off as mostly mad because they're way behind in the
    ethnic lobbying sweepstakes.

    It will not do my career much good to say it, but here goes. America
    has an influential Israel lobby in large part because of ethnic
    affinity. Not just Jewish ethnic affinity, I hasten to point out. Yes,
    we have a large number of Jewish people--many more than we have
    Arabs. And those Jewish people mostly strongly identify with Israel
    in the conflict. Europe, which has more Arabs, and decimated its
    Jewish population 60 years ago, has more natural sympathizers with
    the Palestinians, and this probably influences their political and
    media coverage quite a lot.

    But America also has an influential Israel lobby because it has a much
    larger group of people who identify, quasi-ethnically, with Israel:
    evangelical Christians who think of themselves as in some way descended
    from the ten tribes of Israel. (Not to mention the lunatic fringe who
    hopes that the Israelis can in some way hasten the End Times. As if
    God could be influenced by a sufficiently robust foreign policy.)

    And then most of the rest of us, because almost all Americans see
    Israelis as sharing a common European cultural heritage that the
    Palestinians do not. (I believe Al-Qaeda agrees.)

    Such identifications are, I'd wager, rooted deeply in our genes--our
    selfish alleles want to advance alleles more similar to them, which
    is why we tend to side with our family against our nation, our nation
    against foreigners, and foreigners against sabre-toothed tigers. Those
    ties are not all-powerful, of course, which is why mothers don't let
    their children kill all the other children on the block. But they
    are often decisive in complicated situations like the one in Gaza.

    So we are the Israel lobby, to a greater or a lesser extent--all
    Americans who think of themselves as more like the Israelis than the
    Palestinians. If the state of Israel were to vanish tomorrow, the
    lobby would remain. It might not be as vigorous as it is now--the
    peace accords in Northern Ireland (and the Republic's prosperity)
    have left the Irish groups with a lot less to do. But where issues
    concerning that territory, and those people, came up, that lobby
    would still spring into action.

    I think there is nothing wrong with having an Israel lobby. In a
    multiethnic society, there needs to be a great deal of tolerance for
    the fact that various ethnicities will still care about what happens
    in the Old Country. And even if I did think ethnic lobbies were evil,
    I'd be out of luck, because they're inevitable. If your relatives are
    in a country, you are going to care what happens to that country. Until
    we allow unlimited robot immigration, we're stuck.

    What's wrong isn't the Israel lobby, but the attempt to pretend that
    there isn't an Israel lobby, or that it consists of the nice folks
    at the Israeli embassy.

    One of the great strengths of conservatism is the recognition that
    all politics is interest-group politics, and all interest groups have
    more or less explicit ulterior motives. It's not an insult to farmers
    to note that there is a powerful farm lobby--and we're not going to
    get good farm policy if we deny this obvious fact, much less demand
    that anyone who points it out prove that they don't hate farmers.