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TIME: A Blip In Hillary Clinton's Senate Lovefest: Bill's Donations

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  • TIME: A Blip In Hillary Clinton's Senate Lovefest: Bill's Donations

    By Massimo Calabresi

    TIME Magazine ,8599,1871526,00.html
    Jan 14 2009

    Things could not have gone more smoothly for Secretary of
    State-nominee Hillary Clinton in her Senate confirmation hearings
    on Tuesday. Completely on top of her brief, Clinton was masterful
    on issues as obscure as America's arctic territorial concerns
    and the Law of the Sea treaty, and she deftly threaded the needle
    on such contentious issues as the fighting in Gaza and historic
    Turkish-Armenian tensions. Republicans and Democrats alike
    were lavish in their praise. Senator Richard Lugar, the ranking
    Republican, extolled "her impressive skills, her compassion, her
    collegiality." California Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer blurted out,
    "I'm so excited to see you here today!" Even firebrand South Carolina
    Republican Senator Jim DeMint said he was "optimistic and hopeful about
    [Clinton's] role as Secretary of State."

    Everything went perfectly. Everything, except for one detail: the
    matter of President Bill Clinton's charitable endeavors, including the
    William J. Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative, and
    the danger that they might taint Hillary Clinton's role as Secretary of
    State. The foundation, according to its public disclosure documents,
    aims to promote "the values of fairness and opportunity for all"
    as well as "health security, economic empowerment, leadership
    development, citizen service, and racial, ethnic and religious
    reconciliation." Clinton described her husband's Global Initiative,
    part of his foundation, as a "pass-through" that funnels money from
    wealthy donors to development and aid projects around the world,
    whose work includes providing AIDS drugs and poverty and hunger
    relief. (See pictures of Bill Clinton.)

    >From the start, the soft-spoken but respected Senator Lugar, in his
    mildest, most diplomatic way, stated his concern that the former
    President's fundraising abroad might create an impression of a
    conflict of interest. "Foreign governments and entities may perceive
    the Clinton Foundation as a means to gain favor with the Secretary
    of State," he said. Therefore, he suggested, "even well-intentioned
    foreign donations [to the Clinton Foundation] carry risk for United
    States foreign policy."

    Lugar, 76, is a paragon of bipartisan collegiality, renowned for
    vigorously pursuing the Senate's mandate to oversee the workings of
    the Executive Branch, even when his own party has been in power. (He
    was one of the more openly skeptical Republican voices on Capitol Hill
    regarding the Bush Administration's plans for post-war Iraq, and was
    an early and influential voice in planning a troop drawdown.) Lugar
    raised his concerns while assuring Clinton of his enthusiastic support
    for her confirmation -- though he publicly warned his old friend from
    the Senate of a potential pitfall on her path. "The only certain way
    to eliminate this risk going forward is for the Clinton Foundation
    to forswear new foreign contributions when Senator Clinton becomes
    Secretary of State," Lugar suggested.

    Clinton answered by citing the lengthy memorandum of understanding
    negotiated between her staff and Obama's transition team last December
    as a condition for her being offered the job. That agreement specified
    that Bill Clinton would disclose all prior donors to the Clinton
    Foundation, provide an annual list of donors in the future and subject
    any proposed donations by foreign governments to a State Department
    ethics review.

    Louisiana Republican Senator David Vitter chimed in with concerns
    about the Clinton Global Initiative, which he noted was not covered
    by the disclosure requirements of the memorandum of understanding, and
    could therefore become a place for anonymous fundraising. (Foundation
    spokesman Matt McKenna says the Global Initiative is, in fact, in
    the process of being incorporated separately from the charitable
    foundation.) Hillary Clinton pointed out that all sponsors of the
    initiative are publicly disclosed. When asked by Senator Robert
    Menendez of New Jersey whether she had committed to continuing
    to disclose such sponsors in the future, Clinton said, "That's
    correct." McKenna confirmed the initiative's intention to continue
    disclosing donors once it spins off the foundation. (See pictures of
    Bill Clinton campaigning with Hillary.)

    Still, Lugar wanted to make sure that he had made his point. In an
    afternoon session, he returned to the dangers of any impression of a
    conflict of interest. "The foundation exists as a temptation to any
    foreign entity or government that believes it can curry favor through
    a donation," he said, and urged Clinton to adopt three additional
    measures: first, to disclose all donations over $50,000 immediately
    rather than in one year's time; second, to disclose all pledges over
    $50,000 by foreign individuals or businesses immediately; and third,
    to submit to the State Department ethics review all foreign individual
    and business donations over $50,000.

    By the end of the hearings, even Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    chairman John Kerry was raising concerns about pledges for future
    donations. "There is a legitimate question, and I think, Senator,
    you'd agree that it's hard to distinguish between a donation currently
    made and -- and acknowledged publicly -- and a donation to be made in
    the future, a commitment made to but not acknowledged publicly." (See
    the members of Obama's White House.)

    Clinton's response was that she wouldn't even know who was pledging
    money to her husband's foundation, but Lugar stuck to his guns and
    issued one final, powerful warning. "I am hopeful that as we go through
    the history of this, that people will not say, well, Senator Lugar and
    Senator Kerry and others were prescient; they saw the problems. And
    we'll get full credit, but that will not be helpful to our foreign
    policy, to you, your husband and the foundation. And this is why I
    plea for you really to give even more consideration. It need not be a
    decision made today, because I appreciate the negotiations have been
    sizable ... But this seems to me to be so important at the outset,
    and this is why I've dwelled upon it, trying your patience and that
    of the committee, because I think it is very important, and I think
    you understand that."

    Clinton's approval by the Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday
    morning is all but guaranteed. But Senator Lugar has laid down a marker
    over the potential for conflict-of-interest questions surrounding
    foreign donations to Bill Clinton's charitable endeavors. And if it
    turns out that Senator Lugar saw trouble before it arrived, it won't
    have been the first time.