17:26 14/01/2009
Today FIFA published its ranking table of national teams and rated
Armenian national team on 112th horizontal. Armenian team improved
its positions by one horizontal. The best three teams of Spain,
Germany and Netherlands lead the table.
1. Spain - 1663 (points)
2. Germany - 1389
3. Netherlands - 1338
4. Italy - 1326
5. Brazil - 1246
6. Argentina - 1180
7. Croatia - 1142
8. England - 1115
9. Russia - 1103
10. Turkey - 1016
16. Ukraine - 909
50. Lithuania - 583
54. Belgium - 548
61. Bosnia and Herzegovina - 517
69. Uzbekistan - 485
70. Latvia - 484
81. Belarus - 420
97. Moldova - 373
108. Georgia - 328
112. ARMENIA - 313
118. Estonia - 260
133. Kazakhstan - 210
134. Azerbaijan - 209
146. Tajikistan - 162
149. Turkmenistan - 149
159. Kyrgyzstan - 112
17:26 14/01/2009
Today FIFA published its ranking table of national teams and rated
Armenian national team on 112th horizontal. Armenian team improved
its positions by one horizontal. The best three teams of Spain,
Germany and Netherlands lead the table.
1. Spain - 1663 (points)
2. Germany - 1389
3. Netherlands - 1338
4. Italy - 1326
5. Brazil - 1246
6. Argentina - 1180
7. Croatia - 1142
8. England - 1115
9. Russia - 1103
10. Turkey - 1016
16. Ukraine - 909
50. Lithuania - 583
54. Belgium - 548
61. Bosnia and Herzegovina - 517
69. Uzbekistan - 485
70. Latvia - 484
81. Belarus - 420
97. Moldova - 373
108. Georgia - 328
112. ARMENIA - 313
118. Estonia - 260
133. Kazakhstan - 210
134. Azerbaijan - 209
146. Tajikistan - 162
149. Turkmenistan - 149
159. Kyrgyzstan - 112