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Iraq: Msgr. Sako: Bagradis case, a kidnap with a tragic ending

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  • Iraq: Msgr. Sako: Bagradis case, a kidnap with a tragic ending, Italy
    Jan 16 2009

    Msgr. Sako: Bagradis case, a kidnap with a tragic ending

    This is how the archbishop of Kirkuk explains the murder of the man
    shot to death yesterday in Mosul. The Christian community is the main
    target for abductions because `it does not respond to violence with
    revenge'. The prelate launches an appeal `for unity' even at a
    political level and anticipates the days for the next Synod of Iraqi
    Bishops: the 12th of May Erbil.

    Kirkuk (AsiaNews) ` `It is a case of a kidnap with a tragic ending'.
    This is how msgr. Louis Sako, Archbishop of Kirkuk comments on the
    murder of 36 year-old printing press employee Chourik Bagrad, whose
    body was found yesterday in the eastern al-Bakr district of Mosul.

    `The tried to kidnap him but he put up a fight ` confirms the prelate
    ` after a brief struggle, the kidnappers pulled a gun and shot him in
    the head'. Msgr. Sako underlines that it is not a case of `religious
    violence: religion has nothing to do with it. These are criminal
    gangs specialised in extorting money from kidnappings'. A similar
    case to that of the Christian, took place in Mosul on New Years Eve,
    saw the abductee tortured and then released after 50 thousand dollars
    in ransom was paid.

    Christians are the main target for these kidnappers because what
    differentiates them from the Arabs and the Kurds is that they are an
    unprotected community. `The Christian community ` continues the
    archbishop of Kirkuk ` is a soft target because they have less
    protection and the relatives do not seek revenge for violent attacks
    against their families. There is no `vendetta'; that is why these
    gangs see them as a sitting target for their criminal activities'.

    Msgr. Sako confirms that every day life is difficult in Mosul.
    Chourik Bagrad, is the most recent victim of the violence, killed in
    `the same city district as Fr. Ragheed and Msgr. Rahho'. Despite
    everything however, he insists that we must not give in to the logic
    of fear and violence, but stay to rebuild Iraq and a new future'. To
    this ends Msgr launches a challenge to the government and Christian
    community: `I ask the government to defend not only Christians but all
    Iraqi citizens, without distinction, from the violence. And I ask the
    Christian community not to give up on the land of it's' birth and to
    remain united'.

    For the Archbishop of Kirkuk, `unity' remains the main stumbling block
    and he does not hold back on his criticism of Christian politicians
    who are divided among themselves and fail to represent the common
    good. Elections are slated for the end of January, but still there is
    no sign of `an outstanding candidate' or a `shared political project
    capable of giving hope to the community'. `Christians are divided `
    he explains ` each part protecting its own interests to the detriment
    of the common good. In doing so they are headed for certain defeat.
    Even the Church must show unity and ask the parties, tribes and
    government to protect the Christian community, which remains a
    minority in this land and has no recourse to arms or militias to
    defend itself. Fragmentation, be it political or religious, saps
    strength and fails to protect the interest of our people'.

    Msgr. Louis Sako, who will be in Rome from January 21st for the Ad
    Limina visit of the Iraqi bishops, has also revealed the date of the
    next Iraqi Synod. Foreseen originally for the end of January it has
    been postponed until May 12th in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, in the north
    of the country. (DS) t=14233&size=A