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Armenian Americans Congratulate Obama on Inauguration

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  • Armenian Americans Congratulate Obama on Inauguration

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel. (202) 775-1918
    Fax. (202) 775-5648
    [email protected]

    January 17, 2009
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Community Leadership Voices Support for President's
    Pledges to Recognize Armenian Genocide, Strengthen
    U.S.-Armenia Relations, and Seek a Fair and Durable
    Regional Peace in the South Caucasus

    WASHINGTON, DC - Armenian American advocacy, civic, religious,
    charitable, and educational organizations joined together today in
    congratulating President-Elect Barack Obama on his inauguration and
    outlining the community's expectations of the incoming Obama-Biden

    The text of the January 17th letter, delivered today to the
    Presidential Transition Office, and a listing of the signatories is
    provided below.


    January 17, 2009

    The Honorable Barack Obama
    The President-elect
    Office of the President-elect
    Washington, D.C.

    Dear Mr. President-Elect:

    We are writing, as the collective leadership of Armenian American
    advocacy, civic, religious, charitable, and educational
    organizations, to congratulate you on your historic election as
    President of the United States and to warmly welcome your
    inauguration to this high office. On behalf of some two million
    Americans of Armenian heritage, we look forward to working with you
    and your Administration to end the cycle of genocide, strengthen
    U.S.-Armenia relations, contribute to Armenia's economic growth,
    and work toward a fair and sustainable regional peace.

    We have, as a community, long admired your principled commitment to
    ending genocide, including, of course, the need for urgent efforts
    to stop the ongoing slaughter in Darfur. As a vital part of the
    growing genocide-prevention movement, our community looks forward
    to working with you from the first day of your Administration to
    end the Darfur Genocide and to help bring peace to this troubled

    As a community, we have been proud that you have stood with us as
    we have worked toward Congressional commemoration, Presidential
    recognition, and Turkish acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide.
    As you have stated so eloquently and repeatedly, the facts of this
    crime are undeniable. The Armenian Genocide is not an allegation,
    as the Turkish government shamefully contends, but rather a widely
    documented mass crime supported by an overwhelming body of
    evidence. Confronting this denial represents an obligation for
    America and the entire international community. Our nation's
    commitment to the principles of the Genocide Convention, which just
    last year marked its 60th anniversary, is rooted in America's
    values and cannot be sincerely upheld in our relations with the
    rest of the world without an outright recognition of the Armenian

    Our government must clearly and unequivocally condemn the 1915
    crime of race extermination by Ottoman Turkey that, during the
    course of eight years, killed one and a half million Armenians,
    emptied vast areas of the Armenian homeland, and inflicted grave
    material harm to every aspect of the Armenian people's cultural
    heritage, depriving it, to this day, of its right to exist on its
    native soil. Sadly, the inevitable consequence of Turkey's refusal
    to acknowledge this crime has been its inability to adapt to the
    changing realities in the region. Rather than being a factor for
    peace, Turkey has actively contributed to increased tension in the
    South Caucasus. Instead of demonstrating a willingness to honestly
    confront the past in the spirit of truth and justice, its leaders
    have sought to pressure other governments to underwrite Turkey's
    historic guilt. The United States should neither be a hostage to
    Turkey's fears, nor a victim of its moral failings. For its part,
    Armenia, which supports international recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide as a core element of its foreign policy, has called for
    the normalization of relations with Turkey without any

    As you have stated on several occasions, America deserves a leader
    who speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide and responds
    forcefully to all genocides. The clarity of your promise is
    particularly welcome in light of the unfortunate practice of past
    U.S. Presidents to use, under Turkey's pressure, evasive and
    euphemistic terminology rather than directly acknowledging the
    Armenian Genocide. The term, Armenian Genocide, is the only one
    that can meaningfully be used to characterize the crime committed
    by Ottoman Turkey. We look forward, in the coming weeks, to your
    firm and principled leadership in clearly and unambiguously ending
    the sad chapter of the U.S. Executive Branch's capitulation to
    pressure from Turkey.

    We are particularly encouraged, in this regard, that you will be
    joined in your Administration by supporters of Armenian Genocide
    recognition, among them Vice President-elect Joe Biden, a 35-year
    champion of this human rights issue, and Secretary of State-
    designate Hillary Clinton, who, in January of last year, so
    eloquently stated that, "our common morality and our nation's
    credibility as a voice for human rights challenge us to ensure that
    the Armenian Genocide be recognized and remembered by Congress and
    the President of the United States." Others in your
    Administration, including incoming Interior Secretary Ken Salazar,
    Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood,
    and CIA Director Leon Panetta have also supported Congressional
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide. We are also pleased to see
    that the Congress will be led by two of the most longstanding
    advocates of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, Speaker of the House
    Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, both of whom
    have repeatedly called for full U.S. recognition of this crime
    against humanity. We look forward to your leadership with these
    officials and others in Congress, among them Senate Foreign
    Relations Committee Chairman, John Kerry, and House Foreign Affairs
    Committee Chairman, Howard Berman, to help bring about
    Congressional recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

    We look forward to continuing, over the next four years, the active
    engagement that we established with you and your leadership team
    during your service in the U.S. Senate, and more recently during
    your campaign for the Presidency. Among the issues that will, of
    course, remain as high priorities on our common agenda will be
    those that contribute to the growth of U.S.-Armenia relations,
    Armenia's economic development, and Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh's
    security. We welcome your commitment to expanding bilateral
    commercial, political, military, and cultural relations, and are
    eager to work with you to increase U.S.-Armenia trade and
    investment levels and to expand our development assistance
    programs, through the FREEDOM Support Act, the Millennium Challenge
    Account, and other avenues. We place, as well, a very high
    priority on U.S. leadership in lifting the Turkish and Azerbaijani
    economic blockades of Armenia and in ending the exclusion of
    Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh from regional commercial and
    infrastructure projects.

    In terms of ensuring a durable regional peace, we echo your call
    for a Nagorno Karabagh settlement that respects democracy and self-
    determination and encourage you to ensure that these principles
    serve as the pillars of any agreement. As you know, a vital key to
    peace, in Nagorno Karabagh and around the world, is direct
    dialogue. For this reason, we encourage elimination of all
    artificial barriers to U.S.-Nagorno Karabagh contacts,
    communication, and other means of increasing our level of mutual
    understanding. With Azerbaijan's President once again threatening
    war, as recently as in his New Year's message, it is more important
    than ever for the United States to strengthen the current
    ceasefire, to work through the OSCE process to secure the
    commitment of all parties to the disavowal of force, and, as a
    matter of high priority for our government, to take concrete steps
    to prevent a renewed war in the South Caucasus. Our ability to
    advance these and our nation's many other interests in this
    strategically pivotal region would be substantially enhanced by a
    concerted effort on the part of our government to expand U.S.-
    Armenia relations.

    Working with you and your White House, Department of State, and
    Pentagon staffs on all of these issues, we will, as you stated in
    your remarks this past January 19th, "build, in new and exciting
    ways, upon the enduring ties and shared values that have bound
    together the American and Armenian peoples for more than a

    Thank you for your consideration of the priorities we have raised
    in this letter and for your years of friendship with the Armenian
    American community. The enthusiastic and broad-based support the
    Obama-Biden ticket received from Armenian Americans during the
    campaign, including endorsements from all our leading civic groups
    and newspapers, reflects our community's confidence in your
    leadership and ardent support for the real change that you have
    pledged in how our government acts on all these issues.

    We join together in warmly welcoming your victory and look forward
    to working with your Administration. In this spirit, we stand
    ready to meet with you to discuss these issues in greater detail
    and also to address the challenges facing our nation both at home
    and abroad.


    Apostolic Exarchate for Armenian Catholics
    Armenian Bar Association
    Armenian Evangelical Union of North America
    Armenian General Benevolent Union
    Armenian International Women's Association
    Armenian Missionary Association of America
    Armenian National Committee of America
    Armenian Relief Society
    Armenian Rights Council of America
    Armenian Youth Federation
    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern U.S.)
    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Western U.S.)
    Hamazkayin Armenian Cultural & Education Association
    Homenetmen Armenian General Athletic Union
    Knights of Vartan
    Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church (Eastern U.S.)
    Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church (Western U.S.)
    Tekeyan Cultural Association, Inc.
    United Armenian Fund
    U.S.-Armenia Public Affairs Committee