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Bomb The Evil Canadians!

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  • Bomb The Evil Canadians!, MA
    Jan 17 2009

    Bomb The Evil Canadians!
    January 17, 2009 11:17 AM EST

    by Walker Bennett, SF Author

    The following is an unabashed, full rip-off (with attribution and
    link) to an article appearing recently on op-ed news. While
    tongue-in-cheek, there is more than just a kernal of truth contained
    in it to make me worried (since I now live in Canada).

    President James Madison was forced to flee to Virginia. The British
    commanders ate the supper which had been prepared for the president
    before they burned the Presidential Mansion; American morale was
    reduced to an all-time low.

    That is from the Wiki account of the War of 1812, the only time the
    USA dared fight a war with Canada.

    The same sort of thing would happen today - Canada would whip the
    sissy Americans easily, and have them writing their anthems about
    it. {The "Star Spangled Banner" lyrics were written when Canada was
    bombing Baltimore in the same war. Francis Scott Key was a distant
    cousin of my first wife and I know all of the family dirt about him.}

    The one thing that may give Americans pause is the security concern of
    creating 30,000,000 insurgents at their front door that can brew a
    beer that is light years superior to Budweiser.


    Bomb The Evil Canadians!

    by Tim Cerantola

    Canadians know Americans better than anyone else on the planet. Unlike
    the rest of the world, as America's next-door neighbour (and little
    buddy Gilligan), we Canadians get a chance to peer over their fence
    and into their backyards every day.

    True. We watch them salute their flag every morning.

    We hear them shoot off their guns and test their military equipment in
    the backyard.

    And of course, we listen to them brag endlessly about America being
    the greatest, most wonderful, supremely amazing, inexhaustibly
    fantastic, prodigiously magnificent, voluminously fabulous,
    immeasurably kick-ass incredible and... well, you follow my drift.

    And, not that any of that is untrue but, why is it, when it comes to
    choosing their leaders, we watch our gloriously superior cousins
    inevitably pick some dim-witted, intellectually challenged blowhard
    who thinks primarily about war and who America should attack next?

    Indeed, unlike we Canadians, who pick our Prime Ministers based on
    their lack of balls and how out of touch with reality they are,
    Americans tend to vote for the candidate who best displays a rugged,
    shoot from the hip, take no prisoners, bomb them into the stone age
    style of leadership.

    I am still in 'wait and see' mode with President-Elect Barack Obama,
    but I'm not too hopeful.

    You see, during Obama's campaign I couldn't help but note that Obama
    was for escalating US military intervention in Afghanistan; he was
    opposed to complete withdrawal of troops from Iraq; he was for
    continuing the embargo on Cuba; Obama was also for hostile
    confrontation with Venezuela's populist (and democratically elected)
    President Hugo Chavez and all other Latin American reformers ` (even
    though Obama speaks of protectionism at home, he demands free market
    access to Latin America). Obama was a former defender of the
    Palestinian people, but is now just another AIPAC toadie in full
    (silent) support of Israel's violation of international
    law/disproportionate bombing of Gaza which has included the use of
    cluster and phosphorus bombs against civilian targets; Obama is also
    for continued expansion of Israel into the West Bank.

    I guess Obama's true litmus test will come when we see him repeal the
    Patriot Act or not ` but don't hold your breath.

    Now I surmise the American people feel safer with war-mongering
    presidents, knowing that the global bad guy (whoever he is this week)
    will capitulate to the American way of doing things rather than risk
    having his country reduced to a smoldering pile of radioactive
    charcoal briquettes.

    And this is why I believe, with a few exceptions; Americans tend to
    vote for the candidate who reminds them most of fictional war hero,

    Seriously, I'd bet if you polled Americans, you'd find many would
    agree that Rambo would make a perfect president. Granted, Rambo would
    not be the type to say please and thank you to any dark "evil"
    mustachioed dictator. No, if Rambo were in charge, he'd just bust him
    one in the kisser. And then, while that no-good, third-world dictator
    was down on the ground feeling around for his teeth, Rambo would
    mumble something stupid like, "Uh..., yo, commie, I'm ready to demand
    my terms."

    You see, American foreign policy experts actually believe that if the
    world's rogue nations (anyone that disagrees with the US) know that
    America is prepared to bomb the living crap out of them at a moments
    notice, they wont make any trouble. Which is why every silver-spooned
    American son of a multi-millionaire, with presidential aspirations,
    knows that to be a successful US president, besides having powerful
    connections and oodles and oodles of money to buy an election with,
    all you need is one thing ` a big stick!

    Now before you minds start wandering into the gutter, the "big stick"
    I refer to has nothing to do with Bill Clinton's well-documented
    skirt-chasing antics. The big stick I reference is the one former
    president Teddy Roosevelt waved during his "Speak softly but carry a
    big stick" speech.

    It was Roosevelt's "big stick" that cemented his presidential
    legacy. In fact, Teddy's big stick was so effective, it has become the
    standard for American foreign policy, not to mention crucial to every
    president's credibility, since.

    Think about it. Harry Truman, Eisenhower, JFK and Ronald Reagan all
    displayed their big sticks and are remembered as presidential greats.

    Remember Jimmy Carter?

    Poor peanut farming Jimbo - though easily the smartest and most decent
    man to ever sit in the Oval Office, Jimmy was too much of a peace
    loving gentlemen to shamelessly wave his big stick around. And so, he
    paid a big price in the presidential legacy department.

    Not so with Theodore Roosevelt. Teddy charged up San Juan Hill with
    his big stick. JFK swung his stick at Fidel Castro and Cuba. Ronald
    Reagan laid on the lumber in Libya, Nicaragua, Panama and even little
    Grenada - teaching those nasty, godless scourges of the free world
    Grenadians a thing or two about...? ... ? ...Club Med?

    Anyway, my point is, Presidents who use big stick politics are likely
    to be remembered as great leaders.

    This is likely why George W. Bush gets so excited about building a
    huge missile defence system in Eastern Europe. Sure, George probably
    doesn't even know where eastern Europe is and, he probably can't even
    spell 'missile defence system' (let alone pronounce it); but at least
    he has enough presidential savvy to realize he needs a really big one
    ` which incidentally explains the how and why of Dubya's presidency
    perfectly ` you see, contrary to popular belief, the chances of a
    total and complete imbecile being elected president of the USA are
    actually pretty good ` especially if you like making war.

    As for Dubya's next war target, well, it may be too late for
    George. I'm sure he'd like to end his final term with a war against
    Iran. As you may have read recently, Iran is still being vilified in
    our 'fair and balanced' western media for their insistence on building
    a nuclear power station.

    Oooh scary!

    To put it in perspective, the puny little country of Armenia has had a
    nuclear power station for 30 years and so far, has not launched even
    one atomic weapon at anyone. (Mind you, I still don't trust them).
    But, I digress.

    I guess Iran is the perfect choice when it comes to selling a war to
    the American public. Iran really can't put up that much of a
    fight. They have lots and lots of oil and, most important of all, Iran
    is already a well-established global meanie with plenty of hate
    appeal. Well it sure beats having to vilify a new country for an
    American public that can't seem to keep their international enemies
    straight. Besides, everyone knows that America likes a good war,
    especially now that they can watch them on TV.

    True, with the way American media portrays war, America's military
    campaigns of late have seemed more like action movies. I often wonder
    whether the average American can tell the difference. Seriously, after
    a week or so, it seems most people don't even remember where or what
    the war was about. They only remember how much they enjoyed all those
    explosions on the TV news, not to mention all that glorious flag
    waving at the end.

    Of course, with George on his way out in a couple of weeks, he has
    very little time and a very serious presidential legacy problem to
    solve. Let's face facts; the man has delusions of adequacy. A majority
    of Americans now view him as the biggest presidential turd of all

    At this point in his presidency, and with his unparalleled ability to
    over-achieve in the under achievement department, a quick little fixer
    upper of a war might help lift his presidential legacy to the level of
    unimportant, if not, full mediocrity.

    And so, I believe this could be a potentially serious problem for

    You see, like Iran, Canada can't put up much of a fight, we have
    plenty of nuclear power stations, we have oodles and oodles of oil and
    we're right next-door. Hey, we're ripe for an American invasion! I can
    almost hear George's war rhetoric now...

    "My fellow Americans, tonight America faces a new EVIL that is a
    threat to American life, liberty and all that America stands for. Our
    intelligence services inform us that for the last 140 years, several
    million Canadians have been amassing along our northern border ` many
    of them armed with hockey sticks.

    I believe something has got to be done to stop these ungodly
    Canadians. As far as this president is concerned, a bunch of EVIL tree
    hugging beer-swilling puck-heads who always say please and thank you
    after every sentence aren't even a real country! Besides, I don't
    appreciate a people who actually think that Canada is bigger than
    Texas. That's why I've decided to bomb their capital,
    Toronto. Goodnight America and God bless."

    Tim Cerantola's humour and political satire has been published in over
    25 magazines and newspapers. When he is not pretending to be a writer,
    he works at his real job working with autistic and special needs
    children. e.jsp?articleId=281474977565949