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Ferrero-Waldner: Region will never attain full potential with NK Unr

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  • Ferrero-Waldner: Region will never attain full potential with NK Unr

    Benita Ferrero-Waldner: EU believes that the region will never attain
    its full potential as long as frozen conflict in Nagorny Karabakh
    remains unresolved

    YER EVAN, JANUARY 16, NOYAN TAPAN. "Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan are
    important countries for the EU, and we want to do more to help them
    advance in the reform process that will bring them greater prosperity
    and stability". The Commissioner for External Relations and European
    Neighbourhood Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner said this prior to her
    visit to Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan on 19-22 January.

    NT was informed by the Office of the EU Delegation to Armenia that
    during her visit the Commissioner will discuss proposals to
    substantially upgrade the level of political engagement with the EU's
    Eastern neighbours in a new Eastern Partnership (EaP). Implementation
    of each country's European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Action will also
    be discussed. In Georgia the Commissioner will discuss implementation
    of the up to 500 million-euro program to re-launch the economy and
    resettle IDPs following last summer's conflict. In Armenia and
    Azerbaijan she will urge renewed efforts to find a settlement for
    Nagorny Karabakh. In her words, " the EU believes that the region will
    never attain its full potential as long the frozen conflict in Nagorny
    Karabakh remains unresolved".