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[Sebouh Z Tashjian <[email protected]>: Azerbaijan’s pol

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  • [Sebouh Z Tashjian <[email protected]>: Azerbaijan’s pol

    Content-typ e: message/rfc822

    From: Sebouh Z Tashjian &lt;[email protected]&gt;
    Subject: Azerbaijan's policy towards Armenia changes only for the worse
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    Azerbaijan's policy towards Armenia changes only for the worse

    Chief order of the authorities to put out Armenia armed to the teeth
    and ready to attack peaceful Azerbaijan is brilliantly carried
    out. The only trouble is that no one, including authors of the
    information themselves, believes these old tales any more.
    15.01.2009 GMT+04:00

    For the past 20 years Azerbaijan's policy towards Armenia and the
    Armenian nation has been deteriorating so that it couldn't be
    worse. It was exactly at such state of affairs that we entered into
    2009. After the Azerbaijani President's New Year's address saying `we
    won't give in, we will return, etc.' there began to circulate another
    story on Russia's selling Armenia weapons with a total cost of USD800
    million &#xA6;

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The matter is dealt with rather seriously, on the
    level of Foreign Ministries of the two countries. The interesting
    point is that in the neighbouring country there are politicians who
    even came to the point of declaring that Russia has sold the weapons
    not to Armenia but to a third country. It is incomprehensible however
    to whom so much artillery could be sold through Armenia: to Iran,
    Turkey or&#xA6; Georgia? Here rather an interesting conclusion can be
    made: through Armenia Russia delivers armaments to Turkey, which, in
    its turn, passes them to Baku. And all this in addition to the weapons
    that Turkey delivers to Azerbaijan in the framework of bilateral
    agreements. Let us admit that all this looks rather absurd even to the
    Agitation and Propaganda Department of Baku. And there is absolutely
    no doubt that these are propagandistic tricks. Chief order of the
    authorities to put out Armenia armed to the teeth and ready to attack
    peaceful Azerbaijan is carried out brilliantly. The only trouble is
    that no one, including authors of the information themselves, believes
    these old stories any more.

    It is quite explicable why such information should have appeared in
    the heat of the &#xC2;&#xAB;gas war&#xC2;&#xBB; between Russia and Ukraine as
    a result of which Europe remained gasless. Azerbaijan is eager to
    become monopolist-supplier of gas into Europe that is why it warns
    beforehand: `We are willing but Armenia may hinder'. So, if Europe
    needs Azerbaijani gas, it will have to &#xC2;&#xAB;put Armenia in her
    place&#xC2;&#xBB;. And the place that Baku leaves for Armenia following
    Turkic tradition is quite clear ` it is either a dessert or
    death. However, Baku forgets an important thing: monopoly in energy
    supplies sooner or later begins to glitch. No one can guarantee that
    with gas transited through Turkey, problems will not occur. They may
    occur and might be even more serious than the Ukrainian bargain over
    the price and transit conditions.

    But let us revert to the delivery of the mythical armaments. The
    Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry is inclined to disagree with any negative
    answer from the Russian side. `The Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan
    urges for extra explanation. Russian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Vasiliy
    Istratov conveyed Tuesday to Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar
    Mammadyarov the reply from the Russian Defense Ministry in response to
    Azerbaijan's inquiry about the alleged armament supply to Armenia from
    the 102nd Russian military base in Gyumri. The reply did not satisfy
    the Azerbaijani side and the Foreign Minister urges for more detailed
    explanation of the fact,' said Elhan Polukhov, Press attach&#xD0;&#xB9; of
    Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, the Azeri press writes.

    The Azerbaijani &#xC2;&#xAB;Propaganda Ministry&#xC2;&#xBB; seems to havconsidered everything
    except for one important condition: there exist many international
    agreements on armament. In the framework of the CFE (Conventional
    Armed Forces in Europe) Treaty both Russia and Armenia are to inform
    what, where and in what quantities they have. Any change in quantity
    of this or that unit, or re-deployment must immediately be reported to
    the OSCE headquarters in Vienna. Vienna has received no such
    information, and at least on this account the transaction of USD800
    million cannot be considered true. At any moment any of the CFE Treaty
    signers can express desire to carry out inspection of treaty
    fulfillment. So far no inspection has revealed violations. On the
    contrary, the treaty is periodically violated by Azerbaijan which
    actively purchases weapons from the Czech Republic and, particularly,
    from the Ukraine ` armour equipment and long-range multiple launch
    rocket systems `Smerch'. The information that Baku is actively
    renewing its military equipment is a well-known fact in the UN, where
    expert-countries annually deliver information on new transactions. But
    here Azerbaijan contrives to ascribe everything to Armenia by
    attributing its armament to Yerevan and misleading both its citizens
    and viewers of news sites. There is no need to always respond to the
    moves of the &#xC2;&#xAB;Propaganda Ministry&#xC2;&#xBB;, since in this way
    Armenia puts herself in the position of an excuse-maker. However, from
    time to time it is necessary to show the successors of Dr. Goebbels
    that sense of proportion is essential even when lying; though as the
    Reich Minister liked to repeat `lie must be collosal to believe it'.

    Karine Ter-Sahakyan
    &#xC2;&#xAB;PanARMENIAN.Net&#xC2;&#xB B; analytical department

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