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Eastern Partnership initiative not fully clear to Russia yet

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  • Eastern Partnership initiative not fully clear to Russia yet


    Eastern Partnership initiative not fully clear to Russia yet
    16.01.2009 18:21 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Russia doesn't eye the Eastern Partnership as a
    transparent project, RF Duma member said.

    `If the matter concerns economic and humanitarian cooperation between
    the EU and six former soviet states, no problem will emerge. However,
    the European Union should not use the project as a tool to
    artificially separate the friendly countries from Russia,' Konstantin
    Kosachev, chairman of Duma committee on international relations, told
    a news conference on Thursday.

    Eastern Partnership project aimed at establishment of closer ties with
    Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine and also Belarus, if it accepts
    the democracy improvement plan.

    It offers countries better trade access, economic assistance and visa
    liberalization as they adapt to EU standards.