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Pamuk: Islam not irreconcilable with West

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  • Pamuk: Islam not irreconcilable with West

    The Daily Yomiuri, Japan
    Jan 17 2009

    Pamuk: Islam not irreconcilable with West
    The Yomiuri Shimbun

    This is the fifth installment in a series of interviews with leading
    intellectuals both at home and abroad about the present state of world
    affairs and potential solutions to challenges that face the world in
    2009. The following is excerpted from an interview with author Orhan
    Pamuk, 56, winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature.

    The Yomiuri Shimbun: Some say the 21st century will be a century of
    confrontation, namely, a "clash of civilizations." Do you agree with

    Orhan Pamuk: In a Harvard classroom, Samuel Huntington's thought [of a
    "clash of civilizations"] is an interesting idea. There is some truth
    in it. But as it is represented by the international media, it has
    become an idea that only paves the way to more fights and more
    killings. The West kills more Muslims they are afraid of or
    embarrassed by and say, "It's a clash of civilizations." It is not a
    clash of civilizations. It is just killing people.

    People with different origins, ethnic backgrounds, opinions, races,
    religions, even with a history of fighting each other, should and can
    live together. This is an ideal I believe in. You may say, "Oh, naive
    Orhan, they can only kill each other." But I don't want to believe
    that humanity is that bad.

    I don't think Palestinians and Israelis can live happily in the same
    street and kiss each other for at least another 50 years. But Kurds
    and Turks have been living [alongside each other]. If the Turkish
    government is wise, they can continue to live [side by side] for quite
    a long time. So what I believe sometimes may contradict what happened
    in history. Cynics do not have ideals. I have ideals. I believe that
    this is possible and that's why I want Turkey to join the European
    Union, which has higher standards of respect for different cultures
    and multiculturalism.

    You may say, "You are naive--look at your book 'Snow.'" I have a
    character who lives through all these dilemmas. He naively believes,
    like me, in all these things and falls into politically bad
    situations. But I don't want a cynic's life.

    The Ottoman Empire realized coexistence to some extent.

    You can only run an empire with a sort of tolerance. Do not think that
    they were multicultural, like EU or American tolerance. They were
    totally different. It was inevitable. If you are running an empire,
    you have to be tolerant to minorities. What I respect most in the
    Ottoman Empire was that they did not impose Islam too much. They
    imposed Islam, but compared with [the extent that] the West [imposes
    its values], relatively less. An empire is always multiethnic.

    There has been a long history of confrontation between Western and
    Eastern cultures. Istanbul has been a powerful symbol of that
    confrontation and coexistence.

    Some people only point out the confrontations of cultures in their
    lives, give their energy to focus on confrontations. I always point
    out how harmoniously they come together. Some people go out and only
    see head-scarved girls and mini-skirted girls and the conflict. Some
    people go out and see how they do not notice each other and live in
    peace in the streets of Istanbul. It depends on what you want to
    see. But, yes, this is a country where all the contradictions are
    abundantly available and visible. Is that a bad thing or a good thing?
    Politicians, groups who want to get people's attention through
    cultural difference, through secularism and conservatism, dramatize
    these things.

    Turkey is more politically troubled than socially troubled. If there
    is a social problem, that is poverty--class distinction between the
    rich and the poor. But politically, the representatives of the
    secularists, who are heavily embedded in the state apparatus,
    secularists and the army, are clashing with the popular Islamic
    voters. And this clash is really harming the country. Both sides are
    responsible for it. And most of the time lower classes and women
    suffer from it. Islamic boys can go to universities, but women cannot
    if they wear head scarves. Islamist politicians go into the parliament
    and enjoy life, but women cannot if they wear head scarves. The
    suffering of lower classes is not represented in the media. Turkey's
    first problem is that there is so much class difference between a very
    rich, leading bourgeoisie, making 50 percent of the national income,
    and the immense poverty. This real conflict is expressed through
    secularism, Islam and the army, and this kind of politics.

    Turkey is a multicultural country, not politically but ethnically and
    religiously. But I do not only see these problems as East clashes with
    West. Only after September 11th was "clash of civilizations" set as a
    sort of a standard model for the world.

    While more then 99 percent of the population is Muslim, the state is
    secular. Some say this secularism has reached its limit. Don't you
    think this secularism is unnatural?

    You are defending the argument of fundamental Islamists or
    fundamentalist secularists. There are fundamentalist secularists who
    think Islam is the problem, but I do not think so. There are also
    Islamic fundamentalists. Your opinion is valid and very popular in
    Turkey. But I disagree. Yes, Islam is a religion which does not stay
    in the private sphere. It is not only about personal beliefs, but also
    about how to run a country, about laws and governments. And the rules
    are in the traditions of Islam and Koran. But this is the argument of
    ultraradical secularists, which can only base its power on the force
    of the army. Many people like me think that most of the Turkish people
    believe at the same time both in a blend of secularism and a blend of

    I believe in secularism. I believe that public life should not be
    ruled by the laws of the religion. But Islamic tradition is not like
    that. Up to now, public life in Turkey has not been ruled by the rules
    of traditions of Islam, but the rules of secularism. I am a
    secularist, but a liberal secularist. There should be a harmony
    between the people's wishes and secularization energy. Turkey's
    secularists should be also liberal. We have secularists who base their
    power only on the army. That damages Turkey's democracy. Once in 10
    years we have a military coup. In the last 10 years we have not had
    one, thank God. But every day, the army says don't do this, don't do
    that. I don't like that. But it doesn't mean you are an Islamic
    fundamentalist. I am also troubled by the raise of political Islam. So
    I am squeezed by two sides, but I don't have to take a side.

    Secularism is now combined with nationalism in Turkey. This
    combination has depressed ethnic minorities including Kurds, Armenians
    and Christians.

    There is an obvious rise of nationalism in Turkey. There are many
    reasons for that. One is the anxiety of those ruling classes who think
    that if Turkey joined the EU, their interests will be damaged. Another
    is that, unfortunately, some part of the Turkish Army is upset about
    negotiations with the EU. Turkey's improvement in democracy is
    developing in parallel with Turkey's relationship with the EU. Some
    measures were taken by the previous and present governments, which I
    am happy about. More freedom of speech, more respect for minorities,
    more multiculturalism--unfortunately half of them are done just to
    enter the EU.

    I made it clear for the last seven years that I am for Turkey's
    joining of the EU. Some of my political problems that I suffer were
    due to that. But compared with the previous generations of Turkish
    writers, it is nothing.

    I see the EU not as a cultural model, though I am more westernized
    than a regular Turk. I believe that Turkey should rely on its own
    traditional culture. In fact I wrote novels like "My Name Is Red" to
    highlight that culture. But I think politically and economically it
    would be good for Turkey. Politically, it will be good because there
    are some EU standards for democracy: free speech, respect for the
    human rights, minorities, et cetera. Secondly, I also believe that
    once you join the EU you are militarily under the umbrella of the
    EU. You don't have to reserve so much money for military
    spending. Also, once you are in the EU, Kurdish separatists will be
    happier, too. Negotiations should go faster. But it is not going that
    way, unfortunately.

    The EU is sometimes called a Christian club.

    This is what conservatives in the EU say. Europe should decide whether
    EU is based on Christianity or based on "liberte, egalite,
    fraternite." If Europe is based on Christianity, Turkey has no place
    in that. But if Europe is based on the secular ideals, Turkey, which
    has some land in Europe has a place.

    It is not natural for Turkey to join the EU at all. But once it is
    achieved--I am now pessimistic, it does not seem to be [going to be]
    achieved soon--it will have a significant meaning. I know from the
    questions by Iranian and Arab journalists that the liberals and
    secular intellectuals of the Muslim countries are so much interested
    in and have so much hope because they also want to have secularism and
    liberal democracy in their countries. They also want to economically
    flourish and enjoy freedom and liberty, respect for private life and
    minorities in their countries. Turkey's entry into the EU will have a
    strong impact on world politics, especially in the Middle East and
    Islamic regions.

    Pamuk is a Turkish author and Nobel laureate whose representative
    works include "My Name Is Red" and "Snow."

    (Jan. 17, 2009)