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Nancy Pelosi Demands Investigating Of Bush Administration

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  • Nancy Pelosi Demands Investigating Of Bush Administration


    19.01.2009 14:56 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears to differ
    from Barack Obama on at least two issues -- tax increases and
    investigating the Bush administration.

    The speaker said Sunday she wants Congress to consider repealing
    President George W. Bush's tax cuts on those who make more than
    $250,000 well before they expire at the end of 2010.

    Obama had promised to repeal the tax cuts as well during the
    presidential campaign, but he has since backed off that pledge,
    signaling he would be willing to simply let them expire.

    "We had campaigned in saying what the Republican Congressional Budget
    Office told us: Nothing contributed more to the budget deficit than
    the tax cuts for the wealthiest people in America," Pelosi said in
    an interview broadcast Sunday.

    The California Democrat is pushing the president-elect to make good
    on a campaign promise that attracted some of the harshest criticism
    during the election -- that Obama is a typical tax-and-spend Democrat
    who would raise taxes once in office.

    Obama has fought that label, emphasizing that any tax increase would
    be directed at those making more than $250,000. However, since the
    election, Obama has been reluctant even to raise taxes on people
    making that much.

    Lawrence Summers, Obama's choice for director of the National Economic
    Council, signaled again Sunday that repealing the Bush tax cuts would
    not be a priority.

    "Our overall focus is going to be on increasing spending," Summers
    said in a broadcast interview. "Beyond that, there's going to be a
    substantial tax cut for the American people."

    Obama's aides worked with House Democrats to craft their version
    of an economic stimulus package. The package, unveiled last week,
    includes $550 billion in government spending and $275 billion in tax
    cuts. It would leave the Bush tax cuts in place.

    Pelosi said she won't use the stimulus bill to address tax cuts. But
    she also said: "I don't want them to wait two years to expire. Because
    they have to prove their worth to me as to how they grow the economy,
    how they create jobs."

    Republicans disputed the House speaker's assertion about tax cuts
    and the deficit.

    "There is no CBO report that says tax cuts for the wealthiest are
    the biggest contributor to the deficit," said Don Stewart, spokesman
    for Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. "Though we agree
    that Congress must carefully pursue ways to strengthen our economy,
    raising taxes won't grow jobs."

    A spokeswoman for House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio said
    Pelosi's assertion was "flat wrong."

    "Congressional Democrats need to understand that the best way to
    get our deficits under control is to confront spending," spokeswoman
    Antonia Ferrier said.

    Also Sunday, Pelosi said she wants an investigation into whether the
    Bush administration broke the law when it fired a group of federal

    "I think that we have to learn from the past, and we cannot let the
    politicizing of, for example, the Justice Department, go unreviewed,"
    she said. "Past is prologue."

    House Democrats last week recommended a criminal investigation to
    determine whether administration officials broke the law in the name
    of national security. Along with the fired prosecutors, the report
    cited interrogation of foreign detainees, warrantless wiretaps,
    retribution against critics and manipulation of intelligence.

    The president-elect has been more cautious, saying he wants to look
    to the future, not to the past.

    "I don't believe that anybody is above the law," Obama said in a recent
    television interview. "On the other hand, I also have a belief that
    we need to look forward, as opposed to looking backwards."

    Pelosi and Obama appear to be on the same page when it comes to
    entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare. Obama announced last
    week that he would convene a "fiscal responsibility summit" in February
    to focus on long-term problems with the economy and the skyrocketing
    costs of benefit programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

    "I support what he wants to do, to have a summit of that kind,"
    Pelosi said Sunday. "We will have our own initiatives in the Congress
    to work with him on that."

    Pelosi said everything should be on the table, including benefit cuts.

    "The only thing we didn't want to put on the table is eliminating
    Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid," she said, the Associated
    Press reports.